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About this mod

This is a large-scale overhaul of TTW, particularly focusing on enhancing engagement and variety in the Capital Wasteland's early game. Includes rebalancing of the megaton bomb arm/disarm threshold, reward upgrades for the Wasteland Survival Guide, a new early game dungeon, and a plethora of other changes.

Permissions and credits
This is a complete overhaul of TTW, particularly focusing on enhancing engagement and variety in the Capital Wasteland's early game. Many changes are optional. All terrain/clutter/set dressing additions are fully navmeshed. Point Lookout has been reconfigured to be more approachable during the DC early game.
This serves as my general overhaul for TTW, both the F3 and NV sides.

Double Trigger
  • Some weapons (mostly double barreled) have the Double Trigger feature, wherein they will fire twice/repeatedly if the trigger is held down for an amount of time equal to the "NPC Min Fire Delay" value on the weapon entry after firing.
  • There is an option to enable this feature for combat shotguns.
  • Acid spit spread increased from .2 to 1.0.
  • Mirelurks have been given higher DT, and some DR.
  • Mantis and Mole Rat damages have been reduced.
  • Broken Steel radscorpions have had their health nerfed to reasonable levels.
  • Honest Hearts creature healths and damages have been normalized to align with the rest of the game.
  • Soldier ants now have a custom color.
    It's not super distinct, I may make it more visible at some point.
  • The Mr. Steels in the Vegas Steelworks have been genericized, save for one, which has been made a tougher miniboss.
  • Behemoth unarmed damage has been dramatically buffed.
  • Mirelurk kings lose the ability to fire their head beam if their head is crippled.
  • MZ abomination health values have been buffed, but their attack reach and damage are reduced.
  • Patient Zero in OWB will now explode all it's limbs and explode into poisonous gas when it dies.
  • Feral ghouls, nightstalkers, supermutants, and centaurs have been added to generic wasteland encounters.
  • Cazadores are no longer in weak generic wasteland encounters.
  • Ghouls no longer help radscorpions and brahmin in combat.
  • Ghouls now attack ants on sight.
  • Many NPCs have been modified to have more appropriate inventories, karma, etc.
  • Enclave members no longer grant positive karma when killed.
  • Fantasia will kill herself after a week if Dukov dies.
  • Micheal Masters will fire on you if you get close with a weapon drawn.
  • Dukov will now attack you if you enter his cell while your weapon is out, like his signs say.
  • Sydney's health has been dramatically buffed, and she's been given Advanced Riot Gear instead of basic combat armor and no helmet.
  • Chet's shop has a bunch more low end gear placed around.
  • The prospector east of the colorado now wears T-45 instead of Remnants Armor.
  • The Silver Rush crier now wears businesswear instead of trashy clothes.
  • Fiend helmets will be rarer.
  • There are more legion members present at Nelson.
  • Enclave officers have a chance to use a stealthboy when initiating combat, and they consequentially have stealthboys added to their inventories on the times when they don't use them.
  • Raiders have a chance to use leather and combat armors.
  • Alien Turrets have been renamed from Turret to Alien Turret.
  • Great Khans have a chance to use combat and leather armor.
  • The nuked post-LR areas contain ghouls instead of marked men.
  • James' name has been changed from Dad to James for the post-intro version of him.
  • Colonel Autumn has more health, and he is provided Tesla Armor during your final encounter with him. He also actively uses chems during the fight, and uses Super Stimpaks when his health is low. He also employs some tricky tactics to avoid getting instantly headshot when dialog ends. Oh, and that laser pistol is only his sidearm now.
  • Violet has dramatically better armor, and she will automatically initiate combat with you within a fairly long range if she has line of sight to you. She also uses up to three stealth boys, with a 30 second delay once each one ends.
    Just line of sight, not detection. She's a sniper boss fight now. She has NVG to justify the wildly increased range vs. other NPC ranges.
  • Fiend guard dogs have chem resistances and increased speed.
  • Violetta is larger and stronger.
  • Arkansas optionally has the same fashion of LOS combat initiation, turned on by default. His range is much lower.
  • Cook-Cook has better armor, and he will automatically switch between a Heavy Incinerator and a Flamer (or a Flambe 450 from CFWR) depending on your range from him.
  • Driver Nephi has better armor, and he will automatically initiate combat with you if you're in the caution state and he gets line of sight.
  • Your weapon will automatically be holstered when you go near Caleb McCaffery on the strip, and he'll automatically pull his weapon when you get close, and initiate combat if you have a weapon out and your crosshair goes over him from a distance. He also now uses a sawed-off shotgun with coin shot.
    This is a cowboy quick draw duel. He even tells you to draw!
  • Hit squads will now initiate combat from much further away when they have line of sight.
  • Big Sal and Nero will automatically start combat if they see you with a weapon drawn.
  • Elder McNamara will put on power armor if he starts combat.
  • House now has turrets in the room with his big face monitor, and they will automatically initiate combat and hostility if they see you with a weapon drawn.
  • Benny has more money on him.
  • Swank will no longer give you your stuff back or give you a pass with security to open carry. If you bring him a lot of evidence or pass enough speech checks, he'll give you a silenced .22 and a single clip of hollow points. These will be taken from you if you exit and re-enter the casino - you get one shot to use them on Benny if you can't smuggle them back in.
  • Benny now has turrets in the room with him that will automatically initiate combat if you have a weapon drawn while they detect you and have line of sight. You can sneak past them with a Stealthboy to use a panel in the bedroom to either quietly disable them with 75 repair and science, or use 50 repair to blow them up loudly and initiate combat with Benny.
  • The two Chairmen on Benny's floor have much better gear, and they start on opposite sides of the hall.
  • Benny will no longer sit to wait for you, he will stay standing behind the bar and draw his weapon if he detects you. He will also automatically initiate conversation with you if you get close enough to him and he detects you. You can reset this by getting far enough away, and he will return to his suite. He will also automatically initiate combat if you have a weapon out and your crosshair goes over him.

