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  1. czoper35
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    hello,i tried to download this blueprint but i cant find it in imports may you know why?
  2. tigertank909
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    btw sanctuary is not even close to be a city
  3. CosmicRunner
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Boy you better update this mod. Many people love this build, Including me. We are encountering many problems, so pls for the love of your fans. Pls Update your masterpiece
    1. twist3dimages
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      I might be uploading another copy....
    2. LesserLambert
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      ?"Morgan Freeman voice" and he never did upload another copy
    3. willj058
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      4 years ago and still nothing
  4. Larce24
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Here are the required files pulled from the JSON file, there are a few missing from the main file description page:

    "Evan_Modular Kitchen.esp",
    "Northland Diggers New.esp",
    "Snap'n Build.esm",
    "Business Settlements.esp",
    "ACS Paintings.esp",
    "Thematic and Practical.esp",
    1. MGLBOY
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      thats all ?
  5. CheyNicole97
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I dont see the blueprint when i want to import the settlement. How does this work?
  6. ouibonjour
    • supporter
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    A lot of the mods that are required to correctly create this settlement are not available anymore which breaks the mod totally. 

    (Better Stores is set on Hidden, DIY-Clutter et Modular Kitchen are only available on Bethesda's, not sure if the game recognized them, link for SnapNBuild was dead, found one named SnapnBuild2.0, not sure if it's the right one, and the ingame bluepring info told me about two other so far unmentioned mods that were missing : Dinoshelf and Business Settlements. I was not able to find the right ones neither)

     I still tried loading the remaining ones that were available here and on Bethesda's side, while hoping those set on Hidden here would not affect the result too much, but yeah.... Once I cleared Sanctuary and imported the blueprint, everything stopped making sense. 

    Everything was sideways in weird angles, every walls were crossing each others out, all the tables in the Deli Restaurant were all packed up in a pile with no space in between, there was a lot of floating stairs, missing walls, the  roofs were all in diagonal and in a glitchy angle (that was not intentional but weirdly still had a very interesting esthetic), it's like half the walls and structures of the settlement rotated 90 degrees on themselves while the other half stayed in place. It's hard to explain, but it was not playable and it looked like the actual blueprint fell off a table and shattered on the ground, just as someone passed by and made a pile with the pieces.

    BTW I'm not saying the design of the ACTUAL blueprint settlement is a mess, I say that the settlement WITHOUT THOSE VERY IMPORTANT  REQUIRED (but not available anymore) MODS was not playable and looked like a recollection of itself taken from the ill minds of a broken robot. 

    I hope that those mods will be available again soon so that I can try that settlement again, because it truly looks like the most "lived in" Sanctuary settlement so far, and from all those those that I found on the Nexus, that's the one I'd really would like to use. 
    1. mcleod777
      • premium
      • 7 kudos
      those mods will not be coming back to nexus any time soon.  I spent some time downloading these mods from Bethesda but I got all of them.  As far as the weird angles and things like that, let me make a recommendation:  Go with "Stable" preset use a mod called "Sanctuary Homestead - Postwar Edition" by Hozsa, find it here--->
      Then, in the console, execute "scrapall"...........  disclaimer:  make sure you don't have any mods like "scrap everything" running or this will be a disaster.

      It took a while to load everything so just find a quiet spot and don't move and don't bring a lot of companions with you either...........This blueprint will come out just like the pretty pictures and with the mod by Hozsa, you get a bonus of all the navmesh working correctly, a win-win!

      Thank You KenYipTX  
  7. twist3dimages
    • supporter
    • 6 kudos
    Did you keep the original foundations from the Sanctuary houses?
    1. somethindarker
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I just got it too and after installing I think you just need to get rid of the roofs and whatever outcroppings are left.
    2. twist3dimages
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      I'm talking about the floors/foundations from the original houses because I'm missing them in a few buildings. Or would that still prevent it? I'll post a pic in a minute



    3. twist3dimages
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      Please re-upload this blueprint
    4. nganying1991
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Maybe there is some problem with the blueprint, having same issue
    5. twist3dimages
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      Definitely. Unfortunately it looks like the mod author doesn't plan on fixing it
    6. Jamiester23
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Just remove the roofs
  8. KenjiHayuten
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    You know what's strange? I never had graphical issues/save issues/any issues whatsoever with this mod, until I did a full clean install of my fallout 4 with a new and smaller load order; but for some reason, I'm having hella issues with my game; strange graphical issues appearing near the market section of the city; impossibly low framrates; crashing as soon as I fast travel out of Sanctuary/leaving sanctuary - it's honestly ridiculous how bad it is. A lighter version would be great honestly
  9. juicySUCC
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    well, after about 12 hours of cleaning insignificant areas, i've gotten it to run at a decent framerate when on the main street. now that i can actually tell what's going on, i gotta say, awesome work
  10. coldev
    • member
    • 14 kudos
    it's awesome but it's unplayable.