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  1. FMZeth
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    I'm very confused. I've been using this extension for months, only handling one mod at the time (Expanded Paths Pylons and Fences), and had no problems. Today I added the following mods:

    I closed Vortex and went to launch to the game, paused, realised I wanted to have Vortex handy in case the game broke so I could disable mods as needed (I run 100+ on Skyrim and tested them each as added this way and am very stable.), so I reopened Vortex...and it was no longer managing Jurassic World Evolution. I looked down the games list and it no longer listed Jurassic World Evolution. I checked the Vortex Extensions and it said this extension had failed. I tried restarting my computer. Failed. I tried disabling and re-enabling. Failed. I tried disabling, removing, and re-installing using the "Find More" button, found the extension, tried installing, and it gave me a syntax error within Vortex, but then added the extension anyway and...Failed. I figured, well, maybe it doesn't like the spaces in the name of the extension directory (since Vortex documentation says that's a no-no), even though that would be odd since it has been working fine up to now. So I tried manually installing it using a modified name with no spaces. Failed.

    I tried looking for Vortex updates, nothing. And no recent updates have been applied that would have broken it. No recent Windows updates either.
    Nothing I try will allow Vortex to re-assert management of the Jurassic World Evolution game files, because the extension is suddenly failing all the time and I cannot figure out why. This makes me extremely reluctant to even try launching the game because I'm not sure if the mods will be applied or not, and if I can't enable/disable them and the game gets screwed up...I'm up a creek without a paddle.

    Any ideas?

    When I try the "Drag and Drop" manual installation method or the Browse for File installation method, they both say that the info.json file is missing, even though I can see clear as day that it is right there.
    1. W2nTeD
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      Use previous version of this extension (for now). As seems the last one seems broken. I'm try to fix it when I can!
    2. FMZeth
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Version 0.0.2 is working great! Thanks for the assistance!

      I hope you can get an extension that works for both Steam and Epic distributions working soon; I appreciate your work very much.

      I guess I jumped the gun a bit. I saw that I could now manage Jurassic World Evolution in Vortex again, and that it saw all of my mods and registered them as active and deployed, but when I play the game, none of the mods are active. I've tried deactivated and re-activating them all, and completely removing them all (and their archives) and re-adding them from scratch, but Vortex is not adding any mods to the game using extension 0.0.2, although it does now recognise that the game and mods exist.
    3. W2nTeD
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      Try reinstall all of them, using Vortex!
    4. FMZeth
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      I have deleted, removed (mod and archive) and reinstalled all of them from scratch. I also verified that my game directory path was correct and that Vortex was being elevated properly when activating/deactivating them. It didn't make any difference.
    5. W2nTeD
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      Look where Vortex store the files! it can store it some where else not in game directory! If this true you need repack the files into the archive and make sure that root folder in archive must be "Win64" ("Movies" for some mods) not "FolderName/Win64".
    6. FMZeth
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      My installation of Vortex stores unpacked mod files in
      "C:\Users\[USER]\AppData\Roaming\Vortex\[GAME]\mods/masterlist" .

      Are you saying that needs to be inside the game folder at
      "A:\Steam\steamapps\common\Jurassic World Evolution\Win64" ?

      Or do you mean the mod staging folder?

      Or do you mean the path that Vortex to look to for managing the game?

      Thanks for all your patience and help.
    7. W2nTeD
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      "A:\Steam\steamapps\common\Jurassic World Evolution\Win64" ?
      Yes, that what i'm mean, but in game root directory (without "Win64").
      Same for archive with mods you downloaded. It must have full same folder structure. For example "Win64/ovldata/Content0/Terrain/DeciduousTerrain/filewithextension.ovl(in this case it's "DeciduousTerrain.ovl")".

      ?Or do you mean the mod staging folder?

      I'm using "Hardlink depoyment" instead of "Symlink" ones! So i can't sure that "Symlink" ones work as intended! When in my use it doesn't work as intended, so then i'm swith to "Hardlink" ones.

      Or do you mean the path that Vortex to look to for managing the game?
      Path must be game root folder as i'm described above!
    8. FMZeth
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Okay, when I try to change that path I get this error.

      I would much rather use hardlink deployment because I don't trust symlink deployment at all (I use hardlink deployment with all my other installed games), but the only option I'm given when I use this extension is Symlink.
    9. W2nTeD
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      Okay, when I try to change that path I get this error.
      Folder you want to use must be empty! You can copy content of that folder you want to use in temporary place set this folder up, after what, just copy all content you copy to temporary place back to that folder you cleaning up!

      I would much rather use hardlink deployment because I don't trust symlink
      deployment at all (I use hardlink deployment with all my other
      installed games), but the only option I'm given when I use this extension is Symlink.
      As far as i'm know to use "Hardling deployment" you must select folder in the same disk drive where is you game is installed!
    10. FMZeth
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Okay, I understand you now, after comparing to other games managed by Vortex.