  • A Fire Extinguishing Kit can be crafted, which uses liquid nitrogen to automatically disperse fire effects if you're holding one when lit on fire.
  • Nuka-Colas are less common, but Quantums can occasionally show up in standard Nuka-Cola loot.
  • Merchants now have dramatically better selection.
  • DC Caravan members have better weaponry and stats, to increase their survivability.
  • Fixer is more common at vendors.
  • Grandma Sparkle has much more food.
  • Ada Strauss no longer wanders.
    Finding and running to her was annoying.
  • Cliff Briscoe has much more food and drink.
  • Joshua Graham offers more stimpaks, to make it easier to keep the companions alive during HH.
  • The player's base health has been reduced from 100 to 50.
  • Perception now affects your spread. You receive an improvement of 2% to spread/chance to hit for each point above 5, and a 2% penalty to it for each point below 5. Note: there is no penalty for 5 Perception, but the drop to 4 PER is -4% accuracy.
  • Being drunk also increases your spread by 25%. This can be mitigated with a perk.
  • Strength affects hip fire spread, at half the rate Perception affects things.
  • Endurance now natively affects your addiction chance by 2% per point.
  • Swim speed has a native penalty of -20% movement speed for more realism.
  • Swim speed is now affected by each point of Agility (+3% for 6+/-3% for 4-).
  • Swim speed is also affected by armor class (Light - 100%/Medium - 75%/Heavy - 50%/Power Armor - 25%)
  • Your needs are also penalized when swimming, since swimming is strenuous.
  • Each point of Charisma below 6 will increase your purchase prices by 3%, multiplicatively.
  • Your charisma level will affect how much reputation you gain and lose.
  • Barter's effect on prices is removed when bartering with robots. This was done to increase economy difficulty, as well as to give you a reason to purchase weapons from other locations than just Vendortron once you hit NV.
  • Three new perks have been added: Gunshots N' Drop Shots, World In My Eyes, and Blind Luck. They remove the spread penalty when drunk, improve Perception while aiming, and improve Perception during combat, respectively.
  • Comprehension's function has been removed, since it was OP.
  • 3.3's breathing mask flag change to the nose ring to stop the use of the mask with the valence oscillator has been reversed.
  • All companions' free health reset at the end of combat has been disabled by default. This can be re-enabled in the config ini.
  • The frequency of dogmeat's barking has been reduced, and his confidence has been reduced. He has a chance to flee if he's wildly outmatched now.
  • Some of the companion perks have been nerfed a little or adjusted. 
  • Enclave Eyebots can now be rewired to fight for you. They'll follow you until they die, and won't add to your follower count. There's no capacity to repair them or anything like that. If you fail a Luck roll, they'll blow up in your face when you attempt the rewire.
  • Companions cannot wear power armor unless they have power armor training.
  • Brahmin-tipping now carries a karma penalty. It's not a harmless prank. You can really hurt a cow by pushing them over irl! Please don't do so, cows are sweet creatures.
  • There is now a prompt that pops up after using the failsafe in Tranquility Lane, asking you why you used it. This is a (admittedly clumsy) way to retain karma continuity on a character when you're simply using the failsafe to skip the section completely and not for the sake of the inhabitants of the simulation. If you select the less altruistic reason, you will have the karma change revoked.
  • Killing the ant queen and destroying the mutagen both grant positive karma during Those!
  • You are provided a prompt to freely acquire the Lawbringer or Contract Killer perk depending upon which karma you have at level 10. This is a one time offer, even with BHYSYS' level reset. Neutral karma means you aren't offered anything.
  • Ain't Nothin But A Hound dog's positive outcome and the Followers' quests at Mormon Fort grant positive karma.
  • Water beggars can now only be donated to a total of five times each, before they run off and disappear.
  • The barter book in the National Archives strong room has been disabled, as it didn't make sense for a Junktown book to be in a pre-war strongroom.
  • Early game and weak weapon mods added by TTW have had their values reduced dramatically.
  • The Megaton common house beds are free for the player to use now.
  • NV-style respawn for DC areas Tale of Two Wastelands has been included here. Thanks to KatArus for the permission to do so.
  • The Intelligence bobblehead's bonus has been changed from it's OP +5 skill points from magazines to +10% xp. Skill magazines are very strong, and allowing +10 skill points means that most skill checks in the game require functionally -10 from their requirement, which devalues character planning/building.
