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Gorg and Arathrax

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  1. streptospondylus
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    By any means I don't want to diss on good ol better heads but listen guys: if you are looking for vanilla friendly heads with the best quality possible you NEED to check here
    Better heads is not really vanilla friendly when you notice that dunmer eyes are not fully red and most faces are too photorealistic and don't fit very well in the game.
    1. Delta77777777
      • member
      • 23 kudos
      That's a good one too. The only problem I have with the better heads mod here on this page is it makes Divayth Fyr look like someone he is not. The mod you linked reminded me I could simply extract the image and mesh files from another mod and overwrite the files or delete them and revert to vanilla. I think I am going to do just that, and extract the correct files from Westley's Mod. The Construction Set is going to help me target the correct parts.
      Thanks man.
    2. JoshuaEden
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Mind uploading it for us too?
  2. kittytwister
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Love this mod, although I have a few complaints.

    1. Why did you do Jiub like that? He looks like he just came fresh from Hollywood with the countless earrings you put on him.
    2. I've had several issues with getting good looking faces for certain races (namely Redguards), it seems more like it's an issue of using the mod on a save file from before the mod was downloaded, I don't know what one can do to fix that since I know nothing about modding nor the process of modding.
    3. It seems that half the faces are either unchanged or have completely different skin tones to the rest of their bodies, sometimes the face is a completely different skin tone to the head, leading to at best uneven appearances and at worst completely undistinguishable facial features.

    But even with these issues I'd still recommend players try this mod out, because when it works, it just works, and quite beautifully I might add  
  3. RyuOfTheWastelands
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Didnt expect that after installing this mod some races become ugly as heck, somebody mentioned here Divayth Fir, didnt see him yet but i can tell orcs are handsome in vanilla comparing to that here. Also author why Eldafire is so ugly now, do u hate her?
  4. Cabeliuz
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    When i run the game, I have error:"Cannot load celldata file 'Data Files\Better Heads Bloodmoon addon.cel'" how fix it?
  5. Cookiest
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    galbedir looks so good
  6. JohnZonbi
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    There is no installer and I'm confused on what files to use.
  7. gir8hghudhhf
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    all was cool at first 
    but I saw Divayth Fyr 
    author hates him so much 
    he is so ugly. like all the ugliness of all vanilla characters was gathered into one big pile.
  8. deleted29866085
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    Is something wrong? BSA file missing?
  9. Goukeban
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    What I'd like to do is probably not wise, but since I don't like Divayth Fyr's appearance with the better heads mod, I wanna try editting the files applied to his appearance. I did fine with the face textures, but I'm having trouble with the hair, as when I swap the mesh and texture file names for BH_DS_DE_M_hair14kw (witch seems to be the one he gets in game) and BH_FP_DE_M_hair19w (the texture that seems closer to the original Fyr's appearance) his hair doesn't load properly.

    If possible, which files should I edit and how, so that I can make him look closer to his original look?
    1. Glorzo
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      if you just wanna try different ingame variants you can modify her in the construction kit
  10. Heltamosch
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I downloaded the v2 like mentioned before. To not waste a lot of time, like me, follow these simple instructions.
    Download v2 7Z
    Unpack it
    Create a New Folder
    In that Folder you place the 3 esps !not esms! and an folder named Data Files
    into Data Files you drop the mesh and texture folder
    also you can add now the extra stuff like better vampire if you like it
    select the 3 esps and the Data Files and create an Archive named Better Heads v2
    Add the fresh made Archive with the NMM
    After activating check your Morrowind folder if theres an folder named "Better Heads v2"
    if yes you did it wrong!
    1. q0rtbot
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you so much for these instructions.
    2. F45M24
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Can it be installed without a NMM?
    3. Spyyre
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Hi. Unfortunately this didnt save me any time at all. I had issues with missing meshes and it took me a while to figure out what was going on, and it came down to an error in your explanation where you had us place the esps and then create a folder named data fact the esps need to be inside the data files folder. Allow me to break this down a little more.

      Download BetterHeadsv2 from (make sure you download the 7Z file, not the ace)
      Unpack it somewhere on your pc
      Create a New, empty, folder
      In that folder, place the 3 esps that are in the extras folder. Do not use the esms!
      Also place the meshes and textures folder in this new folder
      Select all 5 items - 3 esps and the 2 folders (meshes and textures)
      Create a new archive, name it something like
      Add the archive to your NMM and activate it
      After activating, check your Morrowind folder. If there's any duplicate data files folders or extra folders named better heads v2, then you did something wrong.
    4. KhanAnkh
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      What do you do if something went wrong? Will I need to un/re install the game itself or redo all my previous mods?
    5. EH1127
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I was able to do it without NMM, and just did it manually, by following the instructions, NOT zipping the files, and then dragging the Data Files, 3 esps into the Morrowind Folder (not the Data Files folder). It merges the Data Files folders together, and it did work perfectly! I know this comment was over a year ago, but it could maybe help someone!
    6. turki8084
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hey I'm facing a small issue with installing the mod, can u kindly help me? if yes. here's my discord: SmilingJack#3130
    7. LoganSlimCrocks
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Responding to EH1127: So you're saying you only dragged the 3 esp's, meshes, and texture files into the Morrowind folder and it worked?
    8. Pedddle
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you for the help, I'm a noob at modding and this made it easy enough to figure out lol