1. Krazy0Kat
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    i just wanted to ask if this mod will be updated for the new weapons that came out as of march 19 ? 
    i know its pretty soon to be asking but i just wanted to know if like its for sure gonna be updated so i can continue to use this amazing  mod.
  2. McSimka
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Hi there, first i wanted to say thank you for your amazing work, we needed these MW4 mods you made! And second - i want to ask you: did you use bitchin' betty from MW4: Mercenaries, or from other 2 versions? Because i remember it to be much less robotish, but maybe its just me and old audio effects of MW4. If you didn't use the Mercenaries' sounds, would it bother you too much if i'll ask you to make a version with the Mercs' sounds? THat would be very cool. Anyway, thank you for amazing mods, again!