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ChAiNz2da _ Darth333 _ Seprithro _ svosh _ T7nowhere

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  1. ChAiNz2da
    • premium
    • 30 kudos
    Greets everyone. A few things to note regarding this mod.

    First and foremost, this mod is NOT compatible with TSLRCM. Repeat NOT compatible.

    If you are using, or interested in using TSLRCM (which I HIGHLY suggest).. this mod is not for you. Trust me, it will cause much headache and heartache if you try running both mods

    1) To receive the most thorough help, please note this thread:

    2) As it was initially released in December 2005, a MAJORITY of bugfixes have been noted and applied in this NEXUS version. Namely the Dialogue, Random Loot and updated 'upcrystals.2da' Patches. (#1, #2 & #4 of the above mentioned threads)

    3) To avoid the majority of mod conflicts, it's best to start a new game, install USM FIRST, then add other mods. Preferably add mods that utilize the TSL Patcher last as it self-diagnoses and resolves conflicts.

    4) Not all sabers are pictured. Unfortunately our old gallery site has long since died. I've salvaged what I could but I guarantee there's much more to this mod. Half the fun is finding it. Feel free to submit your own pictures!

    5) I will try my best to help with any problems you encounter, however I have been out of the "scene" of TSL modding quite a while. The above thread will most likely be your best bet, but don't hesitate to ask here

    ENJOY! - ChAiNz.2da
    1. DarknessKnight
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Here comes the already expected question doesn't it? Is there any plans to use this amazing mod with the new KOTOR 2 1.8.4 with Restored Content? Why is it incompatible with RC?
    2. ChAiNz2da
      • premium
      • 30 kudos
      haha.. no worries. We got (and get) a lot of those requests still to date despite this mod being released over 10 years ago I can without a doubt say all of us on the USM Team are humbled, grateful and appreciative of all the support over the years. Same for the TSLRCM Team. Their work is simply outstanding and is actually a VERY favorite mod of mine...

      As for the compatibility, sadly, each of the mods are so massive and share so many common files that it would be an overwhelming task to try and incorporate each. Honestly there were several attempts over the years and each try was met with undue difficulty. Both K1 and TSL really aren't very mod friendly unfortunately. It was only due to diligent work of the Bioware NWN, LF Holowan Labs and Deadly Stream communities devs that we were able to mod in the first case since all tools were crafted by them... hehehe.

      However there is a silver lining... Varsity Puppet (a super talented modder) has created a mod that incorporates much, if not all, the USM sabers and more. He has the blessing of the USM Team so I have no regrets pointing you in that direction

      Give this mod a look over and see if it might be to your liking. Might just provide what a lot of people want, both TSLRCM with the added USM sabers. Doesn't provide some of the "bits and bobs" the USM has, but hey, as long as you can get the sabers no biggie

      Holowan Duplisaber Mod:
    3. Skyler6669
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      You did good by pointing people to Varsity Puppet. It truly is incredible. Thank you very much.
    4. blckdrgon
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      where do i put the source folder
    5. jedi7000nathan
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Not anymore Chainz, there is a patch for it now, a patch there is
    6. Epicuris
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      would it be possible to get the stand alone model for kreia's walking stick?
    7. TylerDurden64
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      god... its worth noting that dupli saber mod can be a nightmare to get working correctly... took me a entire day of reading through comments, trouble shooting and reinstalling mods over and over to get it working (mostly) properly... that being said, its a neat mod with cool looking hilts if you cant use USM
    8. DankSushi
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Any chance you could share how you got it working? I am having trouble as well
  2. WastedYouthX
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I am using the TSLRCM and USM.

    I installed TSLRCM days later after reading how essential it was. I have had them both for 3 planets now. I didn't go back here and read the description until later now knowing what TSLRCM is. After reading I tried to disable the mod to be safe. Game will crash if I try and take out USM. That's when I learned they both work together for some reason. I have the TSLRCM mod installed from Steam Workshop. Maybe that makes a difference, maybe TSLRCM updated a compatibility patch, I don't know. Ether way, "its working... IT'S WORKING!"

    I'll update if anything changes, "You have my word" 
    1. PeterNoob
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Did you finish the game? Did something bad happen?
    2. MasterAkaroth
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I can almost garuntee that he didnt make it off nar shadaa, did the same as above and all is fine apart from the red dawn glitch is back and also got the duros goto glitch too.  Will save edit it later and continue to play through, if no more issues id say win.  Will update if i remember
    3. kware036
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      almost a full year late, on dxun and its running fine minus having to reload a save to load in an npc here or there
  3. chrisraven
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    For those who are having the texture problem, after some digging i found it. I initially assumed incorrectly it was the mod that was bad, turns out when they updated the game for steam in 2015 they made a typo in the .ini folder. I can't promise this'll fix any other glitches you or I may have, but in you're swkotor2.ini using steam (right click game in steam, click local files, then press browse the same folder your Override folder is) there's a file called swkotor2.ini if you don't see the .ini; 1 you might've gotten lost or 2 you don't have the file names showing it's the file right below the .EXE which is marked by the colored game launch button. The file should be marked with a gear. open that.

