About this mod

Let's face it. Non-lethal play in vanilla New Vegas is pretty... meh. This mod changes that a lot.

Permissions and credits
Fatigue Damages:

To keep it simple, static values suck. Each fatigue-based weapon had a hard-coded fatigue damage value in the base game. None of these values ever changed. It didn't matter how low/high your melee/unarmed skill was and/or if you were power attacking (or aiming for your target's head), the same damage was always done.

This mod changes that - completely. Now, every one of your attacks with a fatigue-based weapon/ammo will base its damage on a few different variables.
  • Hit location, attacks to the head do more fatigue damage than attacks to the body.
  • Skill, your skill with your equipped weapon plays the largest role in how much damage will be done with these weapons.
  • Incoming damage, the damage of your current attack plays into how much damage is done with your attack.
  • Perk rank, for each rank of the "Reckless Pacifist" perk the user has - the more damage.
  • Detection, if the user isn't seen by the target, they will do 2.5x (this is the default multiplier) damage to their target. The multiplier may be adjusted in the MCM.
  • Target DT, your enemy's Damage Threshold will dampen how much fatigue damage you inflict.

To keep the fatigue damage output grounded, "static curvature" is used to make sure the weapons won't do terrible damage at a low skill or obnoxious damage at a high skill. Here's how fatigue damage output looks now:

Now, non-lethal play is less of a gimmick and more of a viable option. 

As a bonus to non-lethal play, as your skills rise - the damage to your opponents is reduced. For example:
  • A player with 25 in melee weapons will do 25% less health damage to their opponent if they are using a fatigue-based melee weapon.
  • A player with 100 in melee weapons will do NO health damage to their opponent if they are using a fatigue-based melee weapon.
This is to lessen the likelihood of your target perishing if you're playing in Pacifist Mode.
Skill-based healing can be enabled/disabled in the Mod Configuration Menu OR in the SD_Fatigue.ini file, located in Data/Config.

Pacifist/Pacifism Mode:

When prompted to choose your traits at the beginning of the game, a new trait will appear in your trait menu: "Thou Shalt Not Kill". When Thou Shalt Not Kill is chosen, you will be greeted with a message detailing the benefits you get from selecting the trait. By selecting this trait, you are agreeing to play through the game without taking a life (any life). If a life is taken, you will not only lose the Thou Shalt Not Kill trait, but the "Dishonored" debuff will be gained. Dishonored will reduce all non-combat skills by 10 points and will increase the chance of your enemies landing a critical hit by 10%. After selecting the trait, you will have a chance to return to the trait menu before finishing character creation.

**Pacifist Mode is completely optional, you should by no means feel forced to play with it.

  • [Trait] Thou Shalt Not Kill: For taking the trait, you will receive +15% Damage Resistance. Every other level will increase your total damage resistance by +1%.
  • [Challenge] Reckless Pacifist (5): For every rank of this perk, your speed and damage with all fatigue-based weapons are increased by +10%.
  • [Perk] Knowledge Is Power(3): For every rank of this perk, you gain +10% experience for every person/creature you render unconscious.
  • [Debuff] Dishonored: -10 points to all non-combat skills and your enemies will be 10% more likely to land a critical hit.

Experience Gain:
XP is rewarded each time the player knocks out a new opponent, the amount of XP rewarded matches the XP you would gain if you were to kill the target instead. You cannot gain XP from knocking out the same opponent multiple times. The amount of XP rewarded may be increased with perks such as Swift Learner and Knowledge Is Power.

Interactive Knockout Menu:
Now that your target lies at your feet, let's get into interacting with them. You can pull up the Knockout Menu by interacting with your victim while crouched. As of update 2.0, paralyzed enemies can now to take advantage of the Interactive Knockout Menu. Honest Heart's "Compliance Regulator" is the only vanilla weapon that really takes advantage of this feature, and the new "Wattz 500 EPD", but any other method of paralyzing enemies is covered by this mod. 

Once your menu pops up, you have a number of options to choose from.

  • Search - If Kenshi Looting is enabled, your chance of looting your target instead of waking them up is based on your sneak skill. Else, loot normally.
  • Awake - Wake your target up!
  • Heal - Downed foes can be healed using Stimpaks, Bitter Drinks, and Healing Powder.
  • Collar - [Requires Subjugation] Attach a Slave Collar to the NPC and send them to the Legion or the Manhunters! The pay for your captures is dependent on who and how tough they are! Junkies are worth little, Rangers are worth a lot! As of version 0.2.2, you can add extra difficulty to your non-lethal/slaver exploits by requiring your foe to be within a certain health percentage to collar them.
  • Kill - If your target's total health is below a certain percentage (25% by default) or you have the Mister Sandman perk, you can choose to kill them outright.
  • Devour - If your target's total health is below a certain percentage (same as above) and you have the Cannibal perk, you can eat them alive.
  • Restrain - NPCs can be tied up with Handcuffs, Duct Tape, and Leather Belts. The duration of time they stay tied up is dependent on your strength attribute v.s. theirs, and the item used to bind them. If you stay near them, the time it takes for them to break free will come to a halt. Tying up your foes will give you a 100% searching chance if you have Kenshi Looting enabled.
  • Release - Untying previously tied NPCs will... untie them. They will not be grateful, in fact - they will probably attack the same way they would have if you never untied them.

