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  1. NightWolf2503
    • premium
    • 52 kudos
    List of known bugs:

    Note that this is a list of bugs present in the base game, not the mod. It is intended to limit duplicate reports and for me to keep track of issues that have been reported so they don't get lost on the comment section.



    • Ancient AI disappears from Hyperion post-Meridian.
    • There's a group consisting of 3 humans in the Nexus Common Area that uses varying voice sets. Seems like the group is supposed to change depending on the topics discussed.
    • After finishing the unmarked quest related to him, Tech Danny Messier says he will go to Kadara but he turns up on Elaaden instead.
    • Jonah Park, a technician working on the irrigation system at the Elaaden colony, is doing so on top of a crate indoors. He's probably supposed to be somewhere outdoors where an irrigation system makes sense. [Video]
    • Kett building complexes like the one where you have to destroy power generator during quest Kett's Bane, have one enemy spawning in the wall, behind the console you interact with.
    • Captain Dunn and Kandros are floating above the floor.
    • Enemies underground at remnant site on Eos, north of the kett windmills. [Screenshot] [Location]
    • Ryder's twin is nowhere to be found when you return to Meridian after going away for a while.
    • The NPCs that are supposed to be inside the building Boomerang is in, in the outpost on Elaaden, don't spawn.
    • Male turian at one of the landing pads in the Paradise is using a salarian voice.
    • The ryncol maker in New Tuchanka is using a male model and a female voice.
    • Enemies spawn in the ground/structure at remnant site on Voeld. Location is just a bit east, uphill from the most south-eastern monolith. [Screenshot]

    Codex and Journal:

    • "Task: Roekaar Manifestos" doesn't display quest progress properly.
    • After landing on Kadara the objective "Speak to the journalist" can get stuck on the screen.
    • The unread mark fails to show up inside the journal when quests get updated even though it shows in the main menu. When this happens the "Mark all as read" button also fails to show up and you either have to manually find the quest to mark it as read or wait for another quest to get the unread mark so the button becomes available again.

    Conversations and Cutscenes:

    • When testing drinks at the Vortex the glass Ryder is drinking from is sometimes invisible.
    • Dialogue between Kesh and Drack, regarding both krogan's worries about each other, repeats.
    • During "Hard Luck" Axius' dialogue when killing one of his crew keeps repeating.
    • Ryder keeps commenting on Remnant ruins on Eos, saying "This alien tech comes in all shapes and sizes, but what's it for?".


    • There's a problem with the hologram shader, causing the eyes of characters standing behind a hologram to be rendered incorrectly. [Video]

    Galaxy Map:

    • Scanning the kett satellite over H-065, in the Civki System, yields Milky Way Research instead of Heleus. It also uses a Milky Way model.
    • Initiative ship above H-599 uses an angaran shuttle model.
    • Satellites over Asiaq and Stodraan plays "Detecting ship wreckage" dialogue instead of the one for satellites.
    • The debris from Liam's loyalty mission can still be interacted with after the mission is completed.
    • During "Life on the Frontier", the Initiative shuttle in system Jiraider uses an angaran shuttle model.

    Game mechanics:

    • Eye-adaptation effect is being applied when entering/leaving menus.
    • Key binding for the 4th weapon slot links to the 3rd slot instead.
    • When displaying subtitles the game doesn't take distance to NPCs into account and ends up displaying subtitles for everyone in the area, even if they are out of earshot.
    • Often during "Planetside" mission, the camera keeps wobbling as if it was drunk; reloading a save or restarting the game fixes the issue.
    • Facial reconstruction randomly causes the game to crash.
    • On ultrawide resolution the game switches from 21:9 to 16:9 at the start of conversations and switch back once they're finished. However, sometimes the game will erroneously also switch aspect ratio during the conversation. [Video]
    • Hazard level on Voeld remains unchanged after activating the vault.
    • On the loadout screen, when going through the different weapons, adjusting mods always selects the first weapon in the list.


    Meshes and textures:

    • Texture mapping for the tattoo on the left mandible of turian females is bugged. [Screenshot]
    • A typo in the materials for NPC underarmor (it says "Emissive_Intensity" while it should be "EmissiveIntensity") prevents lights on them from showning.
    • The left hand plate on the male version of the N7 Armor is rotated 90 degrees. The left leg armor is also placed wrong, causing the underarmor to clip through. [Link]


