I'm not in need of your protection

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  1. rebelliousfirefly
    • supporter
    • 7 kudos
    Would you be willing to either share the file with Aurelia's face or explain how to use it?
    1. Karzza
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      I stumbled upon it today, and wanted it so badly myself I did some research! Maybe you've figured it out, but for the others, here is what I did : 

      1/ Go to your Greedfall folders --> Packs
      2/ Copy Datapc_streaming_dlc02 (outside the folder ofc, like your desktop) and Unzip it
      3/ Search for "equipment"-->"huf"-->"hea", you'll see "hea_huf_aurelia_ee.PGZ"
      4/ Copy this file to "Greedfall" --> "datalocal"-->"equipment"-->"hea" (create the folders if necessary)
      5/ Rename it something like "hea_huf_player_01", it will override one default face, and Voilà! 
    2. rebelliousfirefly
      • supporter
      • 7 kudos
      Thanks for the help.
      Sadly I get the same result as I did before with the odd part of hair still attached to the head
    3. Karzza
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Yeah, the hair mesh seems to be integrated to the head, unfortunately --; I didn't expect that either
      No choice but to play with the first hairstyle. 
    4. Enodia13
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Hello! I'm sorry for not responding, I both missed this, had a change of computer since I created the mod and thus lost the files, and honestly forgot how I did the modding proccess to get this result OTL Thank you Karzza for making it clear! I also don't remember how I managed to delete the hair parts, exactly, but I do recall following the instructions in this mod's description! In there it says they were unable to delete the nodes, BUT I'm pretty sure I did it. Maybe a newest version of the tool allows that? Gosh, my memory is a mess. Tell you what, let me install the game again and try it one more time, I'll get back to you. I hope it's not too late by then, and sorry again for the delay!
    5. Enodia13
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Turns out it was simpler than it seemed!

      1. Download Ego PSSG Editor, the last version, 12.1.0.
      2. Rename the extension of the file you got before to .pssg so the program can open it.
      3. Once that's done, in the program, click File -> Open -> The file you just renamed.
      4. Go to the last LIBRARY in the list and expand it. It should say ROOTNODE. Expand that again and look through the SKINNODE entries.
      5. You'll want to delete: "hai_huf_player_02_b-node" -- "ruban-node" -- "hai_huf_player_02_b-node$0NH"
      6. To delete it, select the node and go to the Nodes menu -> Remove Nodes.
      7. Save it back as PSSG, and then rename both the name to the head you want to replace, AND the extension of the file back to .pgz.
      8. Drop into datalocal and you're done!

      If you have any issues let me know! It works for me ^^

      EDIT: Also, if you want to delete the eyebrows to have your own, delete the "ebr_huf_player_02_03-node" node too!
    6. Karzza
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Oh wow! My greatest thanks for these clear explanations! 🙏Have a wonderful day!
    7. rebelliousfirefly
      • supporter
      • 7 kudos
      Oh my goodness! Thank you so much :D

      Edit: Is it possible to keep the mark on her face? Do I need to edit something else to make it reappear?
    8. Enodia13
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Happy to help, guys! Just sorry it took so long LOL.

      About the mark, believe me, I tried high and low to add it through the program. As soon as I tried to add stuff to the model through Ego PSSG though, it appeared invisible in game :( Maybe there's a way to edit the texture to plaster it in there, but I'm not that much of a modder, I just like to tinker.

      I did find a workaround though! Do not delete the eyebrows on the head, so the ones it has are permanent, and then download this mod, the one with the player mark. That way you can add a mark in the eyebrow slot, while the head itself retains its old eyebrows! It's not perfect, especially if you don't like the old eyebrows (and I seem to remember that if you try to change them through the program it once again makes the head invisible ;__; BUT my memory is faulty, so you could try it yourself and see), but it's the only way I found to keep the mark.

      Edit: I just recalled that the mark by itself clipped with the cheeks of this particular head... So if that happens and you're not happy with it, I'm pretty sure that mods that affect the mark texture work on that replacer. So for example, you could get the smaller mark from here and see if that one fits better! I wish there was a better way, but alas.
  2. MacedonianMuse
    • premium
    • 12 kudos
    Enodia13 she looks gorgeous, what hair nid are you using?
    1. Enodia13
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Hello, and thank you! Let's see, I "made" the hair myself by renaming things and probably breaking a lot of other things XD I couldn't tell you for sure though, I didn't play much with her after this, mainly because I missed the hats and this hair clips with them. So it's not a mod that's released, it's just me messing around. I may go back to it though, because I really like it.

      If you're interested, what I did was extract hai_huf_com_hybride_08.pgz from datapc_initial.spk (I think, I don't have the game installed right now to verify; it's downloading though, so I may update this with the proper info if I made a mistake), I think it's in the equipment/huf/hai (?) folder. Then I renamed this file to ebr_huf_player_08_01 and dropped it into the datalocal folder, which makes it so it shows up in the eyebrow sliders for head 08. If you're using another head, you need to rename the 08 in the name to the correct head number. Then in character creator, you can select whatever hair you want (in my case, I chose the braided bun) and mix it with the modded "eyebrow" which would be this braided hair. Then voila! Mixed hairstyle.

      The problem is that I'm pretty sure this will break something with NPCs. Maybe not, because it's in the player "section", but that fear is why I haven't released it. That and because the hairs themselves also clip a lot and they can look ugly from some angles. I recommend darker colors because of this. Anyway, I hope this helped! (and if you didn't ask for this wall of text i'm sorry lol)

      EDIT: OH, I SHOULD SAY THOUGH! If you do this, you obviously can't have eyebrows for whatever head you chose DX Again, another reason I didn't release this. That's why I modded Aurelia's head from the DLC because she comes with eyebrows. My attempts to add eyebrows to heads to remedy this were met with failure, it always made the heads invisible. It's... it's complicated, sorry. I really don't like modding Greedfall, it's so limiting.