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About this mod

Replaces the starting outfit and the Explorer's outfit (pre-order DLC required) with either the female upper-class dress of your choosing, the farmer dress (requires Royal Dresses Retextures) or Constantin's royal outfit. Also includes wearable Lady Morange jewelry.

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With all the changes to this mod I'm re-writing the description.

I really wanted my De Sardet to look like an actual noble at the beginning of the game, so I tinkered with the files until I got this mod working. What this mod does is it changes the entries in the items_autogen_equipements file for the two beginning outfits (the traveling suit and the doublet of good fortune) to either the middle class dress, the farmer dress (requires Royal Dresses Retextures file) or Constantin's outfit. The middle class dress has three styles and now seven color options. If you install this version of the mod I also recommend my other mod Royal Dresses Retextures, which improves the default dress textures and has even more color/style options. The farmer dress comes in five colors and requires the Common Dress Retexture file from my Royal Dresses Retextures mod, otherwise it won't show up as the correct colors or look nice like in the pictures. Constantin's outfit only comes in one color, and is only for male De Sardets, because there is no female version of the leg mesh. This mod is not compatible with Invisible Hats or any other mod that alters the items_autogen_equipements file, unless you make the mods compatible yourself.

Disclaimer: Constantin's outfit is not the same as the Explorer's outfit from the pre-order DLC. Constantin's outfit is part of the vanilla game. This mod does NOT give you access to DLC items you do not own.

Ok tutorial time! Here is how to swap any armor or outfit set with the middle class dress, or make it compatible with other mods.


First off, go into your steamapps\common\GreedFall\datalocal\items\items_autogen folder. We are looking for the items_autogen_equipements.sli file. You should have one if you installed this mod or another that edits the same file. Now, you need to open it with some form of notepad. I prefer notepad++. Now we get into the editing.

Scroll down the file until you see the header <!--######## ARMORS ########-->. This is the section we care about.

First, we're gonna go over how to make this compatible with other mods.

Scroll down some more until you see <!--## BODY PLAYER DEFAULT ##-->. These are the starting outfit and the Explorer's outfit. On the first line in this section, copy and paste this code from the beginning of the line to RIGHT before </objects>.

<merge id="bod_hum_pla_default" inheritFrom="armor_body_base" quality="18" weight="6" bodysoundBank="auto" customShiftColor="150,50,0" skeletonConstraints="MALE | FEMALE" questFlag="MERCHANT"><objects><model file="bod_huf_com_midleclass_01.pgz"/>

On the second line in this section, copy and paste this line the same way, from the beginning to just before </objects>.

<merge id="bod_hum_pla_preco" inheritFrom="armor_body_base" quality="26" weight="6" bodysoundBank="auto" customShiftColor="150,50,0" skeletonConstraints="MALE | FEMALE" questFlag="MERCHANT"><objects><model file="bod_huf_com_midleclass_01.pgz"/>

Now we're gonna go back over these lines to make them the color and dress versions you want. First, go to customShiftColor="150,50,0" on the first line. This is the variable that makes the dress it's color. Right now, 150,50,0 means the outfit is red. If you want red, you can leave this number, but for the other colors the codes are:

180,0,-15 = Gold
0,-100,-20 = Black
-15,-30,-15 = Blue
30,-30,-15 = Purple
0,-100,50 = White
-70,-20,-15 = Green

Replace the number with the color code you want on BOTH LINES in the <!--## BODY PLAYER DEFAULT ##--> section. Now, the dress versions. This is determined in the <model file="bod_huf_com_midleclass_01.pgz"/> section. The number here represents which version of the dress is shown in-game. The numbers are 1, 2, and 3. Change this number to reflect which version of the dress you want in BOTH LINES.

Now were moving to another section. We need to make the matching gloves and boots for these outfits invisible, because the dress is a full body mesh, which means it already has hands and feet. Scroll down til you see <!--## GAUNTLET ##-->. Then go the section below it that says <!--## GAUNTLET PLAYER DEFAULT ##-->. In the two lines in this section, look for the model file section again. Now, to make these gloves invisible, were going to REMOVE the entry in the model file section on both lines, so that they look like this : <model file=""/>. This makes the gauntlets invisible in-game. Scroll down to the <!--## BOOT PLAYER DEFAULT ##--> section underneath <!--## BOOT ##--> and make the same edit to the model file on both lines.

Congrats! You have just made this mod compatible with another mod. Now I'll be covering how to change your favorite armor set to this dress.

Go back to the <!--######## ARMORS ########--> section. For this tutorial, I'll be replacing the Saint Matheus armor set. Go down to the <!--## BODY UNIQUES ##--> section. This is all the unique armor. You can tell which armor is which line by the quality value, which is displayed on the armor in game. The Saint Matheus set has 100 quality, so I know it's the merge id="bod_hum_mdt_heavy_02_unique" line. First, go to the customShiftColor= part of the line. If you read the first part of the tutorial, you know that this tints the armor a certain color. For me, I want the dress to be red when I replace the armor with it, so I will make the line read customShiftColor="150,50,0". Now that the color is done, now we go to the model section. Find <model file="bod_hum_mdt_heavy_02.pgz"/>. This is what determines what model is shown when you equip the armor in-game. Because I want the first dress variant, I'm replacing bod_hum_mdt_heavy_02.pgz with bod_huf_com_midleclass_01.pgz, the number on the end determining which version of the dress I want (from 1-3). There! You have just replaced the chest armor with the dress! Now we need to make the matching gauntlets and boots invisible.

Go back down to <!--## GAUNTLET ##--> and find <!--## GAUNTLET UNIQUES ##-->. If you match the names, you should know that merge id="han_hum_mdt_heavy_01_unique" is the line we're looking for. Find the model file section and once again remove the entry so that it looks like <model file=""/>. Then go down to the <!--## BOOT UNIQUES ##--> section and do the same on the merge id="boo_hum_mdt_heavy_01_unique" line.

There you go! You just replaced the Saint Matheus armor with the dress! If you're struggling with a specific armor replacement and can't figure it out from this tutorial, I will take replacement requests if you give me the color, dress type, and which armor set you'd like.

Other mods shown in screenshots are:
Noble Hair Swap
3 new female hairs
A personal face texture mod I won't be releasing ( sorry :( )