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  1. Yggdrasil7557
    • premium
    • 24 kudos
    For those of you wondering why Vortex is at all comparable to MO2, please read this chart: chart?
    It was created by Al (an MO2 dev), Kerber (the Kortex dev), Felis (a general user), Sharlikan (a Wrye dev), and myself (a Nexus Moderator, also a "Vortex virtuoso", role given by Pickysaurus for being an aid to users with Vortex since release)

    This chart is not constantly up to date, usually remains a few months behind features of all the managers due to none of us being willing to update it too often, but it does list the vast majority of the features.
    1. Zanderat
      • premium
      • 212 kudos
      Thanks for sharing that list.  Pretty much shows what I have always said, that the only two real contenders these days are Vortex and MO2.
    2. Arcanaiel
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      +1 Thx for sharing that list
  2. starktek
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    holy sheeez, you really need to advertise the CRTL+Click on tab to open side-by-side feature more, that's a game changer!!!!

    Any way to make it permanent?

    2nd Question:

    Right now only the column on the Left shows the "Header" (Plugins: Autosor/Sort Now/Manage Rules... Mods: Install from file/Check for Updates/Categories...)

    Is there any way to make it so that the "Header" shows up on both the left and right pane?

    Thanks again for this theme, it really enhances the function of Vortex!
    1. Yggdrasil7557
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      this is a limitation of vortex as it exists now. unfortunately, uiuxx (or his replacement? dont know who that is now) has not implemented it fully in a way you can show both headerbars. also there is no way to make the side-by-side feature permanent either. though I wish there was. you can submit a feedback review in vortex and request those features though, which will help show that people actually do want it.
  3. GamerPoets
    • premium
    • 950 kudos
    You sssneeeaakkkyyy little Bee....... 

    (I hope this is the right Ygg or this is going to be a very silly comment lol)
    1. Yggdrasil7557
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      yeah, this is the right guy gp. makes you want to switch, right?
    2. GamerPoets
      • premium
      • 950 kudos
      switch something = )
  4. oblivionfan52
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Very nice work on this theme. I really think I like the lay out much better than the default layout.

    Now here comes the BUUUT.  Would it be possible request a default color scheme for this? my old eyes are just not finding this one easy to read.

    Second request, the auto hide tool bars is there a way to set those to off. 

    Really though regardless of my requests, thanks for the work on this it's appreciated  

    Edit: My apologies, I failed to fully read the Decryption page, the way to do my first request is already there!
    1. Yggdrasil7557
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      if you want to use the movements of buttons this theme makes with a different color scheme, you can do so by cloning whatever theme you want in the settings, theme section, click edit css, download this theme, open the style.scss included in this mod, and copy the contents from this one to the end of other one, save it, and then click apply in vortex.
    2. oblivionfan52
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Thanks for the answer, I've already cloned my theme and moved the style.scss  per the description page. Is there a line in the style.scss that I can set to turn off the auto hide feature of the toolbars?
      I really like the layout, just not the auto hide/auto open feature of the toolbars when you mouse over them. I would prefer they just remained open.

      Thanks again for your help.
    3. Yggdrasil7557
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      went ahead and uploaded a new version, this should fix a minor bug and implement the changes you requested.
    4. oblivionfan52
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Thanks for granting this request, the theme is great and my old eyes are not being distracted every time I move my mouse to the top to change tabs.:)

