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  1. Tronko
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    The latest TU5 update includes, among new and exciting bugs, the posibility to transport rucksacks in vehicles, which turns this mod obsolete. Seems that developers, almost a year after the game release, finally realized that moving rucksacks with a vehicle doesn't unbalances the game and now this mod, fortunately, is not needed.

    As I'm not interested in this game anymore (too many bugs and poor design) I don't know if after the update this mod is broken at all, or it's still useful to some extend.

    Anyway, thanks to everyone for making this mod (even with its faults) the most downloaded and endorsed of all SoD mods in Nexus to the date.

    And thanks to UL, for releasing another DLC without bothering to address all the glitches in the original release.
  2. Sabatasso
    • member
    • 12 kudos
    I'm having an issue... after moving to the farm house in the middle of the valley the roads were simply too bumpy to make the trucks a viable means of transport for the backpacks. Even the slightest bump literally skyrockets the sacks all over the place and I have to spend ages to find them again. Looks totally awesome though hehe One time I found the last sack nearly in Marshall and I approached the farm base from the opposite side...

    If it's possible to "glue" the sacks to the truck it would be nice, even though it's cool to see them bounce back and forth as you turn. I'd prefer not having to scavenge half the map to find them again though.
    1. spanian77
      • premium
      • 52 kudos
      What you're asking is handy but unrealistic as hell.The way it is now is no cheating,however the way you seek them to stuck is. I recommend to use this mod on "safe" roads and not off road.
    2. Sabatasso
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      I don't know about the technical stuff but I completely disagree that one thing is cheating and the other isn't. In real life it's even illegal to transport cargo untied., so if anything it's sensible and not cheating.
    3. Tronko
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      I agree that vehicle physics, as implemented actually, are not very helpful. For example, a very known issue is when the vehicle is running at 2 k/h and suddenly flips over with no apparent reason (you can't avoid what you don't see), with terrible consecuences. This can also happen when running over zeds. Maybe it's wise to wait if developers can fix that mess (among many many other issues) before trying something.

      The "rucksacks glued to truck" solution sounds good, if well implemented. Time will tell.
    4. Sabatasso
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      I've changed vehicle physics somewhat. I also increased the speeds which actually makes pretty sure that the rucksacks fly all over the place but on real jumps and not invisible ones. I can safely drive around with some packs on the plane as long as I don't put the pedal to the metal with this tweak.

      "Vehicles Redone" on this site. (The link was insanely long so it's better to just search for it) Karstedt will probably make a more thorough car file in the future. I just made a quick and nasty fix with some minor fine-tuning.
    5. robsmith
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      The bags have straps, its entirely probable that you could tie them in the truck, making it less 'cheaty'.
    6. 2017Nexus2017
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      so the speed increase counteracts the load whenever you have a rucksack on the back?
  3. Karstedt
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Removing the physics damper on the rucksacks makes them a little easier to keep in the truck and also stops the crazy damping of acceleration deceleration.
    I have not found a way to stop the crazy suspension rocking though. Changing mass had little to no effect.

    Line 67: set damping = 0
    1. Tronko
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Altering the parameters of "UL_Rucksack:OnReset()" procedure does not resolve anything, because that procedure is called ONLY when the rucksack is dropped by a survivor as reward for escort him/her to his/her enclave in a scavenging mission. Has nothing to do with the rucksack behavior when loaded in a pickup, so your change does not work as you may think.

      The only noticeable modification in the rucksack physics behavior after making your change is that the rucksack will not bounce on the floor when a survivor drop his/her reward, so my advise is leave the default value as is.
    2. 2017Nexus2017
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      damping is already at 0.
  4. dodolodo
    • member
    • 10 kudos
    It would be great if instead of allowing the player to climb higher obstacles, which in turn allows the players to to things they weren't suppoused to be able to do, you could make it so the back of the truck would be considered a climbable object, so the parkour animation played when one tried to jump near it, like with fences and low walls.
    1. 2017Nexus2017
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Actually yes that would be the better option, so why didnt you do it?
  5. LordRowland
    • BANNED
    • 3 kudos
    Ok so hear me out, I know it may be a major pain in the backside but here is the idea. You get options to build at base camp so you pick the vehicle area, then it gives the option to choose a vehicle parked in said area, build toolbox like the cabinets at home base, BOOM no more need to go home with rucksacks It would be epic and I know you've got the skill... I see the makings of greatest mod ever... Am I appealing to your curiosity as much as I am curious myself?

