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  1. GaRRetZAV
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Hi! I love this mod, but it was slightly annoyable, when your companion NPC teleporting to you every time, when you go to another cell. Also, I wanted to have a special button for teleportation my NPC companions to me. So I slightly changed original code. In this version, you can press key "O" and you companion will teleport to you instantly. And I use teleportating distance in mod config menu just about 3000. It helps not teleportating NPCs to you with every cell changing. Just replace all code in main.lua file with this.

    Mod Initialization: Easy Escort
    Author: NullCascade
    Ensures that your followers get warped to you if they get too far away. Compatible with any
    follower from any mod, without any special script attached to that NPC.
    -- Ensure we have the features we need.
    if (mwse.buildDate == nil or mwse.buildDate < 20180726) then
    mwse.log("[Easy Escort] Build date of %s does not meet minimum build date of 20180726.", mwse.buildDate)
    local lfs = require("lfs")
    -- Ensure we don't have an old version installed.
    if (lfs.attributes("Data Files/MWSE/lua/nc/escort/mod_init.lua")) then
    if (lfs.rmdir("Data Files/MWSE/lua/nc/escort/", true)) then
    mwse.log("[Easy Escort] Old install found and deleted.")
    -- Additional, probably not necessarily cleanup. It will only delete these if they are empty.
    lfs.rmdir("Data Files/MWSE/lua/nc")
    lfs.rmdir("Data Files/MWSE/lua")
    mwse.log("[Easy Escort] Old install found but could not be deleted. Please remove the folder 'Data Files/MWSE/lua/nc/escort' and restart Morrowind.")
    local config = mwse.loadConfig("Easy Escort", {
    pollRate = 5,
    followDistance = 2000,
    ignoreList = {
    ["ab01amago"] = true,
    ["ab01amemasu"] = true,
    ["ab01angel"] = true,
    ["ab01angelshark"] = true,
    ["ab01asiaarowana"] = true,
    ["ab01ayu"] = true,
    ["ab01barramundi"] = true,
    ["ab01bat01"] = true,
    ["ab01bat02"] = true,
    ["ab01bee01"] = true,
    ["ab01benizake"] = true,
    ["ab01bird01"] = true,
    ["ab01bird02"] = true,
    ["ab01bird03"] = true,
    ["ab01bird04"] = true,
    ["ab01bird05"] = true,
    ["ab01bird06"] = true,
    ["ab01bird07"] = true,
    ["ab01bird10"] = true,
    ["ab01bird11"] = true,
    ["ab01bird12"] = true,
    ["ab01bird13"] = true,
    ["ab01bird14"] = true,
    ["ab01bird15"] = true,
    ["ab01blackbass"] = true,
    ["ab01bluegill"] = true,
    ["ab01bluemerlin"] = true,
    ["ab01bluetang"] = true,
    ["ab01bluewhale"] = true,
    ["ab01bocaccio"] = true,
    ["ab01bora"] = true,
    ["ab01browntrout"] = true,
    ["ab01butterfly01"] = true,
    ["ab01butterfly02"] = true,
    ["ab01butterfly03"] = true,
    ["ab01butterfly04"] = true,
    ["ab01cecaelia"] = true,
    ["ab01chinook"] = true,
    ["ab01clownfish"] = true,
    ["ab01colossoma"] = true,
    ["ab01crab01"] = true,
    ["ab01crab02"] = true,
    ["ab01crab03"] = true,
    ["ab01crabking"] = true,
    ["ab01crabprince"] = true,
    ["ab01demekin"] = true,
    ["ab01dolphin"] = true,
    ["ab01dolphinsmall"] = true,
    ["ab01dreughancient"] = true,
    ["ab01dreughelder"] = true,
    ["ab01duck01"] = true,
    ["ab01duck01b"] = true,
    ["ab01duck06"] = true,
    ["ab01duck06b"] = true,
    ["ab01duck11"] = true,
    ["ab01duck11b"] = true,
    ["ab01duck13"] = true,
    ["ab01duck13b"] = true,
    ["ab01duck17"] = true,
    ["ab01duck17b"] = true,
    ["ab01duck23"] = true,
    ["ab01duck23b"] = true,
    ["ab01duckling02"] = true,
    ["ab01duckling02b"] = true,
    ["ab01duckling04"] = true,
    ["ab01duckling04b"] = true,
    ["ab01duckling06"] = true,
    ["ab01duckling06b"] = true,
    ["ab01duckling12"] = true,
    ["ab01duckling12b"] = true,
    ["ab01firefly01"] = true,
    ["ab01giantshark"] = true,
    ["ab01gondolier"] = true,
    ["ab01gondolier2"] = true,
    ["ab01goose01"] = true,
    ["ab01goose01b"] = true,
    ["ab01guppybluegrass"] = true,
    ["ab01hariyo"] = true,
    ["ab01haze"] = true,
    ["ab01hermitcrab"] = true,
    ["ab01humpback"] = true,
    ["ab01jellyfish"] = true,
    ["ab01jellyfishbig"] = true,
    ["ab01kamuruti"] = true,
    ["ab01katuo"] = true,
    ["ab01kazika"] = true,
    ["ab01kelpbass"] = true,
    ["ab01kihada"] = true,
    ["ab01killerwhale"] = true,
    ["ab01killerwhalesmall"] = true,
