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  1. goblinshuffle
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    but what about 28 days later. dont you know that zombies run? why would you take away the fear factor out of them?
    1. Grumpfbork
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      • 9 kudos
      28 Days Later had infected humans, not zombies. Those were living people, infected with a virus that made them extremely enraged. They could still be killed like a normal human being, for instance by stabbing them or by shooting through the heart, and they could starve to death.
    2. ToshiroIreto47
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      Grump has a point... Infection is different from Living Dead.

      pretty much the only thing that keeps me away from Left 4 Dead... those Olympic Runners...
    3. RiZLA
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Ah s#*! guys. Running zombies exist in some movie. I guess you'll just have to delete this mod!

      Seriously though. I prefer my zombies like I prefer my women. Sloooow..
    4. IzzacSturnburg
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Only zombies who have reached Rigamortis are slow. Fresh kills should sprint no problem: rigor mor´tis the stiffening of a dead body accompanying depletion of adenosine triphosphate in the muscle fibers.
    5. NCRForever
      • supporter
      • 16 kudos
      Well, technically, everyone is correct. They were just infected people. BUUUUT, how do they take into consideration the fact that the "infected" could live months without eating or drinking anything. Not to mention the rot factor. Plus, if you take in 28 Weeks Later, it clearly shows that the bite kills you AND brings you back.

      Then we have the zombies from Devil's Playground: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1453245/

      Which were VERY fast. Not to mention masters of parkour. But, some people prefer the slow, shambling zombies that Romero brought to the table back in the day. Which in all honestly, were the best. Me? I enjoy both.
    6. Shadohz
      • premium
      • 43 kudos
      Well if you want to be technical-technical everything is wrong with zombies. First off is that humans don't have the pounds of force required to tear out huge chunks of flesh. Human males have on average 83 lbs with incisors and 150 with molars. This is why we gnaw as opposed to other animals who tear away flesh. An undead human is going to have an even weaker biting force as the tissue in the body decays. As the undead got older more essential functions would fail (hearing, muscle tone (for walking and motion), eye sight, etc). As human sources dried up zombies would turn to other animals or even each other as a food source. A world populated with the undead would last at most 2 months on a global scale. Zombies would die of dehydration long before starvation. If they were somehow able to survive without water then this might extend out a few months however ultimately they'd die out due to their parasitic nature. The whole rising from the grave is absurd when you consider in most civilized areas people aren't buried with all their parts. The type of zombies would've had to be freshly-dead, with all/most of their organs, and put in a very shallow grave. Infected humans are actually more plausible than "reanimated flesh".
    7. happylopez
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      Zombies (dead people who are reanimated somehow) can´t run, and is not a matter of rigor mortis, rot, fresh or not fresh. Run depletes energy that only the Nervous system can produce (On games, stamina) Dead people doesn´t have an active nervous system anymore, so they can´t run. That´s what i think
    8. IzzacSturnburg
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      • 1 kudos
      we are talking about a imaginational disease , they are dead they wouldn't have a functioning nervous system and even if they did, the main energy of the body comes from the mitochondria which is in cells mostly blood, and if you lose that blood you lose that energy and eventually get tired and eventually pass out then bleed out. The nervous system does not produce energy, it carry's it. Don't you realize if you cut the blood to a limb it becomes hard to move and loses feeling? Why? Cause blood gives the nervous system energy. So in a story sense of dead living people, Rigamortis would only be the believable side to running vs slow. These are dead people they wouldn't have a nervous system to work with thus they wouldn't be able to walk, the only other believable side to this story is that a virus would take over the cells that are some what remained and makes them functional without the organs to produce energy from the cellular system in the mitochondria thus having energy in a dead body by sharing the viruses life energy with a barely functioning dead cell to reanimate. And even then! How would a virus bring the nervous system to life to give functioning motor skills without a fresh dead body with most of its nervous system not destroyed by decay and how would the virus provide any life to give it motion? Only explanation is the virus would multiply and affect all the cells it can that are still alive, and only give partial energy to the nervous system. So no matter how you twist it, even a fantasy setting you can't make it 100% believable as a story. And besides all organs work together to deliver carbohydrates to the cells for energy in the blood, the mitochondria converts the energy (carbs) to fuel (ATP). Documented :The main function of mitochondria is to metabolize or break down carbohydrates and fatty acids in order to generate energy. Eukaryotic cells use energy in the form of a chemical molecule called ATP (adenosine triphosphate). - Who ever taught you that in school was lying to you about the nervous system.
    9. garethgggg
      • supporter
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      gl shagging sloths
    10. steveyos2
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      installing this just to make ya'll madder 
    11. Deviancy
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      They aren't zombies in 28 days, they're humans infected with a mutated form of rabbies.  The traditional zombie is what Romero came up with and Romero's zombies don't run, but he did make a few talk in later films which was odd.
    12. Howmanymorenexusjannies
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      no, it's been debunked 
  2. ProtoChimp5
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Good mod but the zombies are still running in Lifeline and Breakdown just crashes immediately
  3. ohmydearmod
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Very nice mod. Though what I noticed is there's a lot less zombies and freaks around, and Screamers are non-existent.
  4. DamienXIII
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Pretty good mod.....

    But after installing it all Screamers and Bloters are simply vanish from the game.....
  5. Alphachocolatetruffle
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Do they run for a split second BEFORE the code kicks in, or is it just not working?

    If it helps, I used vortex to download this. I'd prefer not to have to download it manually, but if the Vortex download doesn't work... I don't have any other choice if I want it, lol.
  6. fenrir345
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    does this work with Yose
  7. Gil32
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Can you tell me the codes that you made to make the zombies not run so i can make it compatible for qmjs mod for the non yose version 1.6?
    1. vin2579
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      Also wondering this, did you have any luck?
    2. LabroLEO
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      I doubt bloodychlyde is still alive to reply to your post tho. It's been a long time...
  8. Byroncode
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Thanks, works like a charm.
  9. Cutz
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Doesn't seem to work...
  10. Archades1
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Works like a charm. They have a power walk scuffle, but either way it's gonna be helpful when outnumbered by hordes of zeds. Because they power walk, you can get outside their Awareness Radius faster and level up those gun skills for your survivors much easier..