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  1. identity7
    • supporter
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    apparently it still has max trait points, but it shouldnt

    ill look at it

    edit: ok, nothing i do to it sticks after restart. ill keep looking at it. if you still want to use a "legit" save, use this mod to set a trait point cap until i figure out why 335 is sticking. if that mod doesnt work, you can set a cap with wemod
  2. Kaneki93
    • member
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    How to install it ? 
    1. identity7
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      replace the profile.sav in %userprofile%\Saved Games\Remnant2 with this profile.sav
  3. jinpao
    • member
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    mutator bulletweaver become favorite. can i undo it by myself or how to do that
    1. identity7
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      you just unfavorite it?
    2. jinpao
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      i not sure. my game mutator and mods have no favorite button but gun ring armor amulet I cant unfavorite mutator. sorry for this but it a little bit detail that not effect game but annoy mind πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜… if it was my mistake i so sorry😫😫

      and if you make new one can you spawn Thaen Seed so we can plant it in garden :)
    3. identity7
      • supporter
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      sry for the late reply. i forgot about this...
      i have no idea how bulletweaver is favorited, since its not possible to favorite mutators. so, i have no idea how to unfavorite it.

      as for the thaen seed, i dont really think i need to reupload a version, as its easy enough to find it it since it's a guarenteed spawn if you start at red throne.
  4. GameonlyVN9
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Very nice save file..just trait points bugged....try some thing but cant make a right move.
    Hope you can fix trait points bug soon.
    Thanks for save files.
  5. WinterCoin9212
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    does it replace save or add another?
    1. identity7
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      yes? you can put your current save somewhere else, but using this profile.sav will replace all your current characters
    2. WinterCoin9212
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      SO if i moved my save then put it back would I still have access to the harder difficulty completed weapons?
    3. identity7
      • supporter
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      i assume youre asking if temporarily using this savefile will somehow grant your orginal savefile the difficulty and/or hardcore locked items, and if so, then no, it wont

      youre replacing your save file by using this one
  6. deleted133934823
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    legit with 355 trait points? lol xD
  7. yolonault
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Thank you for the quick work!