    Now you're in the .ini look for the;

    [Graphics Options]

    You'll probably see an option called "DisableVertexBufferObjects=1" this is the typo what it's meant to say is "Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1" without the spaces the option wont work. I do not recommend replacing the non space option just incase the game freaks out and bugs out, not that it probably would persay but the game can't seem to run the cutscenes in the game without further modding or removing the cutscenes all together.

    As an example this is what my options look like.

    [Graphics Options]
    Frame Buffer=1
    Anti Aliasing=8
    Texture Quality=2
    Soft Shadows=1
    Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1
    Please note that the "allowwindowedmode=1" is a personal addition that might not be there for you I use this setting with a borderless fullscreen program. Mainly so the cutscenes don't crash the game, as they would normally in fullscreen.

    Hopefully this helps someone/anyone who came here the same way i did upset at the wrong person.
    1. FreelanceMascot
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Hey, you'll probably never see this as you posted this many moons ago, but this actually helped me. I am super late to the show for this game but i played the first one years ago, and for my second playthrough I wanted to do a modded run. I was having a problem with this mod, I would turn the camera and the hilt would turn completely silver, kind of making this mod...redundant...

      But thanks to your post I am able to enjoy this mod, thank you!
    2. lawrencesnake
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Same here! Kudos to you, Chris. From blue wire-meshes to lovely textures restored.
  4. volrath77
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    All in all, I like this very much so tracked and endorsed but a few points that perhaps could be addressed:

    1. The blade color is muted compared to the original which is more brilliant. I don't know why it shows like that on my PC so it's probably my settings because the images provided here seems that the blade colors look just fine. Any ideas?

    EDIT: Ok, apparently, there's a conflict with the High Quality Lightsabers mod. After deleting the files for that mod, the blades look much better but still doesn't look like those in the images. Maybe the core thickness could be increased just slightly?

    2. I really like the long blade but is the crystal available for double sabre? I accidentally equipped one I found and the double sabre immediately vanished and cannot be modified anymore at the workbench. I'd suggest that it should be made useable with both single and double blade hilt - if it is used with a single hilt, it'll use the current curved hilt model but if it is used in a double sabre, the Maul sabre model be used.

    3. I really like the color cyan so can that option be made available for all the crystal color options?
  5. JuScarlet
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello. Does this work with the Steam version of the game? 
  6. SirTwist
    • premium
    • 5 kudos
    I remember when this was on Lucas Arts Forums. As well as the myriad of mods you made, ChAiNz.2da. A number of great mods. This is was one of the great ones, and still is. It is too bad that this can't work with RCM. Anyway, good to see this here.
  7. notagaydude
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello there...

    Does anyone know the specific codes for each crystal or where I can find those codes? I rarely get the crystals in regular loot and I would like to be able to give my player character their own unique saber each playthrough. I tried looking through the files in the folders, and I found what looked like the console command to place the crystal in your inventory, but it didn't work.
    1. ReynotaSkywalker
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      The code for the crystals is "usm_sbrcrstl_[#100-240]". This is the code for normal lightsabers. There's also one for shortsabers: "usm_shtrcrstl_[#155-174]" and one for dualsabers: "usm_dblcrstl_[#100-210]". Hope this helps.
  8. nandrovar
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    I'm shocked someone actually made a mod that's not compatible with the RCM. The RCM at this point is so ubiquitous that anything that isn't compatible just seems like a waste. Which is a shame, because this mod seems cool.
    1. rauri87
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      This was originally released before RCM was a thing IIRC. Maybe I'm misremembering, but I swear this was compatible with RCM when RCM 1st released. Or at least, I managed to get them working together at the time. I guess RCM has grown since then. Either that or I'm losing my mind...
  9. Stronglav
    • supporter
    • 8 kudos
    Is there a chance for compability with restoration project?
    1. TruthseekerD
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      there better
  10. jedi7000nathan
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    One thing that was never made for the mod is a guide for it
  11. paul12344
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Kreia's Walking Stick and Bao-Dur's Lightsaber disappeared when I went to get my stuff back from the TSF. Are there any codes to get them back?