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  1. Greenstone51
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Does it work with the DLC update?
  2. BanhMiThit
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    It keeps changing my load order randomly, and there are no option to save and load a specific order... it is very frustrating i have to change load order multiple time a day. Really could use an update :(
    1. dev614
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Yup. It's not worth using Vortex for this game solely because of this reason. No one wants to sort their mods every single time they start Vortex.
  3. McMessenger
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Would it be possible to add in support for voice-line replacements? I know it's entirely possible to backup the game's original sound files before replacing them manually, but having it be automated through a mod manager would be nice. I tried manually changing the root folder path from "~mods" inside the Paks folder up one to "Content" instead, then adding some folders to fit the install file structure - but I haven't had any luck in configuring it in that manner yet.
    1. BSODberserker
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      This is a brilliant suggestion. I don't get why no one has replied to you sir.
  4. SolidRhoads
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Encountered an issue where the load order function is essentially broken; Basically no matter what order I put my mods in on the load order screen inside vortex, they all get deployed to the game mods folder prefixed with "ZZZZ-". I've already tried Uninstalling and Reinstalling both extensions (RoN Vortex Extension and the Unreal Engine Mod Installer Extension). Its as if there's still a file somewhere with the load order cached, or the load order starting value cached, and the extension is operating as if prefixes "AAAA" through "YZZZ" have all been exhausted. I can then go in an manually edit the prefixes in order to change the load order, but Vortex VERY MUCH does not like that. So, still seeking a true fix. Here's a screenshot of the folder just for extra illustration.
    1. FenrisWulffe
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      I am having the same issue. This seems to defeat the point of setting up a load order. A load order that resets every time you launch Vortex anyway. Hoping for a fix soon. Might try the other Ready Or Not extension.
  5. LucasM1911
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    The mods weren't correctly deploying for me sadly. It did create a folder called ~mods, however it only seemed to deploy only some of the mods. Most of them just aren't there. I've tried restarting vortex and the game of course but that hasn't worked. It installed the Unreal Engine mod installer as well. Both it and the Ready or Not Vortex extension are enabled.

    I really don't know why it's not working. If anyone could help I'd greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
  6. SakuraSuraisu
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    My friend, I saw you hided you mods because of the recent 1.0 update conflicts I suppose, I hope you update Armed SWATSOF Baker Group (v2) and more of your mods one day. I'm a huge fan of your mods, you are the best modder... thank you endlessly for your efforts my friend.
  7. Aezox13
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Please be aware that Unreal Engine Mod Installer got updated to 1.1.2 few hours ago and since then RON mods in Vortex are completely broken
    Mods are not deployed/symlinked to install folder while they are however activated
    1. Aezox13
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Fixed in Unreal Engine Mod Installer v 1.1.3
  8. shydragon55
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    does'nt work for me it give's a error if i deploy the mod's i use witch is a voice and combine skin
  9. Pickysaurus
    • Community Manager
    • 687 kudos
    Nice job! I assume the Ready or Not mods load properly from the ~mods folder and the load ordering works as intended? 

    Most of the mods with manual instructions don't suggest this path (although there's not really any reason why it won't work!) 
    1. BeYkeRYkt
      • premium
      • 59 kudos
      Yeah, everything is working fine
    2. Pickysaurus
      • Community Manager
      • 687 kudos
      Great! I've turned on the download buttons. Could you also make your primary image for this page the same as gameart.jpg? 

      That way it appears in the "Games" tab with the same image both before and after it is installed. 
    3. BeYkeRYkt
      • premium
      • 59 kudos
    4. Pickysaurus
      • Community Manager
      • 687 kudos