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  1. silencer711
    • premium
    • 95 kudos

    October 29th, 2020:
    \\ MOD version: 1.3.3\\GAME version: 1.9.6\\ROADS: Risky + Eventful AF...

    Thank you guys for the support, this mod made it to HOT files!

  2. silencer711
    • premium
    • 95 kudos

    September 13th, 2020:
    All — Thanks for everyone's feedback and patience. After a very long hiatus from modding KCD, I have just updated the mod to v1.2.0 and now all 3 variants should work properly with the most up to date version of the game (1.9.6). Thanks for your continued support and for everyone who has stuck around waiting for me to update the mod. Enjoy Kingdom Come Deliverance anew

    January 19th, 2020:
    All — After a long delay in getting a new CPU, I have finally bought and installed a new one. Expect a NEW UPDATE today (v1.1.1!) - Thanks for your support and for your endless patience!

    January 5th, 2020:
    All — Last month I accidentally mutilated my CPU (recklessly moving it from 1 case to the new case). I have been out of a computer since then, but recently purchased a new one. It should come in this week, so please be patient while I wait for it to arrive and install it. Thanks for your support and for your endless patience!
  3. luscainha1
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I added the mod and my game simply stopped having random events, I uninstalled the game and nothing, I spent more than 5 days spending time in the game and it still doesn't work, please help me
  4. N3IveN
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Sadly this mod isn't working for me aswell. I've completed almost every Quest in the game and as hoping for some enemies i can fight, since the map is empty and there are just wanderer's around.
    I've spend over 7 days waiting on spot and tried to find any bandits, but no luck at all.

    These are the other mods i've in use:
    -Cooking cauldron smoke Fix

    Is there anything else i can try to make it work?

    Edit: I figured out that the mod doesn't work because my "savegame"(107hours) is the cause. In an earlier point in my savegames(40hours), everything works as it should. Seems to be a "bug" which overall disables all random events.
  5. alonk90
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    thanks for the mod
    I havent been getting any random events since Vranik. Anyone else have this issue?
    1. Donasparagus
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      you have another mods installed?
    2. silencer711
      • premium
      • 95 kudos
      A lot of times when a mod changes things, the player needs to pass time in-game before the new values take effect. So like, go to sleep for 3-5 days, or something (then the mod will take effect in-game).
  6. ragnarr17
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I downloaded the the Dangerous version of this mod but I don't think its working. I still have the vanilla encounters. Tested many times from fast travelling to Skalitz to Rattay and other towns. I only had one encounter . 
    1. silencer711
      • premium
      • 95 kudos
      A lot of times when a mod changes things, the player needs to pass time in-game before the new values take effect. So like, go to sleep for 3-5 days, or something (then the mod will take effect in-game).
  7. iaiii
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    No matter how many times I fast traveled in vanilla mode, no random events would occur, and this mod didn't change that.
    It seems that this happened after a walk with Teresa. Perhaps the fast travel was switched to the event one and not disabled.
    Is there anything can do to improve this? I'd appreciate it if you could.

    Used google transration.
    1. silencer711
      • premium
      • 95 kudos
      A lot of times when a mod changes things, the player needs to pass time in-game before the new values take effect. So like, go to sleep for 3-5 days, or something (then the mod will take effect in-game).
  8. Donasparagus
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    I took a look at the original “random_event.xml and compared it with this mod. the files are very different and some lines are missing. I don't think you should use this mod for your playthrough. I had no more encounters after about 40 hours of play, only wanderers. lines like this are missing:

    <row base_run_chance=“0.5” condition_expression=”! IsObjectiveCompleted('q_returnToSkalitz', 'henryIsOnTheWay')“ cooldown=”1d“ map_disappear_time=”11“ map_game_speed=”0“ map_icon_id=”2“ night_run_chance_modif=”1“ random_event_id=”6“ random_event_option_set_id=”2“ ui_caption=”chap12_sch20_Bmon_e2_Zpwe” />

    or these  
    <row base_run_chance=“0.5” condition_expression="IsQuestActivated(‘q_plagueInMerhojed’) & ! IsQuestCompleted('q_plagueInMerhojed')“ cooldown=”1d“ map_disappear_time=”11“ map_game_speed=”0“ map_icon_id=”1“ night_run_chance_modif=”1“ random_event_id=”3“ random_event_option_set_id=”2“ ui_caption=”chap12_sch20_Bmon_e2_Zpwe” />

    these are certainly needed for the storyline.
    1. Wafflehagen
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      This shouldn't matter since this mod has PTF, so it will only affect the rows this mod changes, and leave those other ones untouched. Though, I got this mod since I can't remember the last ambush/event I had with my current 70 hour playthrough, but even with this mod nothing seems to have changed... not sure if it's another mod I have or an issue with the base game...
    2. silencer711
      • premium
      • 95 kudos
      @Donasparagus, the old mod was created at a time where modders had to include EVERY line in the file they were editing, this is no longer the case.

      @Wafflehagen, A lot of times when a mod changes things, the player needs to pass time in-game before the new values take effect. So like, go to sleep for 3-5 days, or something (then the mod will take effect in-game). Just a quick note on what may be going on if you don't notice a change immediately.
  9. pongkrit03
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I like your mod very much, it made traveling not boring 
  10. Torvich
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    1.9.6 working confirmed still.

    Works great. I didn't expect the "vanilla" version of you mod to change much but I can't get to any city without there being min. 1 ambush. This is great!

    Thanks so much.
  11. aa159753
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is it normal for him to judge passersby outside of town as fighting?
  12. FiLin13
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi silvencer711,
    Thank you for the mod, but I haven't found a reply to a question I have.
    In "Roads are Dangerous" 3 new encounters were added. Could you please tell me if you added any new encounters or just increased size and their frequency?
    Thanks :)
    1. silencer711
      • premium
      • 95 kudos
      I'm sorry for the super late response - I only increased the FREQUENCY of each type of encounter. Nothing else.
    2. KeiyannX
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      So the 3 new encounters are not added here why?