  • Radiation sickness now damages your hunger by 1 at random times, which increase in frequency as your radiation sickness gets worse.
  • Disabled Fixer's visual effect and ongoing sound.
    It's annoying.
  • Selling Jet now reduces your karma.
  • Hardcore threshold penalties have been reworked and made more severe and consequential.
  • Added extra automatic fatigue reduction for the player, because it's way too slow. It's still probably too slow.
  • When you level up, your AP will be restored.
  • The scrap metal turn in option with the outcasts has been disabled, as it was too good a trade for how common and cheap scrap metal is.
  • Magazines now provide a small amount of XP when used, to give more value to weapon skill magazines, and maintain some value when you have a bunch/are at max level.
  • The train cost between wastelands is now configurable, and it's been increased to 225 by default. The science requirement to hack the terminal has also been increased to 100, and it will revert permanently to non-hacked after redeeming one free ticket. The doors to the rooms where you can find tickets have had their locks increased to 100.
  • The signs in the REPCONN HQ and the buttons in the F3 Vault museum grant 10 XP each.
    The vault signs can be exploited, but I don't care.
  • Several dud entries have been added to the train station terminals for flavor.
    They don't do anything.
  • Nearly all caravan cards have had their values modified. The more useful the card, the more expensive they are, and I mean expensive. Jacks have a base value of 75 caps, and Kings are 100, compared to the flat 2 cap cost on everything in vanilla. Developing a strong caravan deck that can reliably win will be more financially strenuous.
  • Most Caravan players' decks have been made more competitive.
  • The bottlecap press can now be used (once) to create 1000 caps, at the cost of a small amount of karma, and increased prices in Vegas after one/two weeks due to "inflation". Purchase prices are increased by 10% and 20% after 8/15 days.
  • Boxcars will now kill himself if you give him 5 Med-X, after approximately 30 seconds of being out of dialog.
  • Included Assassin Disabler. NCR and Legion assassins will no longer attack you once Colonel Moore or Caesar are dead.
  • Traps now generally use Survival or Explosives, instead of all using Repair. The combat shotgun trap also fires four times instead of once.
    This is to make Survival more useful, since Repair is already has lots of appeal.
  • Sawyer style increases to general need thresholds have been included, as well as Sawyer style junk ammo condition changes, misc karma changes, and final change to Dead Money "break the bank" ongoing reward.
  • The player's base health has been halved, a la JSawyer.
  • More radios can be destroyed.
  • Doc's bed now has a bloodstain where your head would have been lying.
  • The Abandoned Shack in Goodsprings is now locked.
  • Most early game NV water sources have been made impure.
  • Various challenge texts have been changed to better match their actual nature.
  • NV Vertibirds will be auto-killed by the Broken Steel Tesla Cannon like the F3 Vertibirds.
  • A few message texts have been adjusted to fix typos and lack of punctuation.
  • The Pip-Boy Radio now conveys a -25 Sneak penalty when turned on.
  • The Megaton pipe repair quest has had it's cap reward reduced from 200 to 100.
  • The Speech check to tell the Overseer that he doesn't have enough population to sustain the vault has been changed from Speech 75 to Science 50.
  • xp reward for completing the Fallout 3 main quest has been increased from 1200 to 10000.
  • Increased XP reward for completing all F3 DLCs except Operation Anchorage.
    Anchorage has been left out due to the other benefits it offers, and for compatibility with AGE.
  • A new quest has been added: Enclave Extermination. You start it by accessing a terminal in Raven Rock that provides you with the locations for all of the Enclave camps in D.C. The quest is simple: exterminate them all. (Or at least go to where they are, if there aren't any troops present.) This is a nice source of xp. To facilitate this quest, all enclave members no longer respawn once the F3 main quest is complete.
  • I Fought The Law - Simple NCR Start is included.
  • The Law Fought Back is included. It was intended mostly for mods with increased PG spawns, but honestly, I want that fight to be one the NCR explicitly wins unless you interfere.
  • The quest to find Union Station automatically starts once you finish the F3 main quest. There have been some dead Outcast NPCs placed around that area for set dressing. I forgot to go back and ragdoll them properly after I tested letting them determine their faces via template flags. They currently all have similar poses - I'll be fixing that eventually.