    • Out of the Frying Pan; quest cannot be completed if the objective "Speak to the Warden" has not been completed before Sloan has been killed since the NPC you need to talk to is no longer there.
    • Aspirations; multiple inconsistencies during the aftermath of the quest.
    • Meridian: The Way Home; quest sometimes doesn't progress if you push enemies off the ledge inside the control center.
    • Task: Cache Flow; there is a door inside the final facility that is supposed to open once the group of enemies in front of it is killed however one enemy sometimes spawns behind the locked door.
    • Task: Traitor or Victim?; if you scan the body before receiving the quest you will get an e-mail from the quest-giver thanking you despite him still being in Operations, asking for help when you talk to him.
    • Ryder Family Secrets; quest cannot be completed post-Meridian.
    • Task: An Exile Raid; markers on the map relative to medical supplies don't disappear until you have completed the task.
    • From the Dust; the map markers pointing to the code snippets don't disappear until you have completed the quest.
    • Trading Favors; on Voeld, when you have to defeat the kett ambush, the quest sometimes doesn't progress even though all enemies are defeated.

    Skills and Profiles:

    • Assault turret will sometimes disappear immediately after being summoned without triggering a cooldown.
    • The Remnant VI sometimes becomes passive.


    • During Task: Subjugation, after several kett devices have been destroyed, SAM will report that his analysis is at 85% complete, but subtitles show it as him saying 84%.
    • One of Liara's audio excerpts; the subtitle says "I'm Dr. Liara T'soni", but it should be "I am Dr. Liara T'soni". This is from the datapad on the table beside the lamp nearest the bed.
    • On Eos at Site 2: Resilience, when you open the door there is a conversation. Ryder says "It would keep something in" but the subtitle says "It'd keep."
    • First conversation with Liam in Vortex; the audio says "There we go", and the subtitle says "There we go, there we go".
    • During the task Excess Baggage, Kallo starts discussing his friend Lucille. The subtitle says "She… broke her back" but he says "She broke her back" without the pause that the subtitle indicates.


    • Weapons with a vintage heat sink cause ammo crates to get drained.

    World Objects:

    • On the entrance to the kett base on Voeld, there is a giant black textureless rock right after going through the cave to the base. There are several others also on the planet sharing the same model and accompanying bug. [Screenshot] [Location]
    • Terrain issue at the entrance to the kett base on Voeld. [Screenshot]
    • Textureless terrain on Elaaden. [Screenshot] [Location]
    • Faulty shader/lighting applied to interior and NPCs inside certain buildings. (Eos, near Bain; Voeld, first location during "Know your Enemy"; Elaaden, in part of the room Boomerang is in) [Screenshot] [Screenshot] [Location (Eos)] [Location (Voeld)] [Location (Elaaden)]
    • There are multiple boxes clipping into other objects on Kadara, on both levels of the building Christmas Tate is in. [Screenshot] [Screenshot] [Screenshot]
    • Maintenance panel in Pathfinder HQ is not connected to the wall, but is hovering a foot in front of it. [Video]
    • Missing interaction prompt on a chest on Kadara. [Screenshot] [Location]
    • The rocks above the cave on Eos, where quest "First Murderer" takes place, have a gap around at a distance. [Screenshot]
    • Some of the heat lamps on Voeld don't do anything (i.e., restore Life Support). [Location (Kett construct between Techiix and final location of Task: Catch and Release)]
    • Some buildings in Elaaden's outpost are floating above ground. [Screenshot] [Screenshot]
    • The "terminal" you get the location for the outlaw camp from during "Task: Cold Hard Cache" is actually a datapad.
    • Two remnant sites on Eos are not marked as cleared on the map. [Location] [Location]
    • There is an Iridium ore vein behind/in wall of ice at Kett camp on Voeld, between Initiative outpost and Techiix. A container that cannot be looted is also in that camp. [Screenshot] [Screenshot]
    • On Voeld, just south of easternmost drop location during quest Medical Caches, there is a wall of ice with some dark artifacts. [Screenshot]
    • During "Behind enemy lines", the crashed angaran shuttle you find when you begin hunting down the kett uses an Initiative model. (Needs crashed angaran shuttle model.)

    Some issues that have been reported but I couldn't reproduce. If anyone has more information on these I'd appreciate it.


    • Bio-Converters, once researched/crafted, don't actually drop out in the world. So you get one and then none ever again


    • Fact or Fiction; trouble detecting/disabling consoles.
    • A Better Beginning; once the vault on Eos has been activated, the door to the vault remains unlocked. Re-entering the vault will trigger the mission again, but with Peebee missing from the cutscenes. [Video]

  2. AncientZ3phr
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Quest Name: "Naming the Dead" on the planet EOS.

    Known Bug: Trenitus Gordanus body which was intended to be at resilience. Does not always spawn in making it to where players are unable to complete the  quest.

