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  1. IRogueCellI
    • premium
    • 42 kudos
    the goat
  2. VerdictofOdin
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    THANK YOU for this!  I was very confused why my NPCs Travel Groups were decimating me in game with BLD
  3. ByteSix
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    Any chance you can remove the Behemoth requirement?
  4. deblueseven
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    So I came across a group of 5 or so Super Mutants in Cambridge or the area around that station and despite using .308 rounds with a hunting rifle, head shots do not kill them?
    1. rpg38
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      that would be caused by BLD itself and not this patch.
  5. DrabRab
    • premium
    • 7 kudos
  6. warpigeon80
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thanks for this mod! Would you happen to know how to edit the ratio of male/female enemies?
    1. LibertyBull
      • premium
      • 52 kudos
      That would be an item that is handled through the templates that the npc spawn list references and I havent dabbled in editing it so i cant be of more help there.
    2. warpigeon72
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Hello again, does this mod belong after NPC Travel or BLD in the modlist? I imagine it would go after both of them right? Sorry I am still figuring out how to set up a stable modlist.
    3. LibertyBull
      • premium
      • 52 kudos
      This goes after NPCs travel, and its location in relation to Better Locational Damage is not an issue. The way Bethesda games modding works is any mods that edit the same thing overwrite each other and whichever comes last wins. Compatibility patches like this typically combine values from multiple mods. For example this mod simply edits the values of the NPCs travel settings to match better locational damage. Technically this patch is usable without better locational damage.
    4. warpigeon72
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you for the response :)
  7. Publius666
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Please make another version with unaffected heavy weapons from the NPCs. Its absence reduces the sharpness of the game for those who use mods for modern weapons and mod " Hostile Aviation"
  8. aristidetorchia717
    • supporter
    • 10 kudos
    hi Tjzil,

    Just found this as I'm using both those mods, thanks for you work, this should come handy.

    I have a question, I was hoping you could help me answer (believe it or not, I couldn't find the answer anywhere).

    Would you say Better Locational Damage is balanced enough to warrant a full game playthrough on it?

    I'm 10 hours into the game, with BLD, Pack Attack, NPC travel and few similar - all compatible, but I'm slightly worried of going into the world for a full playthrough with how extremely BLD changes the fundamental game rules.

    It feels fine now, with basic riders, but would you say it still feels fair and balanced mid to end game?

    thanks a lot
    1. LibertyBull
      • premium
      • 52 kudos
      As long as you have your game setup correctly and everything was installed it should be pretty balanced in a sense. The de-leveling of the enemies is great for me because TBH I am so ADD with characters and playthroughs that I rarely got above level 30 so I never saw all the variations and colors of the enemies, with BLD you will see them all.

      It's balanced in the sense that all enemies have standardized health which is great for me because I hate bullet sponges. To balance the fact all enemies have standard health to their race, all guns have been modded to not get gigantic increases in damage as you level up. To some, this takes away the feeling of progression, however to me with BLD I play the game more as a tactical shooter where you don't level up your weapons and enemies dont magically become able to take more bullets because they are a higher level.

      Basically, long story short BLD is balanced in the sense I havent encountered any "holes" in the mod. I never encountered a single overpowered enemy that he forgot to edit that destroys me in 2 shots. It does change alot, but its balanced in other ways. For example, miniguns tear everything apart, but they also make you walk when using them as well as being super heavy and ammo expensive. They make vertibirds dangerous like they should be.
  9. warpigeon72
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Hello I really appreciate this mod and your work for it. It seems however that NPCs travel has been updated since you uploaded this mod. Do you know if this mod still works? I am sort of new to using mods.
    1. LibertyBull
      • premium
      • 52 kudos
      I'm not sure, it would depend but most likely not. The way mods work in Bethesda games is mods overwrite data, so each mod will overwrite each other if they edit the same thing. If NPCs travel only did a minor update it will probably work without much issue, but if they use the same NPC entries that I edited in this mod, my mod will then revert any updates back to my edits.
  10. User_48940373
    • account closed
    • 2 kudos

    thank you for this mod!

    I'm trying to learn how to do this by myself. I found automation scripts for xedit and a tutotial for items. Can you give me hint on how to mass edit npc records?
    I'm lost at what to edit and what I should leave untouched.

    I got a lot of quest mods with their own npcs and would like to follow them BLD stats as well.

    Any kind of help would be awesome!
    1. LibertyBull
      • premium
      • 52 kudos
      I couldnt find/figure out an automation script for NPC stats, so basically I selected a bunch of NPC entries at the same time, then I believe you right click on one and press "compare" and it should bring up all of them side by side. Change the stat you want to apply to all of them (in this case health) and then after making the change on one, right click the field you changed and there should be an option to "apply to all entries".
    2. User_48940373
      • account closed
      • 2 kudos
      Thank you very much!

      So simple^^ If you know how to do it. Much appreciated. I figured out that I can use this method for a other entries as well. So much time saved!

      have a nice day!