  • The speech checks with the museum kid in Nellis no longer grant positive fame, they grant bonus XP instead. The fame loss for speech failures has been doubled, and a small fame loss has been added for regular dumb comments.
  • Zimmer's Replicated Man reward has been changed to That Gun. His dialog regarding the tech part of the reward has been stitched out, and it's initial placement has been replaced with a regular 5.56 pistol. You can no longer get both rewards by getting permission to kill Zimmer, getting his reward, then killing him. Instead, if you get permission to kill him, he will now just tell you to get a move on if you try to initiate dialog.
  • Easy Pete's dynamite reward is now luck based.
  • Sunny will give you a BB gun instead of a varmint rifle, to reminisce more of the F3 intro, and to make it slightly less appealing to just walk out back and pop a few caps to get a free gun and a bunch of useful ammo.
  • The Goodsprings Schoolhouse's safe has less guaranteed caps, no super stimpak, and it has a nailgun.
  • During the freeside Debt Collector quest, punching the targets will damage your reputation a little bit, insulting Grecks' eye reduces karma, and stealing his clothes damages reputation.
  • Hiring Boone will damage your Novac reputation a little, as you stole their night watchman with no replacement in line.
  • The corpse carrying the Fat Man outside of Galaxy News Radio has been changed to have Low-Yield nukes.
  • The Disassembled Weapons Shipment involved in How Little We Know will remove itself from your inventory if you complete the quest without using it.
Megaton Bomb:
  • There has been a complete rework of the Megaton undetonated bomb disarming/arming skill check process and messages. No longer will you be acquiring the megaton house one level after reaching megaton! Now, it checks your Explosives and Repair skills, as well as your Science skill, which will have it's bonus additionally modulated by your Intelligence.
  • This has been done to encourage use of the common house, increase the likelihood of you sleeping in the wasteland for variety's sake, and to encourage use of the Big Town House (from Big Town Extensions) during your early levels.
  • The default formula is as follows:
  • Player's defusal skill = ((Intelligence * Science) * .05) + Repair + Explosives
  • This bonus maxes out at 50 with 10 Int and 100 Science, and Intelligence is a much stronger factor than science in receiving the combined bonus.
  • The default threshold for the default formula is a total of 90, and it is configurable for whatever the formula type is set to.
    *Bomb behavior can be customized to: Vanilla skill check, an Explosives or Repair check, an Explosives and Repair check, or the new formula based check.
Wasteland Survival Guide:
  • The Minefield grenade reward can be changed to tin grenades.
    Disabled by default, as it doesn't line up with Moira's dialog.
  • Health/limb damage can optionally be restored on completion of the radiation objective.
    When using RAD, you're forced to lose ~60% of a health bar to accomplish both objectives, and only your radiation is removed, you're not healed. This setting is meant to ameliorate that, to allow you to more comfortably use the rad pool by the Megaton bomb to just complete the objective immediately, instead of the vague "I guess I'll get irradiated eventually, and just leave myself critically rad poisoned for hours"  which is not a thing anybody would really choose to do.
  • You gain an additional real bottlecap mine on top of the schematics for it for completing the bonus minefield objective.
  • Arkansas, in the Minefield, has a new, scoped by default, .308 hunting rifle. It's stats are a little different, and it has a unique name. It's generally not as good as a regular .308 hunting rifle, but it comes with the scope by default, and it's crit values are a bit better. It's model can optionally be replaced with the WWP Hunting Rifle's scoped version.
  • The Minefield area has seen some minor scenery improvements to potentially guide you toward the cliff overlooking the town, and Arkansas has a reloading bench now.
  • The Minefield homes have had some small additional loot and radroach placements.
  • Molerat repellant chem reward has been changed to Turbo/Rebound from the boring Jet/Psycho.
  • An additional XP bonus has been granted for the bonus repellant objective, since it takes so long compared to the basic objective.
  • If you kill a mirelurk during the observation objective, you gain a perk with a small damage bonus against targets in water, instead of stealth boys. It's pretty easy to sprint past these boys, it's certainly not a stealth mission. Maybe kill em all for the loot and XP now.
  • Completing the bonus mirelurk observation objective grants an additional XP bonus.
  • You're provided a doctor's bag after the crippled limb objective.