    ["ab01koi"] = true,
    ["ab01koi2"] = true,
    ["ab01kumanomi"] = true,
    ["ab01kuromaguro"] = true,
    ["ab01leopardshark"] = true,
    ["ab01manatee"] = true,
    ["ab01manbou"] = true,
    ["ab01mangrovejack"] = true,
    ["ab01mantaray"] = true,
    ["ab01mantaray2"] = true,
    ["ab01medaka"] = true,
    ["ab01mezirozame"] = true,
    ["ab01namazu"] = true,
    ["ab01napoleon"] = true,
    ["ab01neontetra"] = true,
    ["ab01nizimasu"] = true,
    ["ab01northernpike"] = true,
    ["ab01octopus"] = true,
    ["ab01octopussmall"] = true,
    ["ab01oikawa"] = true,
    ["ab01osyoro"] = true,
    ["ab01oyanirami"] = true,
    ["ab01pacificcod"] = true,
    ["ab01penguin01"] = true,
    ["ab01penguin01small"] = true,
    ["ab01pinksalmon"] = true,
    ["ab01rantyu"] = true,
    ["ab01redbetta"] = true,
    ["ab01reddevil"] = true,
    ["ab01redhead"] = true,
    ["ab01redparrot"] = true,
    ["ab01sdozyou"] = true,
    ["ab01seahorse"] = true,
    ["ab01seal"] = true,
    ["ab01sealsmall"] = true,
    ["ab01seaturtle"] = true,
    ["ab01seaturtlesmall"] = true,
    ["ab01severus"] = true,
    ["ab01shark"] = true,
    ["ab01sharksucker"] = true,
    ["ab01sheephead"] = true,
    ["ab01shovelnose"] = true,
    ["ab01siamesetiger"] = true,
    ["ab01slaughterfishelder"] = true,
    ["ab01snail01"] = true,
    ["ab01snail02"] = true,
    ["ab01snail03"] = true,
    ["ab01snail04"] = true,
    ["ab01snail05"] = true,
    ["ab01spermwhale"] = true,
    ["ab01steelhead"] = true,
    ["ab01suzuki"] = true,
    ["ab01tanago"] = true,
    ["ab01trout1"] = true,
    ["ab01trout2"] = true,
    ["ab01trout3"] = true,
    ["ab01trout4"] = true,
    ["ab01trout5"] = true,
    ["ab01turquoisediscus"] = true,
    ["ab01waternetch"] = true,
    ["ab01yamame"] = true,
    ["ab01zatou"] = true,
    ["bm_horker_swim_unique"] = true,
    ["chargen boat guard 2"] = true,
    ["guar_white_unique"] = true,
    ["hlaalu guard_outside"] = true,
    ["hlaalu guard"] = true,
    ["imperial guard_ebonhear"] = true,
    ["imperial guard"] = true,
    ["mer_tgw_guar"] = true,
    ["ordinator stationary"] = true,
    ["ordinator wander"] = true,
    ["ordinator_high fane"] = true,
    ["ordinator_mournhold"] = true,
    ["redoran guard female"] = true,
    ["redoran guard male"] = true,
    ["telvanni guard"] = true,
    ["telvanni sharpshooter"] = true,
    ["ughash gro-batul"] = true,
    ["yashnarz gro-ufthamph"] = true,
    -- Make blacklist consistent.
    if (config.blacklist) then
    for _, id in ipairs(config.blacklist) do
    config.ignoreList[id:lower()] = true
    config.blacklist = nil
    if (config.blackList) then
    for _, id in ipairs(config.blackList) do
    config.ignoreList[id:lower()] = true
    config.blackList = nil
    -- Ensure any user-added IDs are also lowercased.
    local addDict = {}
    local removeList = {}
    for id, value in ipairs(config.ignoreList) do
    local lowerId = id:lower()
    if (id ~= lowerId) then
    table.insert(removeList, id)
    addDict[lowerId] = value
    for id, value in pairs(addDict) do
    config.ignoreList[id] = value
    for _, id in ipairs(removeList) do
    config.ignoreList[id] = nil
    -- Determines if an id is in the blacklist.
    local function isInBlacklist(id)
    return config.ignoreList[id]
    -- Determines if an actor is in the blacklist.
    local function isActorInBlackList(actor)
    local reference = actor.reference
    -- Is it not in our blacklist?
    return isInBlacklist(reference.baseObject.id:lower())
    -- Determines if an actor is a valid companion.
    local function validCompanionCheck(actor)
    -- The player shouldn't count as his own companion.
    if (actor == tes3.mobilePlayer) then
    return false
    -- Restrict based on AI package type.
    local allowedPackages = { [tes3.aiPackage.none] = true, [tes3.aiPackage.follow] = true }
    if (not allowedPackages[tes3.getCurrentAIPackageId({ reference = actor })]) then
    return false
    -- Respect the blacklist.
    if (isActorInBlackList(actor)) then
    return false
    -- Make sure we don't teleport dead actors.
    local animState = actor.actionData.animationAttackState
    if (actor.health.current <= 0 or animState == tes3.animationState.dying or animState == tes3.animationState.dead) then
    return false
    return true
    local function swapForComp(e)
        -- Don't do anything in menu mode.
        if tes3.menuMode() then

