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  1. sirbob592
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    FYI to anyone playing this mod now:   It appears to break the trade function in Pribyslavitz DLC.

    Works great in the basegame but it prevents you from trading with any of the traders in Pribyslavitz and marks the Traders store as permanently(?) "Trespassing" which is an old bug that was fixed in 2018 or 2019.  So keep that in mind if you're going to play the DLC.
  2. thestigma
    • member
    • 12 kudos
    Hmmm... I feel like this is a poor way to fix it.

    The real problem is that there are just certain ways of making money that are too good - like poaching.
    A few in-game hours out in the woods and you can pull home like 12k grochen. The biggest issue is finding someone with enough money that buys food items. Reducing this to 6k grochen I don't think will really help. (poaching is really fun though...)

    Herbalism at high levels is also a money vaccum. not fun to grind at all, but it's free no-risk money
    Stealing in general at higher levels is also super powerful. You can literally steal entire shop inventories (and they respawn). it's just a matter of buffering the stolen goods for a while before you have thousands of grochen.

    I feel the tweaking needs to happen in the game mechanics moreso than a simple sale multiplier.
    1. dcancerbinapp
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      I would love to see shops having way better security, or even ramping up security after thefts, and having shops actually be shrewd and not buy things they don't need. Someone shouldn't buy a literal ton of deer meat. But until we have mods for that small fixes can help as bandaids.
    2. thestigma
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      Yea, I understand. It's a good mod. It's not your fault we can't address the root causes in a good way.
      A bandaid can be better than nothing, although adjusting sale prices on items directly if posible (at least some of them) might be a better solution.
      Like the price of meat is too good in general but I don't really feel that most loot brings in oodles of cash (excepting when it's in bulk like with stealing a bunch)

      PS: do you know if there is anyway to up the amount of money on the vendors that just have such pitiful amounts of money? I could deal with very low sale prices if there were more people to sell to in return. In all of Rattay there is essentially just 3 merchants with more than chump-change, and 2 of them only deal in weapons/armor respectively. (well I guess the huntsman too is ok...)

      All the food vendors and pretty much all of the rest are literally not worth your time talking to as they can't buy anything.
      There's really not any good balance justification for them being that poor...
      Every merchant who runs a shop should have like 1k minimum. Every stall-owner 500.

      I don't know what options there are around that, but I feel like the poor sales prices to prevent out of control economy would feel a lot more fair if you simultaneously struggle to find someone to sell stuff to (heck, why am I selling this bulk meat to the herbalist and not the butcher in the first place??)
    3. maxolina
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      I haven't yet found a way to change prices item by item.
      Increasing the amount of money each vendor has is quite easy but wouldn't that go against this kind of mod by making the game easier?

      Also, i know this is just a band-aid fix, but as long as mods are this limited the best thing one can do is control himself and don't actually spend hours hunting, farming or stealing... Just play the game how it was intended (main quests, side quests, activities) and these issues don't really exist.

      I know it's nice to do whatever you want in a sandbox but right now it's too easy to break the balance of the game.
    4. jimmehboy321
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      you don't even need high levels really. at 7-8 lockpicking and the luck of the drunk perk you can already rob a shop blind in the night. it's much easier than poaching. why go hunting and haul all that meat back AND find someone to buy it when you can just go into each shop and just steal their gold. you don't even have to take their items if you don't want to. i frequently just drop by the tailor, armorer, and swordsmith in rattay and just take their gold. no poaching, no herbalism, no stealing items to sell. just take the gold lmao.

      AND on top of all this, even if you don't do any of these broken things, you can STILL get fully geared in plate armor with a really nice weaopn and a decent amount of cash if you just do the ancient map quests you get with the pre order. there is also a chest with st. georges sword to the northeast of uzhitz.

      balancing the early game gold making doesn't help if the pre order DLC already breaks it anyway.
    5. vikke
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      thestigma: There's a mod that does that, "Richer Merchants". https://www.nexusmods.com/kingdomcomedeliverance/mods/40

      jimmehboy321: Yeah I know. And after you get into the merchants chests you really don't need to steal anything else anymore. Or even loot NPCs, just a hassle. First time I got into the extra hard chests I just stole all their money. Now at 30k+ and no need to fence anything since grotchen are untraceable. But still poaching is the best way to make money so far. Few trips around the deer spawn areas and you've kitted yourself with endgame gear. It's really a shame that they spent so much effort to make the world realistic and their QA didn't bother telling them that the economy is so messed up.
    6. thestigma
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      • 12 kudos
      Vikke: Thanks, I was aware of that mod but it's just too ... blunt for my tastes. It sets all vendors to X amount, and that's not really what I want.