  • Rivet City's lackluster mentats reward has been increased, with 4/9 magazines for the basic/optional objectives, respectively.
  • The Robco processor objective rewards have been increased with drained energy weapon ammo, some fission batteries, and a few science magazines.
  • The library objectives now provide a few pre war books upon completion.
  • The final Survival Guide XP reward has been increased to 400 XP from 100, and a small karma bonus has been added.
  • The non-usable wasteland survival guide you're given at the end of the quest now has substantial value, as a reward for you to sell.
  • Moira's ammo reward has been rebalanced.
  • The pre-war book cap reward has been reduced to 25 caps.
  • The lock on the back door of the Anchorage War Memorial has been increased to 50.
LocationsSpringvale School:
  • A bunch of lockers have been tipped over, to provide more cover for melee/sneaking in particular, and to make the environment feel fresher.
  • Some small set dressings and additional lockers/boxes/vending machines have been added, for improved ambience and gameplay.
  • The combat knife on the table on the top floor has been disabled, and a different selection of early game weapons have been placed there instead.
  • Choosing to kill Silver will now grant you ownership of her little house, to be used as a very early game player home. A sink has also been added to her house. Five days after this happens, you will be ambushed by a group of raiders.
  • If you have Abandoned Safehouse TTW and the Abandoned Safehouse bridge file, one of them will have the key to the safehouse. The Abandoned Safehouse has been completely overhauled to a raider safehouse, which has all the regular amenities you'd expect from a player home, including crafting, but it's gross.
  • The free grenades and drugs in the mailbox have been changed to junk items that make more sense.
Raider Overpass:
  • New set dressing and cover additions have been added to the raider overpass near vault 101 to make it more interesting, and easier to approach via sneaking.
  • Terrain additions have been made around the approach to the overpass.
  • The sniper rifle raiders' weapons have been changed to lower level weapons of a broader variety.
  • The assault rifle at the nearby military checkpoint has been disabled, as it was really early for a free assault rifle placement.
  • Pinned to a wall on the overpass is a raiding map, with some directions for local areas that the player might enjoy exploring during the early game. Multiple map markers are shown upon picking the note up.
Ladybug Cave:
  • A new cave dungeon has been added to "Ladybug Picnic", which is west and slightly to the north of the raider overpass. It features spore plants and mantises, and a still to distill moonshine in, if your Science is 35+, or Survival is 25+. The distillation requires one fission battery, two maize, and a yeast.
  • Lesko owns his own stuff now.
  • The chinese assault rifle in Brian Wilks' family house has been changed to a laser rifle and a silenced .22 pistol.
  • Fire ant fire damage has been increased, but with much higher spread, and buffed limb damage, but it fires slower, with less range.
  • The Family's metro area now has a reloading bench and workbench.
Vault 87:
  • More Super Mutants have been added to Vault 87 and Murder Pass.
    They weren't very taxing or imposing locations in vanilla.
  • Added more mines to the safer path in Murder Pass, to balance out it's dramatically shorter length in terms of risk.
National Guard Depot:
  • Added more radiation.
Southern Wind Farm Shack:
  • Added a bunch of repair supplies and some set dressings to make it more appealing to risk going into it in the early game.
Allied Technologies Office:
  • The ants have been switched to Fire Ants, and there's been some bodies, loot, a note, and direction toward a nearby house for more loot, to make this location more interesting.
Vault 19:
  • Now owned by the faction inside, so you can't just take all their stuff.
H&H Tools:
  • Bodies have been added, to match the dialog mentioning the smell coming from there.
Vault 34:
  • Radiation markers have been added to each of the goo piles that didn't have them.
  • A larger variety and total count of loot has been added to the armory, and the containers and items have been marked with flags that prevent Famine from disabling/reducing them.
Vault 19:
  • More radiation has been added to the lower levels.
DLC Changes:
Point Lookout:
  • The entire Point Lookout DLC has been rebalanced for an early/mid-DC experience, more similar to Honest Hearts, than say, Lonesome Road. This includes it's weapons.
  • Energy weapons have been removed from PL bandits, but robots have been added to the encounter list in PL to replenish your EW ammo stock.
  • The double barreled shotgun has had it's projectile count fixed, and it's been tweaked to be a more legitimate competitor to the sawed off shotgun.