    NVM UL just stated they were releasing an add on that does this WOOT!!!
    1. 2017Nexus2017
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      what does the toolbox do?
  6. SilentResident
    • supporter
    • 466 kudos
    Hello dear fans!

    I am happy to announce to you that it is not this mod's fault that the cars are moving slowly when rucksacks are loaded on them.

    After extensive playtesting, I discovered why the trucks move slowly when rucksacks are loaded to it.

    Here are the results from playtesting:
    1) - No matter what, a rucksack loaded on your car, will make the game treat that particular car as being "a car which has zombies grabbed on it". And thus, it changes the car's speed from normal to slow speed. This will remain in effect for as long as the "zombie remains on the car". So, removing the rucksack will make the game think that the zombie was removed/killed from your car, and thus, its speed will return back to normal. Note: this affects just the car's speed and not the car's durability in any ways.
    2) - Rucksack weight reduction does not solve the issue! - some people just get the impression that reducing a racksack's weight by editing the rucksack's file, will fix the issue, and make the car in question, move faster, But it won't really do so! Car speed is unaffected by the rucksack's weight! Each rucksack is being counted as "zombie", regardless of what weight it does has. And each rucksack will be always treated as a zombie, no matter if there is really a zombie or not grabbed on the car! With few words, the rucksack will be treated as a "zombie" and therefore slow your car speed down to a fixed percentance, and this will last for as long as that "zombie" (rucksack) is killed (removed).
    3) - Each Rucksack loaded on your truck, will force the truck to switch from " Default Free Speed" to "Grabbed By Zombies Speed". This speed is set by the game, not by the weight of the rucksacks loaded on your car!

    Hope that helps with the confusion the people have about why reducing rucksack weight won't make your cars that have rucksacks loaded on them, run faster.

    1. Tronko
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Driving a pickup truck loaded with 6 living survivors (4 inside and 2 on the truck's back) should slow down the truck also (just like with zombies), but this is not so because the survivors doesn't account for the overall truck weight. I'm not sure if zombies body weight affects vehicle behavior because I never have noticed slow downs in any vehicle/truck with zombies attached. But the reason for that is I'm usually a cautious player and I always try to avoid being surrounded

      Do not get me wrong hehe I'm not claiming that your theory is wrong, I just think if that were really the problem source, 100% of games should suffer from that issue, including myself, and that's not what happens.
    2. 2017Nexus2017
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      > 3) - Each Rucksack loaded on your truck, will force the truck to switch from " Default Free Speed" to "Grabbed By Zombies Speed". This speed is
      set by the game, not by the weight of the rucksacks loaded on your car!

      Is there a way to edit this "grabbed by zombie speed" car speed value?
    3. 2017Nexus2017
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I still drive at normal speed even with zombies grabbed onto the truck so what's going on?
  7. 2017Nexus2017
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    editing mass value from 10 to 0 doesn't make the car pickup trucks go faster. They still drive like they have 3 tonnes of stuff on the tray but from what you describe, the bags only weigh 10kg....
  8. RabbitGardenia
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    so how to fix problem with slowed cars with loaded rucksack?

    First of all, please forgive me for my poor English:
    I think the problem is
    The reason is not on this MOD.
    The truck slowed down because of a configuration file.
    Folders from Games(Engine>config)Please make sure you have a good investigation.
    The bug was officially fixed
    But you can still correct it.
    I don't know why.
    You can try to configure the old version of the game for State Of Decay YOSE
    please remember It's this file.(Engine>config) cause Vehicles travel slowly!!
    1. 2017Nexus2017
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      WHich part?
  9. iambayer
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I better mod would make it so when you access the vehicle storage and put in a rucksack it'll appear in the bed.
  10. Felpas
    • supporter
    • 8 kudos
    I can't climb in the modern pickups trucks only on the old ones
  11. Motzar
    • member
    • 0 kudos

    I've the version without dlc