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  1. jkrojmal
    • premium
    • 8,048 kudos

    Welcome to my Sleeping Giant Inn overhaul.
    Now go explore, there's a little more to see than shown in the images!
    The ESP have been cleaned with the SSEEdit auto clean feature and flagged as an ESL, so it doesn't count towards the ESP limit.
    Big kudos to Teabag86 and DrMonops for the testing.

  2. jkrojmal
    • premium
    • 8,048 kudos
    Regarding an All in one file

    There’s no plans at the moment for a merged all in one file. With the exception of The Blue Palace and The College of Winterhold all of the interior files are ESL flagged so don't count towards your mod limit. Being modular, you can pick and choose the interiors as you like.

    Please understand that the additional workload involved would most likely kill off this series. Any patches, updates, bugfixes would need to be redone.

    So please enjoy the flexibility of modular files to pick and choose what you want and any compatibility patches Janquel makes. If you want an AIO you can merge them all yourself, there’s good tutorials on Youtube about how to do it, I recommend the one made by GamerPoets, but please be aware that you won't even gain an esp slot in the process.

    We understand that VR doesn't have the benefit of ESL support, but that none of us have headsets to test with so we can't officially support VR. So unfortunately, end user merging will be necessary in that case. I hope this information helps.
  3. UmPlayerRuim
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    For some reason the stairs to the underground floor don't appear, there's only floor in place so I can't access it
    1. Czasior
      • premium
      • 586 kudos
      Most probably you're missing a patch for your lighting mod.
  4. laila123
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    this mod is not compadible with conveniant inns
    1. SmartMaya
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      Uh yea cuz it changes the entire inn lol. pick one and stick with it ahah
  5. DarthTyranus66
    • supporter
    • 15 kudos
    What lighting are you using in the screenshots?
  6. noha7ers
    • premium
    • 28 kudos
    Why the floor that should be made of wood is divided into wood and stone? Does anyone know how to fix it?
    1. Czasior
      • premium
      • 586 kudos
      Most probably you have split meshes by another mod (most probably Lux, ELFX) and it isn't covered in the patch for this mod (or you haven't installed it).
  7. deleted178113750
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    Great mod
  8. seniormunchie
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I love all your overhauls, but I'm very sick of the uneccessary downstair bathes that always have bugs regardless of patches etc. Please just add variants in the future that have the option to opt OUT of the broken bathing areas entirely.
    1. Janquel
      • premium
      • 1,269 kudos
      I doubt JK'll end up making multiple versions of any of the mods, because that causes fragmentation for support and what patches are needed, etc.

      If you need help debugging stuff, feel free to ask, but also realize you don't have to use every mod if they don't fit your style.
  9. Saxman
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    I'm CTDing when entering the inn. Papyrus log says:

    [alias Player on quest DA13Level1DialogueQuest (FE42CDB0)].da13playerscript.OnItemAdded() - "DA13PlayerSCRIPT.psc" Line 29
    [03/21/2023 - 02:51:20PM] Error: Cannot call GetStageDone() on a None object, aborting function call

    Any help would be appreciated.
    1. Janquel
      • premium
      • 1,269 kudos
      So papyrus log isn't generally what you want to use to debug crashes. You want to use a crash logger, like this: or the .net framework if you're still on the older .exe of skyrim.
    2. Saxman
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Found the culprit: JS Purses and Septims Load Screen and Static Patch SE
    3. CommanderMiranda
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      Thanks for this, I was having the same problem and it was driving me crazy!
  10. seniormunchie
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Strangely, this mod alone gives Embry's face in Riverwood the blackface bug and literally just him.
    Only possible conflict would be Embry's shack which I highly doubt is causing the problem as is it doesn't modify Embry himself at all besides his daily routine.
    Patch? Anything? This is literally my only conflict in my 300+ running mods and its driving me bonkers
    1. Janquel
      • premium
      • 1,269 kudos
      It can't be this mod as it doesn't include any facegen, or edit any NPCs (just moves their spawn points in a couple cases, and Embry isn't one of them).

      What you'll want to do is install More Informative Console and click on Embry and see who changes his base last (not his ref - the base). That's one of the two culprits. The other one will be whichever one is winning and providing the facegen mesh, which in his case will be 0003550B.nif and dds.

      The dark face bug happens when the record info (0003550B - that's the base which you get when you click on Embry) and the generated mesh (that's the nif file) don't agree with one another.
  11. Fear2288
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Getting this strange issue I haven’t encountered before, not sure what’s causing it or how to fix it…

    On the main level of the inn, the section of the floor underneath the fire pit is using a stone floor texture, yet most of the rest of the floor is using a wood texture.

    I know this isn’t intentional, I’ve used this for a long time and only noticed it recently. It’s like that section of the floor is applying the wrong texture, like the floor cant decide if it wants to be all stone or all wood. 

    I tried uninstalling and reinstalling all texture mods I’m using but it’s still present. 

    Any ideas? 

    Maybe I’ll try reinstalling the inn and see if that fixes it…
    1. Czasior
      • premium
      • 586 kudos
      Probably one of your mods provides split mesh for the farmhouse interior elements. Most probably it comes from your lighting mod. Which one do you use?
    2. Fear2288
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      I mainly use ELFX Enhanced, tried using Window Shadows RT for a bit but it was causing all kinds of issues in other places and I removed it. 

      The issue I described was occurring both with WSRT active, and after I got rid of it. 

      Also, I’ve always wondered…in the patches installer for JK’s various things he has that optional ELFX one, then sometimes just an ELFX Fixes one, and sometimes both. 

      I’ve always been confused by that…if I’m using ELFX Enhanced and ELFX Fixes do I toggle the basic ELFX option in his patches? Or is that for when someone is just using basic ELFX (not Enhanced and not ELFX Fixes)? 
    3. JKiander1121
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Any luck fixing this? I'm actually having the same issue and wondering what;s caused it

      Just did some tweaking ELFX Shadows was the problem for me
    4. Czasior
      • premium
      • 586 kudos
      With patches for ELFX or ELFX Fixes (use one or another in the case of Sleeping Giant Inn) you shouldn't encounter such problems. But it depends if you've installed the patch from the main installer or from the loose files. Apparently, we forgot to include modified meshes in the loose file archive (I'll correct it asap).

      I'm not sure how it behaves with ELFX Shadows, but with meshes overwritten by these from the patch, everything should be alright.

      When it comes to choosing regular ELFX or ELFX Fixes patch - if it's not stated otherwise (in the article containing patches description or in the installer), you probably need both of them. Load ELFX Fixes' patch after ELFX one.
    5. Butterfliezzz
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      I have the same issue I use Lux.
    6. rs413
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      If anyone uses The Unofficial Lux Patch Hub Patches, Do Not check the Sleeping Giant Inn Patches in the FOMOD, that at least solved it for me. I kept getting Sleeping Giant Farmhouse nif 3, 6 and the wall nif with the issue of stonefloor popping in place where wood from JK Sleeping Giant Inn should be. I also had both stretched and warped wood wall textures on the affected nifs.  
    7. WyrmStryk
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      @rs413 thank you for telling me, was having the same problem, your solution fixed it!
  12. Hardy62
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Is it normal that the mod ignores the weather outside, and rays of sunlight fall from the windows, despite the fact that there are clouds and rain outside?