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About this mod

Small changes and quality-of-life additions that adds a touch of natural progression to your Tale of Two Wastelands journey without overhauling the mod or going against the lore (too much).

Permissions and credits
Requires Tale of Two Wastelands. Install with Mod Organizer. Tested and working on TTW 3.3.2 + 3.3.2a.

Tested and working on Tale of Two Wastelands: 3.3.2, 3.3.2a (current version).

This an early, but stable, work-in-progress and may see considerable changes and new features in the future. Please feel free to make posts about bugs and/or new feature requests that are relatively lore friendly and quality-of-life oriented.

If upgrading to a new version, remove the previous version first. If any items are missing after upgrade, use the EditorIDs I've provided to add them back.

I have added the EditorIDs to each item for quick reference to make adding items to your inventory with console easier (e.g. player.additem EliteStealthSuitMkIII). However, none of the items require the console, they are all naturally obtainable in the game.

For specific details about each change, check the corresponding Dev Notes at the bottom.

Big Mountain Teleportalponder
Standalone Version - New Teleportalponder Destinations

The Old World Blues Teleportalpoder (NVDLC03WeapTeleporter) now lets you teleport to Player's Megaton House, Player's Tenpenny Suite, Lucky 38 Presidential Suite, The Sink and The Mojave Crashed Satellite. This gives a natural progression away from having to use the trains to change between the two wastelands once you have progressed far enough, and makes it easier to nip back to your player house.

To acquire the new destinations, you must have the key to the house (Megaton/Tenpenny only) and purchase the house upgrades from their respective vendors:
  • Player's Megaton House - Moira Brown -  (TeleportReceiverMegatonPlayerHouse)
  • Player's Tenpenny Suite - Lydia Montenegro/Michael Masters -  (TeleportReceiverTenpennyPlayerHouse)
  • Lucky 38 Presidential Suite - terminal in the Lucky 38 Presidential Suite - (TeleportReceiverLucky38Suite)

Old World Blues Stealth Suit Mk II
Standalone Version - New Stealth Suit Recipes

WARNING - unequip armour before using it to craft new version / breaking it down. If you do not, any status effect it gives you will be permanent (e.g. +1 Agility). To fix, re-equip and unequip the offending armour. It will be displayed on your Pip-Boy under Stats -> Status -> EFF (either Stealth Suit Mk II, Stealth Suit Mk III or Elite Stealth Suit Mk III).

The unique quirkiness and hard work put into the Old World Blues Stealth Suit Mk II by Obsidian is slightly undermined by it not being as viable as the Chinese Stealth Armor you get as a reward from completing Fallout 3's Operation Anchorage.

This allows you to combine the effects with 2 new workbench crafting recipes:
  • Stealth Suit Mk III (StealthSuitMkIII): Stealth Suit Mk II (NVDLC03AuralStealthsuit) + Chinese Stealth Armor (DLC02ArmorStealthWasteland)
  • Elite Stealth Suit Mk III (EliteStealthSuitMkIII): Stealth Suit Mk III (StealthSuitMkIII) + Elite Riot Suit (NVDLC04ArmorRiotGearUnique)

The Stealth Suit Mk III is the same as the Stealth Suit Mk II but with the added Stealth Field effect of the Chinese Stealth Armor. The Elite Stealth Suit Mk III has the same DT/DR and appearance of the Elite Riot Gear from Lonesome Road but with all the added effects of the Stealth Suit Mk III, including; quirky voice alerts, auto injecting Stimpaks, auto injecting Medex.

Also includes 2 breakdown recipes to get the constituent armours back out. Complete X13 expert test to fully unlock the Stealth Suit Mk II perks.

Fallout 3 Unique Sniper Rifles
Standalone Version - Fallout 3 Unique Sniper Rifles Changes

By adjusting stats for the Victory Rifle (WeapUniqueVictoryRifle) & Reservist Rifle (WeapUniqueReservistsRifle) from Fallout 3, along with allowing for silencers to be applied, they are now a viable alternative to the basic New Vegas Sniper Rifle, especially with crit builds.

Gold Bars are Valuable Again
Standalone Version - Gold Bars are Valuable Again

This one is perhaps divisive, but I feel the value reduction applied by a Tale of Two Wastelands inadvertently changed the narrative of Dead Money away from it's "let it go" theme, which I feel is transformative of the story. This just sets Gold Bars (NVDLC01GoldBar) back to the original value.

Level Limit Increase
Standalone Version - Max Level 250 and Perk Every 2 Levels

A Tale of Two Wastelands can be an extremely sizeable playthrough by itself, let alone with the plethora of compatible extra content mods available. Lowering the perks to every 2 levels and raising the level cap helps to balance for much longer playthroughs.

