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  1. HaslamI
    • premium
    • 10 kudos
    For anyone who is experiencing problems with my mod, please look for the new "My mods aren't working since the latest patch!" section towards the end of the description page.

    The TL;DR is that A Sorted Inventory seems to be fully compatible with 1.9.4, but seems to be being completely overwritten by conflicting mods.

    If any mod also uses the 'text_ui_items' .xml file, a patched version of my mod will need to be created. You can either do it yourself, or reply below with the mods you're using and I'll make it myself, then host it here for everyone!
    1. chrisjwmartin
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      I wish all modders were like you!
    2. nsoens
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Help! Using the following mods and this one won't work.

      Unlimited saves
      instant herb picking
      easy to see herbs
      bow dot reticle

      This is the one mod i want over the rest!
    3. HaslamI
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      Perkaholic should be the overwriting mod nsoens!
    4. Adiktive
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Hello, Haslaml

      I also use the perkaholic mod and it overwrites your one. Did you make an updated version to work with it? If so, do you mind posting a link?

      Thank You!
    5. HaslamI
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      Adiktive, sorry for the delay! Perkaholic (for no real reason from my understanding) overwrites my mod. You'll have to open up the english_xml.pak in Perkaholic, then delete text_ui_items.xml, so the space is free for my version. You can also make a load order and make sure mine is loaded after Perkaholic, there's a link to that in the main description!
    6. painx
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      are you using this perkaholic had no trouble with it and does not seem it uses such a file but instead text_ui_soul.xml which i think is the new mod system anyway both work for me ingame as im both smitten with Theresa cooties and my inventory is not a mess
    7. WhiteBigo
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      After some trial and error, seems that All Hoods Up is conflicting with this mod.
    8. ptavangar
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hey! Thanks for the offer of help.

      I'm using the following mods:
      1. One that unlocks the console commands. I can't seem to find the exact one though. Allows me to use console commands once I'm in developer mode.
      2. The "Gear Collection" mod by WileCoyote.
      3. The "Bow Dot Reticle" mod by Fox. Just a simple change to the user.cfg file.
      4. The "Loose" archery mod by AJStoner.
      5. The "Horse Armor" mod by AJStoner.
      6. The "Stay Clean Longer" mod by MadGeneral.

      Thanks in advance for the patch!
    9. HaslamI
      • premium
      • 10 kudos

      Unfortunately, I no longer have KC:D installed, and so can't make the patch for you! Very sorry.

      HOWEVER, I've looked through those mods, and it appears 'Gear Collection' and 'Horse Armor' are the ones causing the problems.

      It's an easy fix though! I already have a Horse Armor Edition of this mod in the optional files section, download that! Then:

      1) Inside my mod, there's a file called 'english_xml.pak'. It's an archive! You can just open it with 7zip or WinRAR.
      2) Inside is 'text_ui_items.xml'. You can open that with notepad!
      3) Now all you have to do is open up 'Gear Collection' and find the same .xml, and find the new lines it added, then paste them in! You can name them whatever you want.

      It's a large file, so to find where the Gear Collection lines were placed, you can use a website like DiffChecker and run the .xml against the vanilla file, which you can find in the game's directory under the Localization folder!
    10. ptavangar
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I'll do that. Thanks!
    11. bukkakestar
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hi , im on KDC royal edition. I basically just took the english.pak file from this mod and dragged and replaced the one inside my kdc localization folder.  probably not the right way to do this. But now the game loads all texts with a @oui in front of all texts.  is it possible to fix this? if not, is it possible to revert to the original english.pak that came with the game, I stupidly didnt back up the file before replacing it, is there somewhere to get that file? 
    12. Lazerah
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I'm currently using these, I've been through them and can't find any using the text_ui_items.cml. Any help would be appreciated. I've tried making a load order and having a sorted inventory last but it didn't help.
      Horse Armor_v_2.2
      Transparent Compass
      A_Sorted_Inventory 1.18
    13. vhrs25
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      hi, I have no ideia how to upload this thing, but im preaty sure I made e portuguese translation for you mod, so if anyone here want dm me and we figure out how to send
  2. Florack
    • member
    • 10 kudos
    Is this mod supposed to be installed/used before even starting a new game? I have only this mod installed and it doesn't work.
    1. Florack
      • member
      • 10 kudos
      OK, I know what the problem is; the extracted mod/folder comes out as "A_Sorted_Inventory 1.18", but if I delete the " 1.18" part at the end of the main folder, it all works fine.

      So, rename the folder " A_Sorted_Inventory 1.18 " to " A_Sorted_Inventory " (making sure to remove the space that's in between the mod name and version number as well.
    2. Desolatenoir
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you Kind sir All the cookies and bacon for you, This simple tip helped and the mods are now works <3 Thanks again for sharing what worked for you .
    3. HaslamI
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      This seems to have helped multiple who've had this issue, so I'll sticky it!
  3. 0banon
    • premium
    • 8 kudos
    Any idea's how i'd go about making this compatible with More Sensible Weapons and Armour?
  4. BluEvo
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Useful mod , thank You !
  5. HolyMoby
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is there any chance to get this in german? I would help translate :D
  6. ghsmith55
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    Game states that this mod is not compatilble with the latest game version, 1.9.6, moves it to a {Mods-Old} folder, and says to download the latest version of the mod which is compatible.  Except that there is no 1.9.6 compatible version.
  7. RuthlessOneCZ
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Hey, i need your help. I just played with this mod and it works fine. but when i delete it and try to change language, the items and books are still in english. Any way how to fix it? 
  8. aristidetorchia717
    • supporter
    • 10 kudos
    the problem of getting mods to run seems quite widespread, so a quick clarification for everyone seeing as I've been there myself:


    in order to be recognised by the game when inside of the mods folder.
    Why that is I have no idea but tested and can confirm it to be the case.  
  9. SNIPD
    • member
    • 18 kudos
    Nice! Thanks Haslam! Kudos!
  10. JojjoMuffin
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    When I installed this mod it worked fine, when I uninstalled it then I was left with the language of the objects in English, I would like to return the objects to Italian and I'm pretty sure that you have to touch some files in the localization folder of the game but I'm afraid to break the game
  11. stunvn
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Use this, guys
    1. lukeded
      • member
      • 1 kudos
  12. kirapira
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    What I did to fix the issue.

    1. Open the folder Mods.

    2. Change the folder name A_Sorted_Inventory 1.18  =====> A_Sorted_Inventory

    3. In your mods folder, Right click it to make a new text document.

    4. Name the document mod.order

    5. Open mod.order

    6. Add all your mods folder's names in this document but add A_Sorted_Inventory last.

    7. Save the document as mod.order

    8. Play!

    (use notepad!)
    1. SigynX1
      • premium
      • 67 kudos
      I did this when starting a new game and it worked perfectly. Thank you!
    2. Jarp12
      • member
      • 0 kudos
    3. louisct
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I just wanna add or confirm, that it is supposed to be saved as mod_order.txt, and not mod.order

      but now this work just fine for me so thanks for bringing this info up.