    Notes: Not sure if this is possible to be fixed but figured I would suggest it.
    1. AncientZ3phr
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Sometimes even if it was spawned in it will simply disappear once again making it to where you're unable to complete this quest.
  3. ravenedark
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I'm pretty sure I've installed it correctly, but I still ended up without Maverick craft plans when I hit level 40. 
    Anyone else experienced the same thing? 

    Come to think of it - none of the blueprints that were supposed to be added to inventory at 40 level are there. No Initiative, Pathfinder and Maverick. But the ones in Research tab are available for research. So I can get all Tier VI gear, but the one I need.

    Although your patch notes say it was dealt with. Weird.

    -Upd. Ok. The blueprints get added at 41 level. 
  4. Worg111
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Thanks for this mod.

    It works very well with Vortex, and its addon Frosty.
  5. R3spir4t0r
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    First of all i thank you for this mod, it done a pretty nice job. BUT this mod is causing my game to crash when there is cutscene like: landing on Havarl or landing on Eladeen for the first time or recently i was doing Liam loyalty mission and every time when the gravity was changing, it crashed, and also it started crashing on random spots so its lately pretty frustrating. I found out by selectively turning off mods by one at a time and when i turned off this fix pack. It stopped. I dont expect any fix from last updated mod from 2021, just wanted to inform someone who will be playing andromeda with mods, that should be aware of this. Overall this mod is so good, it really helped me in some situations and some quests, but its sad the crashes are happening because of this.
    Thanks and have a nice playing sessions :)
  6. Belnick
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Does this fix the freeze for 10 to 20 seconds after a kill ?
    or when you deplete an enemy shield ?

    as the devs were too stupid to fix it up to now, 2024, so thought maybe some modders had fixed it ?
    1. TattleByTale
      • premium
      • 11 kudos
      Players with your attitude are why Bioware gave up on this game in the first place.
    2. kealoz
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      Yes and no. The backlash is what caused the game (and likely any plans of a sequel) to be abandoned but it was EA who pulled the plug on Bioware's continued work on the game.
  7. GamingSeabee
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    As of yesterday, Feb 21, 2024, Frosty Mod Manager is no longer available. Is there another way to use this on say Vortex?
    1. Bertingtons
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      what do you mean "no longer available"?  the official github is still there:

    2. TattleByTale
      • premium
      • 11 kudos
      Vortex is the worst, I feel genuinely sorry for the people who had to get used to using it.
    3. vialaris632
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Vortex works perfectly once you get pass the insanely high learning curve and idiotic and convoluted UX. Can't believe they actually paid designer(s) for it.
  8. BiZark
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    when import into frosty mod manager it says Archive contains no installable mods. How do I fix this?
    1. attila79
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Se viene risolto, a meno che non venga aggiornata la versione mod, al momento non vedo alcun movimento della risposta.
  9. BizzySignal
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Silly question, but do I need to load all of the fix packs as in a-d or does fixpack d already include all the fixes from the previous versions?
  10. eidam655
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I apologize in advance if this has been resolved or laid to rest, but...
    I am having problems with Task: Gone Dark. In the mod description it says "- Task: Gone Dark; angaran bugs inside kett camps on Voeld are now always scannable. (May not work if the quest was already started.)"
    I have indeed acquired the quest before launching with the Fixpack and am indeed having problems scanning the bugs (they spawn, get the icon, SAM comments, they get highlighted in the scanner but I can't scan them).

    Does the description suggest that the fix isn't being applied, or that I'll be unable to finish the quest ever?
    1. eidam655
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      a quick update: with the mod installed, found around 10 devices that i was unable to scan. Playing without the mod I found much fewer devices, but also fewer unscannable ones, and so I was able to complete the quest.

      (I am now sick of Voeld.)
  11. cecazo29
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    One ore more symbolic links could not be created, please restart tool as Administrator and ensure your storage drive is formatted to NTFS (not exFAT).
       en Frosty.ModSupport.FrostyModExecutor.Run(FileSystem inFs, CancellationToken cancelToken, ILogger inLogger, String rootPath, String modPackName, String additionalArgs, String[] modPaths)
       en FrostyModManager.MainWindow.<>c__DisplayClass13_0.<launchButton_Click>b__0(FrostyTaskWindow task)
       en System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
    --- Fin del seguimiento de la pila de la ubicación anterior donde se produjo la excepción ---
       en System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
       en System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
       en Frosty.Core.Windows.FrostyTaskWindow.<FrostyTaskWindow_Loaded>d__8.MoveNext()
    --- Fin del seguimiento de la pila de la ubicación anterior donde se produjo la excepción ---
       en System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
       en System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
       en System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)
    Why? I run it on administrator and i have  correct versions