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  1. zombiephones
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    In case anyone was wondering, the FDI fix also works for Vault Girl Interface with vanilla dialogue. It changes the vanilla dialogue font but puts vault girl in the right place :) so thanks mod author for that!!
    1. Cheems97
      • supporter
      • 18 kudos
      So it was off-centered for the vanilla option too...
      But yeah, now that I think about it, FDI Lite version would work for the vanilla. Not sure about the changed font tho. Shouldn't happen. I might add a separate version for vanilla menu. Thanks for the report!

      + Done! Could you test if the font issue is resolved?
    2. zombiephones
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      OH HELL YEAH!!

      Hey thanks, works a treat with vanilla and the vanilla font :) so happy for a little extra polish on Vault Girl!!
  2. Luvixi
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Nondescript ambiguous deity bless this man.
    1. Cheems97
      • supporter
      • 18 kudos
  3. kayathenerd
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    When I try both options of the XDI fix (either one separately), when a dialogue option happens in-game, I get a big white window that says XDI HAS FAILED - PLEASE MAKE SURE XDI.dll IS IN THE \Data\F4SE\Plugins directory or something like that. The Vats Fix file works fine and did fix the bracket sizes for me.

    I have F4SE 0.6.23 (I'm not running next-gen version of FO4 yet), the Full dialogue interface mod with the DLC support and the LOOKUP FAILED fix, Vault Girl Interface and Vault Girl Textures from Ne0 FOMOD, and your Vault Girl Vats Fix as I was saying.

    I'm using Vortex to install and using the suggestions from it to let your XDI fix overwrite.
    1. Cheems97
      • supporter
      • 18 kudos
      I can't replicate the problem. My XDI fix only contains DialogueMenu.swf and has nothing to do with the .dll file. Maybe purge and re-deploy?
      Your mention of DLC support and LOOKUP FAILED fix really makes me think you mistaken the Full dialogue interface for XDI(Extended Dialogue Interface). If so, that's your issue.
    2. kayathenerd
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      You are 100% right, I did confuse the two mods together. I wasn't aware there was a mod called Extended Dialogue Interface.
      The problem still exists though: the Vault-Girl icon is not centered in my setup, but I do use Full Dialogue Interface.
    3. Cheems97
      • supporter
      • 18 kudos
      This is exclusively for the XDI and can't fix FDI's icon. If you don't use XDI you should uninstall my fix as it can result in further problems.
    4. Cheems97
      • supporter
      • 18 kudos
       Added Full dialogue interface fixes too
    5. kittyowilder
      • premium
      • 101 kudos
      try this one
    6. Cheems97
      • supporter
      • 18 kudos
      That's the one included in Ne0's FOMOD, which introduced the off-centered sprite to begin with.
    7. kittyowilder
      • premium
      • 101 kudos
      You are right, I was thinking of the FallUI Inventory patch, which I use.
      My fault.
  4. ifLaMaster
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    If someone, like me, think what real difference with patch included in Vault Girl Mod, this patch centered image(in VGM patch image going little right from center). Both patches works for me, but 69601 didn't.
    1. Cheems97
      • supporter
      • 18 kudos
      You mean this one?: Vault GIrl Interface - XDI Patch  
      Well it should work if you don't use mine, cause technically this is just the same file with 69601 but modified.