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Spherikal and Xaratas

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  1. Spherikal
    • premium
    • 24 kudos
    Enhanced User Interface
    Mod Creator
    Programmer and Translator (German)
    Tech Support and Translator (Italian)
    Ethics Gradient
    Translator (Russian)
    Translator (Korean)

    This mod is available in four different versions. One main version that includes all features (check the description page for more information) and three modular versions for those of you who, for whatever reason, only wants some mod features.

    Please see the downloads page to find what mod version best suits your needs.

    Bug Reports
    This mod wouldn't be possible without the support from this community. If you find a bug please consider reporting it in the bugs section.

    This mod consists of four different packages, tailored to suit every users need. We recommend downloading the Main Package as it contains implemented features and provides the best overall experience for the user. If you prefer something more bare boned, however, please feel free to select one of the other three packages available.

    Pick one of the following four options when downloading the mod:

  2. Spherikal
    • premium
    • 24 kudos
    Enhanced User Interface
    Mod version: 1.7.2 | Game version: 5.0

    Mod version 1.7.2
    - Fixed a bug that was casuing some Perception resistances to somehow show up as Resolve resistances in ability descriptions. The affected ablity descriptions were Pallegina's racial ability "Vigilant Quarry", and Rangers "Faithful Companion" ability. (Thank you V.K. over at Steam for pointing this out.)
    Mod version 1.7.1?
    - Fixed an entry that was added to the wrong file (abilities.stringtable instead of gui.stringtable).
    - Added links to the "Soul Annihilation" ability.
    Mod version 1.7.0
    - Update for German to 5.0.40. Deutsche Texte auf 5.0.40 aktualisiert.
    - Possibly fixed an issue causing the alpha levels of the "Bloodied" keyword to spill over in unintended parts of the UI. (Special thanks to
    AndreaColombo for bringing this to my attention)

    Any bugs you might encounter should be reported at our bugs section.

    If you have any feedback regarding this version of the mod please reply to this post (don't create a new thread).

    - Mod Version 1.6 (Changelog)
    - Mod Version 1.5 (Changelog)
    - Mod Version 1.4 (Changelog)

    The Enhanced User Interface isn't endorsed by Obsidian Entertainment, Inc. and doesn't reflect the views or opinions of Obsidian Entertainment, Inc. or anyone officially involved with making Pillars of Eternity. Pillars of Eternity and Obsidian Entertainment and all related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Obsidian Entertainment, Inc. Pillars of Eternity © 2015 Obsidian Entertainment, Inc.
    1. jtrevena
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hey just came back to PoE2:Dreadfire after a long time off and started adding in some mods, keep getting nexus mod manager inform me though that Enhanced User Interface-32-1-7-0-1558299861 is not compatible with the latest version of the game. Currently on V5.0.0.0040

    2. Spherikal
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      I'll take a look at it this weekend to see what's up. Should be an easy fix. Regardless, you can use the mod without any risk even though it says it's out of date.

      Edit: I couldn't find anything that would cause the mod to be marked as out of date. It's been an issue with the game in the past so this issue might be related to the game rather than the mod.
    3. acbatchelor
      • premium
      • 48 kudos
      The mod works fine on version of the game for me. Probably just a NMM problem.
    4. tkasper92
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Incredibly helpful for a new player. Thank you so much.
    5. Spherikal
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      Incredibly helpful for a new player. Thank you so much.

      No worries :) Just glad you're enjoying the mod!
    6. KomaruKirinashi
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      New PoE2 player here. I bounced off the game HARD when I first tried it six months or so ago. I think I made it TO Port Maje, talked to Clario, and then uninstalled the game. A huge part of this was the absolutely opaque mechanics underlying the game.

      Last week, a friend suggested I give it another go, and since it was on sale, I figured I'd give it a second shot.

      I want to credit you and this mod 100% for my sticking with the game this time. I'm now in Neketaka and having a blast, THANK YOU!
  3. DarkStas
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is it possible to somehow make marks on the map so that you can write that “there are still mobs that still one-shotting me”?
  4. HHlaluLawyer
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Hello, @Spherikal

    Thank you for the awesome mod.

    I have a slight problem and I see that someone else mentioned it a couple of years back.

    Everything works as intended but the text and icons are not color coded for me everything is in blue text.

    Do you have any idea?

    I'm playing on GOG version tried manual install and vortex just in case, both have the same result.

  5. rillel
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This mod seem to be bugged for Bloodied and Near Death.
    Bloodied is missing one dash in text, while Near Death is missing one dash in both text and info. Hurt seems to be fine.

    See this image.
    1. Spherikal
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      Good find, I'll try and have a look at the issue over the week and get a fix ready as soon as possible!
    2. Spherikal
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      This issue is going to take a bit longer to fix due to a.) me having a lot less free time than anticipated, and b.) my code is all over the
      place when it comes to health statuses (why didn't I just reuse the same code over and over instead of writing like three different versions of
      the same health status?!).