Weapons and ammunition have been updated. Weapons and ammunition have been added.
  • Boxing (Gloves, Tape, Golden)
  • Cattle Prod
  • Billy Club: Can be found and purchased. There's no definite spawn chance, it's been integrated into leveled lists via script.
  • Baseball Bat: Now inflicts fatigue damage (as well as regular damage).
  • Police Baton: Now inflicts fatigue damage (as well as regular damage).
  • Blackjack: A unique variant of the Billy Club, can be found among a dastardly duo.
  • Plated Boxing Glove: A really heavy boxing glove, can be found in a certain someone's house.
  • Martial Tape: A unique variant of the Boxing Tape, can be found in Legion Storage.
  • BeatCo "Big Frigger": A special power fist that'll surely put your opponent on their A**! Found in one of the safehouses.
  • Wattz 500 Electroshock Prototronic Disruptor (EPD): A taser developed for law enforcement agencies by Wattz, prior to the Great War. It quickly dishes out high-levels of fatigue damage with the chance of temporarily paralyzing your foes. Can be found and purchased.
  • HalluciGen, Inc's PsykoNap Mine/Grenade: Explosive smoke ordinance developed by the Biochemical Research company, HalluciGen, Inc. Entrap your foes in the amethyst colored gas, PsykoNap, that quickly renders them unconscious. Can be found and purchased. 

  • .308, Tranquilizer Round: Can be purchased or crafted.
  • .556mm, Tranquilizer Round: Can be purchased or crafted.
  • .22LR, Tranquilizer Round: Can be purchased or crafted.
  • Energy Cell, Stun: Can be purchased or crafted.
  • Microfusion Cell, Stun: Can be purchased or crafted.

  • Sparring Helmet: Can be found or purchased.

  • Slumber: A poison that does 350 fatigue damage over the course of 10 seconds. Can be crafted and found
    Works great with Xilandro's B42 Bows
  • Slumber Apple: A poisoned apple that will knock its eater out very quickly! Leave it in someone's fridge or on their counter! Must be crafted.

  • Handcuffs: The best way to restrain your target! Can be found in places that make sense (check jails and what not). 

To make your own weapons compatible with the mod:
  • Open up the Mod Configuration Menu > Navigate to "SD_Fatigue" on the sidebar > Select "Current Weapon" > Adjust your equipped weapon's fatigue damage as desired.
All fatigue damage values can be adjusted in the SD_Fatigue.ini file, located in Data/Config.

  • Followers will employ non-lethal armaments should you decide to switch to one yourself. They possess their own distinct non-playable iterations of less potent non-lethal weapons. However, if supplied with an alternative, they will opt for the most optimal choice. This functionality can be easily adjusted within the .ini or MCM settings.

Other Changes:
All of these features can be enabled/disabled/adjusted in the MCM or in the SD_Fatigue.ini:
  • *Forgive/Forget - Upon waking, knocked characters have a 50:50 chance to either flee/pacify or fight their attacker.
  • *Karma Loss - Knocking out a good/very good character, or looting one, will reduce your karma by a small amount.
  • *Fatigue Return Base - The rate that the fatigue value replenishes itself has been reduced greatly. No long will knocked entities reawaken after 10 seconds.
  • *Fist Fatigue Damage - Fists will do fatigue damage. This is more for creatures such as Geckos, Molerats, Deathclaws, etc. as they use their "fists" in combat. It does work for humans/humanoids, though it isn't viable.

Thanks, WebbProductions2020 for creating normal maps for some of my assets.
Thanks, BellCubeDev for helping me with the formula for calculating fatigue damage.

Thanks, Hopper31 and Weijiesen for the PsykoNap's Gas FX.
Thanks, Cogneter for the handcuff model.
Thanks, Allnarta for the help with the Wattz 500 EPD's normal textures.

My Mods:
Radiant Infinium - Endless Questing Framework
Clockwork Vegas - Calendar Overhaul and Time-based Mechanics
Subjugation - Slavery and Capture Mechanics
Fatigue Overhaul - Non-Lethal and Pacifism Redone
Transporters - Immersive Fast Travel
followersPLUS - Teammate Menu
unDeath - Death Alternative
Doris The Ninja - Companion