      My game is installed at
      "A:\Steam\steamapps\common\Jurassic World Evolution\"

      My Vortex Staging Folder is at
      "A:\Vortex Mods\jurassicworldevolution\"

      and my archives are at
      "A:\Vortex Downloads\jurassicworldevolution\"

      I have purged all previous archives and installations and reinstalled them with the new paths and directories. Still no mods are working.
    11. W2nTeD
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      My Vortex Staging Folder is at
      "A:\Vortex Mods\jurassicworldevolution\"

      and my archives are at
      "A:\Vortex Downloads\jurassicworldevolution\"

      Cannot say for sure but "Vortex" can not work correctly, if folder with archives and folder with unpacked mods located in different path!
      For example you should try set paths like this: "LocalDrive:\Program Files (x86)\Black Tree Gaming Ltd\Vortex\{Here should located your "Downloads" & "Mods" folders}"

      Also check where "Vortex" is deploying unpacked files. (what directory it copy the files)
    12. SOCLJP
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      This is old, but I am having the exact same issue - all my mods keep showing up in the "Jurassic World Evolution" game folder rather than going into ovldata, like they used to.
    13. W2nTeD
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      In most cases you must repack, archive by yourself. As most mod authors don't pack their files with full path! That because, when you try install mod it copy it contents in game root directory instead of ovldata folder. For this extension to correctly work archive must have full path, or repack archive with full path! Like "game root folder/Win64/ovldata/..."
    14. FMZeth
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Just came back to the game after a while playing other stuff.

      This right here was everything I needed to know to get things working.
      Thanks again, W2nTeD!
    15. easywolf
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Hello there, having the same issue, can I ask a question? How come I didn't need to do this for JWE2 using Nexus/Vortex?

      Like when I first started downloading mods for JWE2 somehow they all went into a folder called JWE2/Win64/ovldata

      But for JWE1 they all went straight into the JWE1 folder. I looked inside that folder and saw no win64 or ovldata folders.

      Can I take every file and folder that I know came from Vortex and create manually a folder called JWE/WIn64 followed by a folder called JWE/Win64/ovldata and cut and paste everything in there?

      On Vortex, when it asks you to point to a game's folder should I just point it to the new ovldata folder? or I should always leave it pointed to the main JWE2 folder. Crazy how everything went so well with JWE2, maybe modders figured out to always put the correct path?

      When you go to Mods on vortex and click on Open Games folder and Open Game Mod Folder it's the same folder for JWE1, which is the game's main folder, but for JWE2 I see the main folder for the game folder and the JWE2/Win64/Ovldata folder for the game's mod folder. Effin crazy there is no way to edit that.
    16. W2nTeD
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      As i'm know extension for JWE 2 was made by other person. Extension for JWE 2 will automatically move all mod content, to folder you mentioned, when this extension does not do this, (since there is mods for JWE 1 that need to be placed in a game root directory!)

      So what you can do is, download mod manually extract is content to temporarily place, with correct folder structure! Example i'm already provided, but here you go again "Win64/ovldata/Content0/Terrain/DeciduousTerrain/filewithextension.ovl(in this case it's "DeciduousTerrain.ovl")".

      You can then drag and drop this folder into bottom window, (where it can add your files into Vortex) and it will create archive for you!
    17. easywolf
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Hi, so I manually create an archive folder first, like in the location you mentioned as an example, than I drag that folder into vortex?

    18. W2nTeD
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      Hello, sorry for delay. Yes, and be sure to check everything is correct with path!
  2. skankmisfit
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    any way to make this work with epic games version
    1. W2nTeD
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      I don't have copy of Epic Games ones. To add Epic version i need to know Epic version game id (codename)! That can be seen in properties of game desktop shortcut. If you can give me that, i will add support for Epic ones version!
    2. EzioKP6
      • member
      • 0 kudos

      Here u go sir, thank you :)
    3. W2nTeD
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      That not what i'm expected to see! Can you make screenshot of all game shortcut properties, as i'm cannot say for sure, that this is what i'm looking for! But anyway thanks for sharing this.
    4. EzioKP6
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      2. com.epicgames.launcher://apps/373a4372c20540aca7fdd880d27fa49a?action=launch&silent=true (The shortcut I have on my desktop)
      4. (game executable properties)

      Thanks in advance :)
    5. W2nTeD
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      Thanks for help. I use that information you gave me and update this extension. As i'm mention before, i don't have "Jurassic World Evolution" of "Epic Store", it will be great if you test it with Epic's version.
    6. EzioKP6
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you so much \UwU/

      But while trying to install from vortex manager, this happens and this
    7. W2nTeD
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      Adding "Epic Games" version seems broken the extension, I will try to check and fix, what cause this! When I can!
  3. JWTRex2313
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    so how do i mod? what software do modders use? blender doesn't work. Thank you so much for your time have an amazing day
    1. W2nTeD
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      Mod what? The game itself? If yes, this is not the right place, for ask! It is just extension for the game, you need to procced to "Jurassic World Evolution" nexus page (even better it forums) and ask such questions there, but not here!
  4. Pickysaurus
    • Community Manager
    • 687 kudos
    Hey W2nTeD,

    Thanks for sharing this extension! 

    I was wondering if you'd be able to change the primary image and the gameart.json file to the same resolution used by other games in Vortex, just keep things consistent.

    I've made an example for you here:
    1. W2nTeD
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      Thanks for tip, that i do.