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  1. turtlegodking
    • premium
    • 461 kudos
    Patch Requests:
    NPC Overhaul/replacer/equipment patches will be made on request.
    Multi-patches can be requested up to a 10 way patch
  2. InDarkestNight
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    What sort of patches are you looking to make here? The only ones listed so far are patches for various appearance overhauls.

    I've personally been making a bunch of mods for AI Overhaul myself, and was even contemplating uploading them. I've also been unable to find a patch for Cutting Room Floor and RS Children (at least one that's meant for the original version, the new 'realistic' version doesn't have patches for some of the things the original does, such as Falskaar, though if you're willing to make a patch for CRF and RSC, why not the 'realistic' one too?). I don't know if such things would be up your alley, but its the only things I can think of. Though I guess I wouldn't mind seeing a few more patches for Inconsequential NPCs. The patches available are great, but I do still run into a few things without patches from time to time (though most of them I think are city overhauls, which would be monumentally difficult to make).
    1. turtlegodking
      • premium
      • 461 kudos
      Well since I can not make NPC faces myself or script them myself it will be more like making it so mods work togeather which could be overhauls, replacers, weapons/armour ect.
    2. InDarkestNight
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      From my understanding, patches for RSC just re-use faces from the main mod for kids from other mods. Obviously, this sorta brings the 'clone' problem back into the game, but at least the heads look better and there's more than one. I wouldn't have suggested if it I thought it required actually creating new assets like meshes and whatnot. I've personally thought about just re-using Dorthe's head for Froa, but honestly I don't know enough about the mod to do that. I've only fairly recently started using it, so I don't know much about it. I do know about this fail-safe such mods tend to trigger, but honestly I wouldn't know the first thing about how to deal with it since I've never looked into it.
    3. InDarkestNight
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Bah, its useless. I tried to make my own patch, and used Sofie's face for Froa, but for some reason it wouldn't work. Looking at SE patches for the two, they all seem to have head meshes. I have one of those stupid computers that won't let me port meshes, and my messed up creation kit won't produce head meshes either. There apparently was once a patch for LE, but its long since vanished. All I know is one used to be located on the cutting room floor page, and another was made by a mod author called 'detectivetoaster'. Fml...
    4. turtlegodking
      • premium
      • 461 kudos
      I can look into it but I can not guarantee I can do it
    5. InDarkestNight
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      I don't understand what went wrong either. What I did was try to set her to use Sofie's headmesh, though with her hair color changed to the one she has in CRF (brightblonde I think its called). This accomplishes nothing though. All patches for CRF I can find in SE come with a headmesh, but I don't see why that would be necessary for me. I'm setting it to use a mesh that obviously already exists, in fact most RSC patches seem to do this. Why does mine not work? Even leaving the hair color the same doesn't fix the issue. Then again, I've never tried to set an npc to use another's headmesh before, though I have been able to swap meshes for armor with the exact same procedure without issue. For instance, I made a mod that swaps the meshes for the iron shield and banded iron shield, because I thought the banded iron one made more sense for draugr and the 'iron shield' has actual bands on it anyway. Why does that work but not the head replacer?
      edit: I managed to export her 'head' from the CK. This fixed the neck seam, though her head mesh is still glitched. Fml...
  3. tor58
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