  • The Gray Matters perk has been fixed to only provide -25% damage, instead of 75%.
  • PL bandits have a much greater variety of weaponry, and their highly powered weapons have been switched to higher levels specifically.
  • The XP reward for completion of A Meeting of the Minds has been increased from 300 XP to 500/750 xp. (Bonus 250 XP for killing both, since there wasn't really any reason to side with Calvert.)
  • A new perk is granted for siding with Calvert, Cranial Contusion, which grants +5% crit chance when targeting the head in VATS.
  • Panada has been made a much better merchant, with guaranteed access to the PL weapon mods, and a workbench and reloading bench have been added to her shop.
  • Panada has also been made much more capable of defending herself, given a weapon, and her robot has been buffed, implying that she improved it herself to serve as a better bodyguard.
  • A new autopsy opportunity has been provided, which allows Medicine 30 players to use a set of most of the surgical supplies to gain a perk granting bonus damage dealt to the head of swampfolk, and reduced limb damage when fighting them, along with some xp.
  • A new Super Mutant Invasion has been added! Instead of the task of putting the lightbulb in the lighthouse doing nothing, it will now trigger an event sequence in which more mirelurks begin roaming the coast of Point Lookout, and after three days, a Super Mutant raiding party will land on the coastline. As increments of three days pass, a new raiding party will arrive at different locations around the landscape. After 24 days pass, you'll receive a message from Panada warning you about the invasion. Once you receive the message, you'll have three days to show up in Point Lookout to save Panada! Once you defeat all of the super mutant parties around the island, you'll be rewarded with a nice XP bonus.
  • You'll likely want to do this task at one of two times: when you first arrive, you can trigger the invasion to help clear out areas of wildlife and swampfolk. Alternatively, you may want to do this last, return to DC and spend a month on other tasks, then return with more powerful weaponry to handle the super mutant threat.
  • Spooky portraits have been added to Blackhall Manor. One is exclusive to Wild Wasteland.
  • Point Lookout - Cellar Home TTW has been included. The key is purchased from Panada.
  • Lakelurks have been added to spawns for variety. 
  • Swamplurk Queen fatigue has been set much higher, to prevent them from getting knocked out by ghouls if creature fatigue damage is enabled.
Mothership Zeta:
  • The overall amount of loot and it's general health has been moderately reduced.
  • Alien weapons now have a high chance to self destruct on death.
  • The healing arch now restores all rads, a chunk of hunger and thirst, and they will always restore 25% health instead of having an upper cap of 75% health without overcharging. It no longer clears addictions.
  • Terminal Science checks have been increased to 75.
  • Drones drop more damaged cannons.
  • Added a challenge for completing MZ without killing an alien worker.
  • A single unarmed hit, with or without a weapon, will instantly knock out alien workers, allowing you to shut them up without necessarily killing them.
  • Added a substantial karma penalty for shooting the earth with the death ray.
The Pitt:
  • Trog poison damage has been changed to rad damage.
  • Lots of loot has been added to the Steelyard, for more variety and to make the sequence less of a resource-scarce slog.
  • Enough parts to craft a railway rifle have been added to the areas before the Steelyard, and a workbench has been added to the room with the guy that gives you the steel axe to start.
  • Added secondary weapon rewards for each threshold of ingots you turn in, to make turning them all in instead of using them for the mill more appealing.
  • Added a huge karma penalty for siding with Ashur.
Broken Steel:
  • The Presidential Sentry Bots have been buffed and given their own texture, and they no longer respawn.
  • Added radiation to the Presidential Metro cells, since the building directly above them got nuked a bunch.
  • Added a guaranteed Missile Launcher to the interior right before getting to the Adams AFB worldspace, in a crate.
Honest Hearts:
  • Sorrows Hair Style - Honest Hearts has been included.
  • The secondary cave Yao Guai objective during the second phase of HH is no longer optional.
  • Killing the White Leg Sappers during the second HH phase no longer skips the disarming traps objective.
  • The Ranger station cage door used as a prison during the Evacuation of Zion route is no longer locked until it's being used as a prison.
Lonesome Road:
  • Launching any nuke at the end of Lonesome Road will start intermittent radiation doses while in the Mojave.
Other Included ModsRequirements:
JIP LN, xNVSE, Johnny, the usual stuff.