      Realized I forgot to endorse, sorry about that! Done.
  5. kdodds
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Quick question before d/l... One of MOs most useful features in side-by-side comparison is the highlighting of plugins in the right pane when clicking the mod in the left pane.  This is invaluable for mod releases that are less than ideally packaged (multiple esps all installed by default with no fomod).  Does this theme accomplish this (and vice versa, clicking plugin highlights mod)?
    1. Yggdrasil7557
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      no, to do that, unfortunately this would require being an actual extension instead of a theme. it can be done, but would take a lot more to do.
    2. kdodds
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      I figured as much, but it was worth a shot.  Thanks for the quick reply.
    3. Skinjack
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
    4. Zanderat
      • premium
      • 212 kudos
      I was kinda hoping that this was what this extension/theme did. 
  6. Logick12
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    The top buttons disappeared and I can't download anything. How do I fix this?
    1. Yggdrasil7557
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      sometimes happens when you first change themes to/from it due to the major changes. try restarting vortex, if that fails, post again with a screenshot of the issue and I will try to have a fix out soon.
    2. Logick12
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Restarting it worked, thanks for the help!
  7. EnclaveSoldier2277
    • BANNED
    • 3 kudos
    Now Vortex just needs manual rearranging of plugins
    1. BekNos
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      It... has it? You just click the end icon of the plugin and drag it around. It's slow as hell, but you can do it.
    2. EnclaveSoldier2277
      • BANNED
      • 3 kudos
      That's setting rules, I want to simply quickly rearrange a few things.
    3. Yggdrasil7557
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      you technically can by use of the forced spot option (double click plugin, change lock mod index), however, it is not recommended. if for any reason (ie: you open the game and it decides to remove a bunch of mods from plugins.txt - which it does if you go into the in game mod manager) then it will require manual resorting again afterwards. if you set rules instead, then you just click sort and it returns to what it was.

      its like a character menu that has a randomize button having a back button as well to undo the randomization.
  8. PotaraWarrior
    • supporter
    • 5 kudos
    Hello, I dont see a "Themes" folder in the %AppData%\Vortex  folder. Does the fact that I installed Vortex in the D Drive have anything to do with it?
    1. Yggdrasil7557
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      in general, there is very little reason to install vortex off of c as vortex is rather small and you can change only settings to get the mod files onto a different drive.

      but to answer your question: if you have not used a theme, you will need to make the folder the first time manually (or clone an existing theme to have it appear)
    2. PotaraWarrior
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      Ah I got it working. Thank you so much!
  9. thexraken22
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Why is it that when I reinstall Vortex, this theme is still there. Makes me feel like files are hiding in my computer and being reactivated when I go to install. Also noticed pictures stopped showing up in FOMOD installs after using this? literally breaking my game from the ground up
    1. Yggdrasil7557
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      mods and extensions are not removed when vortex is reinstalled. most of that is stored in %appdata%/vortex however if you have moved any mod staging folders then you will need to know where you moved them to.

      as for fomods, I will try to figure that out, have done the bare minimum of testing with this theme as I generally use the base theme more often.
    2. thexraken22
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks for looking into it, if it's helpful I reinstalled Vortex, basically did everything from square 1 as far as modding. Started re-downloading all mods and such, everything seemed to work fine. Changed theme to MO2, no images in mod installation, changed back and the images came back. I'm not really sure why it would do that but I can CONFIRM in MY CASE that the MO2 theme is causing some issues during FOMOD installation.
    3. Yggdrasil7557
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      fixed it. just shifted some stuff around and managed to get it working correctly.
    4. thexraken22
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      You rock! Thanks so much for doing that I super appreciate it!!! Cheers
  10. elpuertorro
    • premium
    • 21 kudos
    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, !!
    oh and in case i forget THANK YOU!!!

    FYI if not obvious, you can also have the Downloads tab open on the side, also you can set the order just have open the tab you want on the left and ctrl+ the window you want on the right.

    @Yggdrasil7557, Any way to get the info menu(under Mods tab) that pops from the right on top of it? I tested and the window does pop out but stays behind what ever is on the right pane.
    1. Yggdrasil7557
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      yes, I had the code available 2 years ago, but I have lost it since then. I can update it to work a bit more nice though. I am not sure if I can make it a popup, but I can probably move it to a different part of the screen to allow ease of use.
    2. elpuertorro
      • premium
      • 21 kudos
      Worked like a charm in the update uploading a pix.
    3. HellPhantom
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      Really love this thanks.
      I have not figured out how to move or make the d/l display, will play some more when i d/l again.
  11. jaydawg55
    • member
    • 10 kudos
    Thank you Yggdrasil. I love the enhanced compactness of this theme. However, I don't think that pinkish red color really is burgundy. But I will get used to it. 

    Good to see that Vortex is getting some recognition as a solid alternative to MO2. Although I liked MO2 a lot, I became interested in Vortex because I wanted a mod manager that is good for more than just Bethesda games. I use it for Dragon Age Origins with no problem.  
    1. Yggdrasil7557
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      yeah, I dont think its burgundy either, but its called burgundy in the nexus site themes directory. I can probably fix that burgundy shade though.