      Anyway, I'm working on it and I'll have a fix ready as soon as possible.
    3. Aureliosilver
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I had a look at this.

      Entry 883 in cyclopedia:  #FF9800CC should be changed to #FF9800FF in the bloodied text. This makes the second blue dash stronger.
      Guess you have to search for all occurances.

      I also changed part of the code to this to make it consistent to the other health status codes:

      Note: Replace $ with &. Had to replace it in the post above otherwise the code would not be visible...

      Near death currently has no dashes.  Current setup is the following.

      3 full dashes and  + - Unharmed
      4 full dashes - Healthy
      3 full dashes - Hurt
      2 full dashes - Bloodied
      0 full dashes - Near Death

      Entry 609 in cyclopedia: Change part of the code to this to have 1 dash for Near Death:
      $lt;link="glossary://GlossaryEntry_Near_Death"$gt;$lt;#ff462d$gt;Near Death$lt;space=0.75em$gt;$lt;size=1.25em$gt;$lt;voffset=-0.35em$gt;-$lt;/voffset$gt;$lt;space=-1.55em$gt;$lt;/color$gt;$lt;#83838397$gt;$lt;voffset=-0.125em$gt;-$lt;/voffset$gt;$lt;space=-1.55em$gt;$lt;voffset=0.125em$gt;-$lt;/voffset$gt;$lt;space=-1.55em$gt;$lt;voffset=0.35em$gt;-$lt;/voffset$gt;$lt;/size$gt;$lt;/color$gt;$lt;/link$gt;$lt;space=0.5em$gt;.
      Note: Replace $ with &. Had to replace it in the post above otherwise the code would not be visible...
  6. Bogdanov89
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Thank you for the great mod!!!

    If you can please consider adding proper tooltips/descriptions to Chanter passive abilities.
    Right now when you mouse over a Chanter passive ability it will just show the name and "right click for more details".
    It would be fantastic if we could see at least a short description of what a Chanter passive does without having to right click every time for details.
    For example the "Dull the Edge, Blunt the Point" passive ability chanters can learn at lvl 1, it has no information when mouse-overed.
  7. tr0ubl3mak3r
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Vortex is complaining that this is incompatible with the latest version (on steam).  I haven't tested it yet, but I assume it "probably" still works?
    1. Spherikal
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      Definitely still works. Dunno why the Vortex thinks it out of date, but the main version is working just fine with the latest game version (and isn't out of date as far as I am aware).
  8. flacito
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Can I just update this by copy paste and rewrite, or will I break the game by doing so? I've been running the game for a while now, but on the previous version with your mod.

    1. Aureliosilver
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      This mod is basically a text replace, so it should not break anything. It like playing in another language.
    2. Spherikal
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      flacito: I'd delete the folder first just to be extra safe. Some files might've gotten a new name since you used it last (I don't know what version you used previously thus causing issues. They probably haven't, but you can't be too sure. Otherwise trust what Aurelio is saying, he knows what's up.
  9. KREPTiiK
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Hello, I just started a new game (around 6 hours in) and was looking at using this mod.

    Would I have to start a new game to use it? Or will it be compatible with the game I currently have running?
    1. Aureliosilver
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      No need to start a new game. It basically replaces the original text with a modded version of the text.
    2. Spherikal
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      Thanks Aurelio, it's exactly as you're saying.

      You have nothing to worry about KREPTiiK.
  10. Vullcan81
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I've created a Polish Translation for this mod.
    It has been done mostly manually  for 4 weeks using the official Polish translate mixed with features  provided by this mod.
    If you interest to upload my mod by the original creator (Spherikal or others)  pls contact me.

     3rd January 2022 r. Polish Translation added.
  11. Krummx
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Can't get it to work with Gamepass version. Mods enabled on app and all that.
    Just curious to know if it just doesn't work or I'm missing something.

    1. Spherikal
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      Is anyone else able to confirm if this is a known bug? I don't own the gamepass version so there's literally no way for me to test this out myself.
    2. Adalynne
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I can also not get this to work with the gamepass version. it says some folder names in the localisation folder are too long
    3. Adalynne
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Okay ignore me. I had to enable mods on the store page for the game LOL
    4. Boneapart
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      You got it to work on game pass? How, it doesn't work for me, I've enabled mods. Is it meant to show up in the mod manager in the game? What version does your game say in the top left corner of the menu screen?


      Nevermind I figured it out, I had my override folder in the data folder inside of the _data folder, instead of just in _data.

      Mod is awesome, thanks.
  12. Arthandas9
    • premium
    • 7 kudos
    I didn't see it in the changelog, but did you fix the Ocean Folks being listed as Spirits on summary screen?
    1. Spherikal
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      I'm not sure what you mean, as far as I can see they're still categorized as humans? Do you have a screenshot or something that can help me pinpoint the issue?