    local function forceFollowFriendlyActors()
    local currentCell = tes3.getPlayerCell()
    local positionParams = {
    cell = currentCell,
    position = tes3.player.position,
    orientation = tes3.player.orientation,
    for actor in tes3.iterate(tes3.mobilePlayer.friendlyActors) do
    if (validCompanionCheck(actor)) then
    local reference = actor.reference
    positionParams.reference = reference

    if (currentCell.isInterior) then

    if (reference.cell ~= currentCell or reference.position:distance(tes3.player.position) > 100) then
    if (reference.position:distance(tes3.player.position) > 100) then


    event.register("keyDown", function(e) timer.delayOneFrame(forceFollowFriendlyActors) end,  { filter = 24 })

    -- Repositions any followers that don't share a cell with the player.
    local function forceFollowFriendlyActors()
    local currentCell = tes3.getPlayerCell()
    local positionParams = {
    cell = currentCell,
    position = tes3.player.position,
    orientation = tes3.player.orientation,
    for actor in tes3.iterate(tes3.mobilePlayer.friendlyActors) do
    if (validCompanionCheck(actor)) then
    local reference = actor.reference
    positionParams.reference = reference

    if (currentCell.isInterior) then

    if (reference.cell ~= currentCell or reference.position:distance(tes3.player.position) > config.followDistance) then
    if (reference.position:distance(tes3.player.position) > config.followDistance) then