If you like the level limit change but don't want the perk at every 2 levels, install my other mod after this one, making sure the Perk Every Level mod is last in the load order - Perk Every Level

Dev Notes

Big Mountain Teleportalponder (NVDLC03WeapTeleporter)
  • Can now select destinations; The Sink, The Mojave, Lucky 38 Presidential Suite, My Megaton House, My Tenpenny Suite
  • Lucky 38 Presidential Suite, My Megaton House and My Tenpenny Suite require purchasing a teleport receiver from their respective upgrade vendors; Moira Brown (Megaton), Lydia Montenegro/Michael Masters (Tenpenny) and the terminal in the Lucky 38 Presidential Suite
  • Teleport receiver upgrades must be in player inventory; Megaton (TeleportReceiverMegatonPlayerHouse), Tenpenny (TeleportReceiverTenpennyPlayerHouse) and Lucky 38 Presidential Suite (TeleportReceiverLucky38Suite)
  • Teleport receiver upgrades are quest items and cannot be dropped
  • Cannot travel to Megaton House if Megaton is destroyed
  • Must have key to Megaton House or Tenpenny Suite in inventory to be able to travel to either destination
  • Lucky 38 Presidential Suite upgrade items now all weigh 0, as with the Megaton Player House and Tenpenny Tower Suite upgrade item
  • Lucky 38 Presidential Suite requires completing House Always Wins I (when the player canonically gets access to the suite)
OWB Stealth Suit Mk II (NVDLC03AuralStealthsuit)
  • New workbench craft-able item: Stealth Suit Mk III (StealthSuitMkIII). Requires: Stealth Suit Mk II & Chinese Stealth Armor
  • New workbench craft-able item: Elite Stealth Suit Mk III (EliteStealthSuitMkIII). Requires: Stealth Suit Mk III & Elite Riot Gear
  • New workbench breakdown: Stealth Suit Mk III. Produces: Stealth Suit Mk II & Chinese Stealth Armor
  • New workbench breakdown: Elite Riot Stealth Suit Mk III. Produces: Stealth Suit Mk III & Elite Riot Gear
  • Stealth Suit Mk III is the same as the Mk II but adds Stealth Field 5 (the same as the Chinese Stealth Armor)
  • Elite Stealth Suit Mk III has the DT, DR and looks the same as the Elite Riot Gear but with all of the attributes of the Stealth Suit Mk III added
  • Both new armours have the combined value of their derivative armours
Victory Rifle (WeapUniqueVictoryRifle)
  • Crit modifier up to 2% (from 1.5) the same as the New Vegas Sniper Rifle
  • Silencer (ModNVSniperRifleSuppressor) and Carbon Fiber (ModNVSniperRifleCarbonFiberParts) mods can now be applied
Reservist's Rifle (WeapUniqueReservistsRifle)
  • Base damage increased to match New Vegas Sniper Rifle (57 -> 62)
  • Crit damage increased to match New Vegas Sniper Rifle (57 -> 62)
  • Crit modifier reset back up to 5% (from 2.5), as in Fallout 3
  • Silencer (ModNVSniperRifleSuppressor) and Carbon Fiber (ModNVSniperRifleCarbonFiberParts) mods can now be applied
Gold Bar (NVDLC01GoldBar)
  • Reset value back to original of 10547 from 1001
Level Limit Increase
  • Max level now raised to 250
  • Perks acquired every 2 levels (instead of every level)

Barry's ToDo List

OWB Teleportalponder
  • Bug: Lucky 38 Presidential Suite Teleporter Receiver Upgrade displays as value 1999 and does not show up for sale (due to being quest item) but should display "--" for value
  • Add teleportation receiver asset to player homes when upgrade purchased
  • Add variables that can be set when the player has purchased the upgrade so the player can drop the upgrade holodisk without losing teleportation location
  • Add more radio stations that enable and disable depending on destination. Currently only some of the Mojave stations turn on and off, though it does auto fix as soon as you go to an exterior cell
Victory/Reservist's Rifle
  • Make new nif files for modded variations instead of using the default modded sniper rifle assets

OWB Stealth Suit Mk II
  • Try to find fix for status effects not removing when crafting with currently equipped armour. Though I think it's an inherent game engine flaw and not something I can do anything about

Future Features List

  • Item in inventory when putting on Stealth Suit Mk II/III or Elite Stealth Suit Mk III to turn on/off; AI dialogue, Medex auto-inject, Stimpack auto-inject, enable basic voice warnings for entering and leaving combat
  • A limited lives system so when starting new game can choose a starting number of lives 0/1/3/5/9/10 (0 being infinite lives), get extra life every 0/1/2/3/5/10 levels (0 being no extra lives). Inventory item to be able to change these values mid playthrough