      I think the major merchants (like armorsmith/weaponssmith/alchemist in Rattay) have more than enough gold - maybe even a little too much.
      It's all the lesser merchants like the butcher and assorted stall merchants that need more money. I don't expect them to be rich but many of them seriously have 40 grochen maximum which is pathetic and makes them hardly worth speaking to. I don't see why a food vendor should have 100x less money...

      Maxoilna: Yea I guess it does make it "easier" - or rather more convenient, but honestly between getting a very low sell-price and not actually being able to sell stuff because nobody have money to buy anything I'd rather have the former than the latter. In other words I'd tolerate a much harder selling price if it was at least easy to sell off the goods. Harsher selling prices makes the game harder - extremely low merchant cash just makes it frustrating and unnecessarily time consuming. As I've mentioned I think the major merchants have more than enough money. It's the lesser merchants that need an adjustment so they have at least 300-500'ish instead of 40-200'ish. 40 doesn't even warrant the time it takes to make a stop and go through the dialogue :P
    7. ThomasTheSowellTrain
      • supporter
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      I think a simple but effective way to balance out alchemy somewhat is to limit the amount of potions you can brew per day, per alchemy bench, according to the logic that there is a limited supply of spirits, oil, wine and water that you can use each day. For example, each day you can brew: 15 water based potions, 10 wine based potions; 5 spirit based potions and; 5 oil based potions. Of course you can still just sleep and brew more potions but at least that will cost you more food. It would also encourage brewing a variety of potions instead of just spamming marigold decoction. There could also be a perk or two that increases the number of potions per day.

      On a separate note regarding economy, it would be great if there was a perk that unlocked investments like in elder scrolls, rather than just having to install mods that make every shop richer.

      Personally I think the "proper" fix for the fact that poaching is broken, is just that the fauna AI should be harder to stalk and hunt. The game could also benefit greatly from some kind of tracking system, like in Red Dead Redemption.
  3. HardmodeFan
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    Can someone make mod which makes Stole almost never lose Stolen Status or Status dissapear in weeks but not days. 
  4. xN1NJAWOLFx
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    FYI to get this to work, literally follow the directions the mod gives, then under PAK.cfg add data\zzz_kcd_maxolina_better_prices.pak 
    Or what ever the file name is. 
  5. Thoriniel
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is it still working? For me no changes in the prices.
  6. TannHaals
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Managed to get the mod working (prices changed in shops), though haven't tested it extensively yet.

    Unpack the zip, place zzz_kcd_maxolina_better_prices.pak in *\Mods\Rebalanced Economy\Data\
    Folder name can be anything, I named it Rebalanced Economy for simplicity. Not sure if a mod.manifest file is required, if needed just copy one over from elsewhere and edit with notepad accordingly.
    1. 4lexthehunter
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I'm trying to get it to work, what changes did you do?
    • supporter
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    Dead mod? Needs updated
  8. NoahEllam
    • premium
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    I edited this mod for my personal use (divided selling prices by 4 and multiplied buying prices by 4) just wondering if you would mind if I uploaded my version? I'd give credit obviously seeing as all I did was change some numbers, just thought some other people would enjoy it as I literally went on 2 hunting trips and could buy the best gear in the game and I'd imagine I'm not the only one who hates that - no problem if you don't want me to it's all good, thanks!
    1. maxolina
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      go ahead sure
    2. minahssi
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hey, just wondering did you ever go about uploading this mod?
  9. bakarbak
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    please update mod
  10. red_codec
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    • 12 kudos