    event.register("cellChanged", function(e) timer.delayOneFrame(forceFollowFriendlyActors) end)
    -- Initialize interop library to support modifying the blacklist.
    local interop = require("Easy Escort.interop")
    function interop.addToBlacklist(id)
    config.ignoreList[id:lower()] = true
    function interop.removeFromBlacklist(id)
    config.ignoreList[id:lower()] = nil
    interop.blackListContains = isInBlacklist
    interop.validCompanionCheck = validCompanionCheck
    -- Set up Mod Config Menu support.
    local modConfig = require("Easy Escort.mcm")
    modConfig.config = config
    local function registerModConfig()
    mwse.registerModConfig("Easy Escort", modConfig)
    event.register("modConfigReady", registerModConfig)
    -- Finally let the log know we're loaded.
    mwse.log("[Easy Escort] Initialized with configuration:\n%s", json.encode(config, { indent = true }))
    local function RecallInitialized(e)
            event.register("keyDown", swapForComp, { filter = 24 })
            print("Initialized TeleHotkey v0.1")
    event.register("initialized", RecallInitialized)
  2. tapetty
    • supporter
    • 22 kudos
    I had a bug where Varvur wouldn't follow me once I left the mansion because he was stuck in some kind of combat script from trying to fight the guard. So I'd get him home but he would just stand at the door. Even teleporting to balmora with recall he was still stuck whereever he'd load in. I fixed it by getting us into combat again by sleeping until an enemy attacked. Once he had something else to fight he got fixed but damn it was annoying.
  3. CiChitman
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    is a file missing? cuz it says on the read me theres a file for the config folder and its not there. im not sure its working i went really far but no teleportation. i hav all requirements so it should be working.
  4. ultron7890
    • supporter
    • 5 kudos
    Dumb question I know, but will this apply to vanilla companions as well?

    Edit: Have figured this out for myself and just want to say, you are my hero for making this! Makes some of the escort quests in this game much more playable/less grating.
  5. Raulao123
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Can you add a check for if the player is standing on the ground? I'm tired of having my followers take fall damage when escorting them with levitation
  6. lightsourced
    • premium
    • 24 kudos
    Is there a way that I can adjust the code to have them teleport a little further behind you? My pet guar keeps spawning inside/in front of me and it's really distracting and also scares the crap out of me sometimes >.< lol
  7. greywyvern
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    The "Restrict based on AI package type." code block in the main.lua file is preventing normal companions (that don't have their own scripts) from following you via Recall, and I assume other types of teleportation. I got the mod working again for companion Recall by commenting out the following code in main.lua:
    -- Restrict based on AI package type.
    -- if (tes3.getCurrentAIPackageId(actor) ~= tes3.aiPackage.follow) then
      -- return false
    -- end

    After I did some debugging, it looks like MWSE is returning -1 for followers (should be 3) when getCurrentAIPackageId or aiPlanner.getActivePackage() is called. So if you comment the above code out, your followers will teleport to you, but probably also those followers who you've told to wait, or travel somewhere. :|
  8. cubanbface
    • member
    • 10 kudos
    Hopefully someone updates this mod soon. It's the best followers mod so far and LUA. Unless someone makes a even better one. Rather it be updated though.
  9. AutumnBramble
    • member
    • 16 kudos
    Is there any word why this doesn't seem to be working with companions for intervention/recall anymore? They seem to disappear from the MCM list of active followers the moment the transportation is used, so they don't bother teleporting, maybe?
  10. MWT26
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    The mod is awesome, but lately the NPC doesn't teleport to player's cell. If I leave follower little too far behind me and go to another location, he doesn't teleport to me. Recall spell also doesn't work, even when NPC is close. Setting distance check to every 100m and 1s solves problem a little, but NPC still crashes after a lot of jumps to the high places. Some time ago everything used to work perfectly. Does anyone have the same issue? Can this happen due to incompability with latest MWSE version or any other mod?
    1. bobbyp456
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      I"ve experienced the same issue with npc's not teleporting through doors if they arent close enough