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  1. Alexsand1
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    Initially I got acquainted with version 6.1 and it was something. Once in Seyda-nin at night on the bridge I was attacked by an Altmer woman screaming “die”, realizing that she was stronger, I used the starting spell “walking on water” and escaped along it, when I looked back, she began to cast a spell and disappeared (maybe she teleported) - that’s what MCA is for me, it’s adrenaline, it’s a miracle. But after playing version 8.2 for about 20 hours, I was disappointed and sad. The ability to turn off drunks, courtesans, etc. is great, but the challenge, danger, and joy of overcoming it all just evaporates. Random enemies are now incapable of anything 3-hit bums in a shirt and with a rusty dagger. Previously, it made sense to carry a couple of scrolls with you for 60-70 damage with cold or fire, because the enemies were amazing: a powerful zombie near the kwama mine next to Seida-nin, a vampire who was barely killed at night, because she drank life with a spell, at night near Balmora there was a man in armor who reflected a spell from a scroll and had to run away from him (speed came in handy). It would be a real miracle to bring back 6.1 with a new setting for courtesans, drunkards and so on, there would be no point in writing all this if your work were not so valuable and interesting to me, but what has happened now is just sad
  2. Dziadel
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    When i went to arilles tradehouse there were no objects or textures. There where only few npcs flying in dark place and i couldnt leave this place.
  3. RyuOfTheWastelands
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    This is bullshit! When i set "enemies in caves respawn" to on i didn't want it so that the next in-game hour you visit this cave again there already be another pack of goons. also the same with road brigands! i just sold the loot from the last one and going the same road again theres another!!!!!! its like half a minute irl! 
    1. Farzaneh
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Use custom setup.
  4. GrandsonOfAvatar
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    The worst mod ever created for Morrowind.  Play it through, and you will understand.  It is the hostile NPC's that make this so.  There is no way to disable these attacks, even if you tell it that in it's menu.  It will lessen them, but there is no way to disable the frequent, and beyond annoying attacks in the wilderness, nor can you disable the 6th House attacks in Al'Druhn, and Mar Gan.  Furthermore, once installed, the mod cannot be uninstalled without starting a new playthrough.   The attackers level with the player, all the way to level 100.  They will slaughter the guards, kill other NPC's (including game busting ones), get you charged with crimes for just defending yourself, introduce hard coded attacks in various places you have no hope of winning, and a litany of other bad things too numerous to list.  Your best strategy when encountering them:  Open the console, and disable/delete all of the hostile NPC's this POS mod forces upon you.  It deserves the number one place in the Morrowind mod Hall of Shame.  Heartily NOT recommended.  You have been warned.  
    1. Farzaneh
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Use custom setup.
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    This thing's a piece of Morrowind modding history but it needs an modular/light update for 2024. Something like companion functionality but without the whole armies of NPCs spawning everywhere making Morrowind feel like WoW mixed with TESO. Its a great mod in its core but built with a different design philosophy....
    1. Farzaneh
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Use custom setup.
  6. mariohead1
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    Important Note:
    Having the Khajiit Diversity Revamped Addon (The one that is packaged with this Mod) enabled completely breaks Magicka Regeneration regardless of your player race.
  7. Krumschi
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    I have this companion "Telion the Terrible", we were attacked by 5 brigrands and he's been knocked unconscious. He has been out for two days now, I keep checking out on him, but he doesn't wake. Is that a bug? Can I reset this somehow?
    1. ShadowOfYourPast
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      You can safely use the "resurrect" command on him in the console, and he'll spring back up like nothing happened. Other than that idk what the 'intended' fix for this is by the mod dev, cuz I have the same issue with the companions dying every 5 minutes, especially since they don't seem to level scale with the player.
    2. Farzaneh
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      MCA 6.1 and below allows you to send Companions to other locations, other than that I just use them and Courtesans  for Tavern filler. If you want companions use NPC Command V8 and the Starfire's NPC as town filler to acquire short lived "Happy Volunteers" for your adventures.
      P.S. if you raise your Personality to 300 [See, ELDER SCROLLS MORROWIND Is A Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits} the Dreamers become friendly and you can draft them into your service.
  8. jaredvalentine
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    • 0 kudos
    Downloaded this being like, "Awesome! Random heads, hair, and equipment on 1200 NPCs!"

    After several mod tests while building up my active mod stack, I'm disappointingly tired of the amount of orcs looking nearly identical running up to mob me everywhere I go, despite selecting the smallest enemy group size. So far, it's been all orc clones and the occasional weakling or mage that also look the same as one another.

    Great idea in theory, but I don't think I'll make it far enough on this mod to see if it becomes less repetitive later on. :( Aside from appearance, it's a great mod when you want the challenge of unrelenting enemy NPCs stalking you around. Love that part for sure
    1. jaredvalentine
      • member
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      Yeah, in retrospect I definitely feel it could be more diverse, but don't know enough about modding for suggestions to randomize features.

      On a strong plus, my last play with this mod felt like an army was trying to hunt me down. Combining that with a zombie replacer would be thrilling 
  9. TheMightyGoat51
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    This mod does liven up the game world a bit but why is the UI such that it prompts the player to change settings every new game after chargen? Is there some way to fix these settings in the esm file and not be force prompted to set them all the time?
    1. Jaredmw100
      • supporter
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      That's not really an all the time thing then is it? I think you can toggle off the prompt but honestly how many/often new characters do you start in a day? Morrowind isn't known for being a short game
    2. TheMightyGoat51
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Yes it's all the time when completing chargen.

      I use An Unexpected Start to turn the game into a survival simulator. Uncheck spawn near towns, start new games until char spawns somewhere remote I don't recognize, then see what it takes to level in the wild. Having completed the main quest several times it's the early levels that are challenging and rewarding (fun). This means I see the multitude of chargen prompts often.

      Even creating a throwaway new char for mod testing is more cumbersome while having to click through these messages, and if I click the wrong setting there's no way to go back and change it and it's unclear whether those settings apply only to that save. No I don't want attacks on towns.. ah wrong button.. no way to fix it without making another new char. There should be a way to fix these settings once or have a settings menu that doesn't prompt.

      I like the mod but all the time I consider uninstalling it while slogging through those prompts.

      So how do I "toggle off the prompt" like you said? That would be helpful to know since it relates to what I asked.
  10. sargic
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    I play latest version of MFR on OpenMW engine and i can't add MCA.esm  to the Weapon Sheathing exception, and because of this, some characters walk with exclamation marks ... How to fix it manualy, or maybe you have the opportunity to release a separate patch?(
    1. Tamu89
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Is that what's wrong with the Legionaries?? I have this same problem, I think...
    2. tyflosypogeios
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      • 2 kudos
      try using