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  1. ligonflarius
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    A bit too late for anyone here to answer maybe. but... does the AI get the same access to these perks?
    and does the AI (npcs) have access to the vanilla perks anyway?
  2. ivfhytgloyghvp
    • member
    • 0 kudos

    hello wanted to ask is it normal that I don't have the ability?
  3. wolfcline
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    could you please make a version where choosing hardcore negative perks are optional?
    1. Slagslapper
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Cmon mate, be a pro gamer like me and finish the game with all disabilities active. That way, rather than perks making you OP, perks just make you back to normal hahahaa
  4. MindDoser
    • premium
    • 28 kudos
    Get this instead. Updated,.works out of the box, and still takes care by it's author:

    1. n3kr0w
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Dark Throne Ist Krieg! Hail!

  5. Vetinari11
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    @jguerreiro @juntulis @nicolai12345

    I uploaded a corrected Perkaholic.pak according to the NoShotz instructions, also added skills.xml to the pack to enable the Polearm skill.
    It works for me, and it should reduce probability of conflicts with other mods.


    1. Download this mod (Perkaholic Updated).
    2. Install the unmodified mod with Vortex.
    3. Download the Perkaholic.pak from the above link (the rest of the repository is completely unrelated).
    4. In Vortex menu for KCD, choose (on the orange ribbon) Open -> Open Mod Staging Folder, then replace the Perkaholic.pak in subdirectory: Perkaholic(...)\Data with the one I linked above.
    1. jguerreiro
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks, man! I'm not using nexus, but i was able to replace the .pak you pointed. :D
    2. AC88
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      This worked for me. Just so everybody knows, Vortex isn't necessary if one knows how to manually install mods. Thanks for the fix!
    3. sr98vn
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you so much! This is working for me as well.
  6. josh1002
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    How do I know if the mod is working correctly? The Defence perk Sweet Scent requires me to have flowers, but how do I know how many flowers it needs and if it's working??
  7. Svojtot
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I am getting so god damn tired of trying to make this mod work.
    As far as I can tell every perk added by this mod just says <Color font etc. etc. or @ Followed by something else.
    And the only tip I've been able to find about how to fix it is to change to English. Not what I'm supposed to change to English. Becuase if it's the game I'm s#*! out of luck since it's in English, the mod is in English, the Language .pak file is the English one.
    Could someone either tell me how to fix this hot piece of garbage or just tell me straight that it isn't possible so I can downvote it and be done.
    1. fxsdoba
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I've got the same issue. The perk names don't show up correctly.
    2. ginkarasu
      • premium
      • 14 kudos
    3. erkal
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
    4. QQ282346039
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      just finished with edit it by myself.here is my method:1?as there is english_xml.pak and in there is a text_ui_soul.xml. when i try to get it to my lauguage as chinese simpled.
      2?what u need to do it
      1:copy the english_xml.pak and rename it as chineses.xml.
      2:use 7zip to open it ,u while see the text_ui_soul.xml
      3:edit the text_ui_soul.xml by a xml editor,(here is the most important part):copy the content of "text_ui_soul.xml." from your language file from localization folder from the game folder. copy the content inthere to text_ui_soul.xml from chineses.xml ,beware delete one pair of the <table></table> to make sure the <table></table>just show at the file's start and end. save it . and it will work.
      3?why theColor font etc. etc. shows: that is because when you use text_ui_soul.xml from this mod ,it doesn't contains the basic strings of the original game.

      hope it will help u .
    5. Baxder
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      QQ282346039 said: "copy the content of "text_ui_soul.xml." from your language file from localization folder from the game folder."

      Has anyone tried this? I think they mean from the KCD localizations folder, not the mod's, right? So you copy the content of [KCD root]/Localization/English.xml (not sure of the path ATM; I'm at work) into the mod's [your language].xml file, and make sure you only have one set of <table> tags?
  8. artemiskf
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    I'm already at level 17 for Bow...any chance this will work at this point? Downloaded via Vortex and while the perks are showing up, there are no corresponding points to spend.
  9. PaladinJacobs
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    I just get @ followed by gibberish for perk descriptions. Not cool when starting a new hardcore game and I have to choose 2 permanent negative perks, but with no description. Uninstalling.
  10. SingularityHorizon
    • premium
    • 12 kudos
    Awesome concept, but it needs to be updated for use in 1.9.5 as they tweaked how tables work.
    1. NoShotz
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      Using information from the modding wiki, I think I fixed it, though i've not tested it ingame.

      The wiki said this
      UPDATE: Since game version 1.9.5 mod-specific table files with individual rows can be created instead of overwriting the entire tables.

      Simply change the xml file to "[Table]__[Mod Name]" (2 underscores, all lowercase mod name that matches your manifest, and replace spaces with underscores)

      No .tbl files are necessary.

      You will see the tables patched in the console window when the game is loaded if it worked.

      So I deleted the .tbl files in perkaholic and added __perkaholic to the xml files, and it said this in the console when the game started.

      Edit: Just checked ingame, the new perks exist.
    2. jguerreiro
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hey, man. Can you make it more tutorial friendly for stupid asses like me to understand? Haha, thanks :D
    3. juntulis
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      yes please, and how to bring back polearms skill?
    4. nicolai12345
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I only had to move this mod to the bottom of the load order and the names got fixed
    5. jguerreiro
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Is there a way to do that manually (the load order), and what names did you changed? Sorry not lazy, just not so tech savvy ;D