Optional Requirements:
WWP Hunting Rifle required only for the optional patch to change Little Rock's model.
Delete the NVSE file from that mod if you just want the Little Rock change and not the standard hunting rifle model replacer.
Abandoned Safehouse TTW is required for the optional Abandoned Safehouse Bridge file.

Install the main file, then install the config file. You'll need to reset your config options when updating that file.
Turn on NPC Perks in the JIP ini. Set it to 1 or 2, 1 is recommended.
It's recommended that you install the master patch and place it below any mods in your load order which may conflict.
If you have Abandoned Safehouse TTW installed, consider installing the Abandoned Safehouse bridge, which integrates that safehouse with some extensive changes to make it a raider safehouse. 

Strongly Recommended Mods To Go With EDGE:
Purchase Items On Display
Anchorage Gameplay Expansion
BATH - Backup and Throwables Hotkeys
Sweet's Simple Settings
New Blood
Wasteland Starting Gear DC
Sweet Consumables
Aid Addon
Companion Characteristics
Sunny Companion Hardcore

Most item entry edits have been done by hard edit. Use the Master Patch if you want to ensure that you have EDGE's changes, else make a merged patch.
There is a patch for Ragdolls.
These patches belong lower than the master patch.

How to patch for Double Trigger:
Easy! Simply add your weapon to the FLSTDoubleTriggerWeapons formlist, and make sure the weapon's NPC Min Fire Delay value is set above 0. If the weapon is in the list but that value is zero, EDGE will set it to .1, which is the same as most of the double barreled weapons. This may be too fast for some weapons, so hand setting this value is recommended. The Destabilizer, for example, has a delay of .2, and the combat shotguns have a delay of .32.

