This page lists all of my mods by theme and provides a quick description for each of them.
It might help players who discover my work to know what can be useful for them.


Graphics Changes
Better Asteroid Explosions
- Reworked asteroid explosions
Better Deposit Colors - Makes deposit colors more distinct
Better Torch Light - Makes personal light more like a cone of light
Black Carbon - black carbon instead of red
Black Space - Makes space black
Clean Ship Space Map - Makes ship space map less noisy
Colorful Starfield - Enhances red-green-blue star colors (includes colorblind version)
Colorful Substance Colors - Improves world substance label colors
Fractured Mining - Makes bigger rubbles when mining terrain deposits
Freighter Room Teleporter Fix - Aligns the teleporter with the freighter room
Fullscreen Warps - Removes ship from warp sequences
HD Clouds - Vastly improves planet clouds details as seen from space
Indoors Lighting Fix - Fixes incorrect indoors lighting
Integrated Planets - Improves planet and space objets lighting consistency
Let It Snow - Real snowflakes
Natural Nights - Darker and far less blue nights, fixes white water shores during night
No Blinding Freighters - Removes or dims white flashes from warping out fleets
No Bloom Effect - Removes bloom (and lens flares) effect
No Flying Pollens - Removes flying pollens from lush planets
No High Clouds - Removes upper clouds layer
No Laser Flare - Removes horizontal laser flare
No Ship Speed Effects - Removes speed lines in space
No Space Dust and Plasma - Removes dust and electricity from space
No Stars - Removes stars in the sky
ReLight - Better lighting of numerous places and items
Rotating Atmosphere - Makes planets atmosphere rotating
Slow Clouds - Makes clouds slower
True Black - Replaces darkest paint with a pure black one
True Blood - Makes creature blood red or orange

Interface improvements
Better Binocular Scan Colors - Makes clear what item was scanned or not
Better Broken and Overloaded Slots - Improves visibility of broken and overloaded slots
Better Charge Icons - Improves technology charge icons
Better Empty Slots - Improves empty slots visibility
Better Frigate View - Improves Frigate overview
Better Pulse Drive Aim - Reduces pulse drive aim snapping to markers
Better Scanning Icons - More distinct scanning icons
Better Supercharged Slots - Improves supercharged slots visibility
Bigger Creature Dots - More visible creature dots
Bigger Wallet Tab - enlarge top left currency display
Colorless Inventory - Makes item background less colorful
Exact Markers - Makes scanner markers pointing exactly at target position
Easy Build - Reduces base building snapping distance
Fast Actions - Makes every left button action fast or instant
Multi Pass - Different icons for each Atlas pass item
New Summon Freighter Icon - Alternative freighter icon
No Bird's Eye Scans - Replaces Bird's Eye scans with a player look
No Black Bars - Removes cinematic top and bottom black bars
No DOF Blur - Removes depth of field when interacting with NPC or buildings
No Milestone Notifications - Removes or tones down milestone notifications
No Red Landing Arrows - Removes cockpit landing arrows
No Ship Marker - Removes ship marker once landed
No Space Station Icon - Removes the icon to enjoy approaching each new station
No Trade Routes - Removes trade route lines from space
Old Style Slots - Restores the old style of inventory slots
Quick Crates - Open crates in 1 click
Quick Damaged Machineries - Open damaged machineries in 1 click
Short Shop Dialogs - Reduces pages of text for each shop dialog
Shorter Arrival Messages - Reduces hang time at each new location
Small Cursor - makes selection cursor smaller
Small Panels - makes most items panels 20% smaller
Tiny Inventory Changes - Improves orientation of inventory background 3D items
Tiny Teleporter Background Change - Swaps colours of 2 teleporter thumbnails backgrounds
True Icons - A new set of item icons
Unsorted Saves - Don't sort saves by last launch date

Easier game
Better Ship Teleport Module Range - Increases additional range for transfering items to ship
Better Ship Transfer Range - Increases base range for transfering items to ships
Cheap Paint - Reduces freighter paint prices
Faster Movement Speed - Improves default walk and run speed
Full Refund - Gives back all the compound items when you scrap a technology or product
Long Range Freighters - Increases freighter warp range 10 times
New Boundaries - Increases dome size where you can build or take photos
No Hazardous Plants - Removes hazardous plants

Harder game
Asteroid Hits - Increases damages dealt by asteroids
Laser Immune Creatures - Forces to change multi-tool mode to kill creatures
No Buried Technologies - Removes all or some of the buried technologies
No Cargo Drops - Removes cargo drops from open grounds
No Damaged Machineries - Removes all or some of the damaged machineries
No Danger Marks - Removes red pawns, arrows or eyes from angry ennemies
No Exosuit Chambers - Removes exosuit chambers from Space Station and/or the Nexus
No Glowing Plants - Base resource plants are not glowing anymore
No Knowledge Stones in the wild - Removes Knowledge Stones from planets
Tritium Asteroids - Asteroids only provide Tritium

Misc. Improvements
Asteroid Fields - Far lesser and grouped asteroids in space
Better Freighter Tractor Beam - Reduces Freighter tractor beam range to its visual blue field
Better Ship Seat - Improves FOV of ship cockpit first person camera
Destroyable Damaged Machineries - Makes damaged machineries destroyable
Dig Out - Carves terrain around building parts
Flat Landing - Reduces chopper effet
Natural Steering - Controls your Exocraft with WASD
No Auto Saves - Only saves game at given points
Open these Freighter Doors - Fully opens the freighter doors to prevent hitting them
Private Landing Pads - Prevents NPC to land in your base
Slippery Slopes - Makes slopes more slippery
Unpredictable Roaming Ships - Removes roaming ships or makes more diverse formations
Unpredictable Shelters - Makes shelters encountered more diverse

NMS Translator - A tool to easily edit game LANGUAGE files
Renewed Riddles - A new set of riddles in the same vein as the original ones
Stop the Clocks - Freezes time. No sun movement. No day/night cycle.
Traduction FR - A complete rework of the game french translation

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  1. sykr222
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    You are an absolute unit of a mod dev!

    I wonder whether you plan on doing something about the refiners, as I believe they should be able to process up to three of the same item at the same time, and/or have a larger inventory. The personal refiner should also have more quick options to take the items.

    But that's just an idea, don't overwork yourself!
  2. tadinrsbg
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I have an idea for a mod. It is such a pain to always have one's ship to land, on its own, so close. I'm always getting the notice that I can't build because my ship is too close. I'm 
  3. everywomans
    • member
    • 26 kudos
    Thanks very much for the continued support, creativity, and dedication from such a well organized modder. Vous etes formidable!
  4. SigynX1
    • premium
    • 67 kudos
    Thank you! I've been using your excellent mods for a long time but this is still helpful to keep up with them. :)