Internally patched for TTW - More Map Markers. Strongly recommended for use with that mod.
Incompatible with Fallout 3 Rebirth.
Incompatible with weapon replacers that use an esp. These are simple and easy to patch in FNVEdit.
Incompatible with NPC edits, like Redesigned, Brave New World, etc. These are simple and easy to patch in FNVEdit.
Incompatible with mods which add new weapons via hard edit instead of script. These are simple and easy to patch in FNVEdit.
Incompatible with SawyerBattyROOG patch, apparently.
There is a Master Patch that should resolve conflicts with most mods. Sawyerbatty is just fine if you use the master patch and place it lower than sawyerbatty. The SawyerBattyROOG patch must be placed lower than the Master Patch, however.
You can absolutely use Abandoned Safehouse TTW with EDGE on it's own, without the Bridge patch.

I wanted there to be blood behind the finger pinned to the note, but it goes transparent at certain angles for some reason.
Sometimes the knife falls away from the note and finger at the raider overpass. Nothing I can do about that.

There's a dead ___ in this location!
I know, I put dead things in places for set dressing.
Moonshine takes way longer than two days to distill!
Yeah, I know, but I didn't want it to take forever and make you forget about it. You can change it in the config ini.
Can I repair/buff the eyebots I rewire?
I'm considering it, but I may not bother.
These caravan card prices are crazy!
Caravan is a really strong, practically free economy "exploit" in vanilla. This balances that out a good deal.
Cook-Cook's armor is different than in the gif in the images?
Yeah, that was just what I set when I was testing out his new features. I elected to give him better armor after I recorded the gif to show off the feature.

NV-style respawn for DC areas Tale of Two Wastelands has been included here! Thanks to KatArus for the permission to do so.
GRumod - TTW - Melee Reach Improved supplied the template for Simple Reach.
Qwerty - Logic and Consistency Fixes - DM Item ownership, Helios One Sanity, Matching Doors
Meowshly - Dog and God Encounter Uses the Medicine Skill - and Other Changes
antistar - Weapon Mods Expanded's cosmic knife bombardment icon, via CPI's modder's resources, was used as part of World In My Eyes.
ItsMeJesusHChrist supplied the modder's resources used for this mod's perks.
truevoidwalker - More Charisma Checks
PlatinumShad0w - I Fought the Law - Simple NCR Start
CarlZee - Sorrows Hair Style - Honest Hearts
dekart811 - Point Lookout Cellar Home
GMMyron - TTW Ammo Press Rebalance
PalateSwap - Just Disarm It
Vandrerer - Vandr HD Creatures - base edited ant texture
Tau34Rus - Improved Robot Textures, used as a base for the presidential metro sentry bot
CarlZee - Endgame Areas Contain Ghouls - Lonesome Road
Shad0wShayd3 - TTW Collectibles Keller Family Transcripts has been included here with an additional stage added.
KMFALLOUT - Three Dog Has Weapon Cache Key On Him TTW
Qolore7 - Trudy XP Fix, Campfires and Hotplates
zebumper - Francine Hangs McCaffery's Hat 
Kalash96 - TTW Bobbleheads Relocated
Hopper91 - Commissary Unaffected By Barter showed me how to make robots not abide your barter more effectively than my old method
Mojavesuave - Radioactive Muck
Patchier - Doggone Law Dog

Do whatever.

If you'd like to support my modding work or say thanks, feel free to donate via the Nexus or here at Ko-Fi..