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  1. win2009
    • member
    • 248 kudos
    Please do not delete/scrap this mod's NPC (dead body) by the function of other mods.
    This does not cause a crash, but you will no longer encounter deleted NPCs.
    Unfortunately, there is currently no best solution.

    If you have the "Settlement Tidy Bot" installed, please set mod compatibility settings in the configuration menu.

    The problem of unavailability of holotape.
    If you are a Creation Club user, please install this mod in the middle of the process. I am not interested in Creation Club so I cannot confirm. Khimera says in his bug report that "It isn't starting up because of the mass amount of creation club content being spammed at the beginning of the game." So, for example, install it after you get to Sanctuary.
  2. win2009
    • member
    • 248 kudos
    About "Ignore Location"
    I use "IsLoaded - Location" . Very useful, but
    For example, if Diamond City location is enabled, when approaching a Diamond City (when a DC location is loaded), all currently loaded locations enter the valid range. Also, when leaving a DC, newly loaded locations will be in the valid range until the DC location is unloaded.
    In other words, the effective range is quite large. The concern is that there will be fewer encounters with the enemy. Therefore, it is not recommended to activate many locations.
  3. jacktaco
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Hello, just updated to latest version (from v2.95 to v2.97) and now all ally NPC is neutral. Going into the holotape- the  NPC relations option is stuck on neutral- cannot change to ally. Clicking on it does nothing. Also number of NPCs is set to zero for all mobs, including enemy NPCs. Cannot change to any other number.
    I don't use F4SE and haven't updated game to new patch. Been playing offline to get around it. Not using tidy bot mod.
    Any suggestions?
    Thank you.
    1. nexhex
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      I'm not 100% sure, but I believe you need this mod installed now:

      I believe the mod author of NPCs Travel said that mod is now a requirement for the latest version. He said it in a previous message here.
    2. jacktaco
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      OIC. Thanks for letting me know. I'll check it out.

      I dont use F4SE though. Will it still work ok?
    3. Prime170
      • member
      • 10 kudos
      Mine stopped working as well. In my case it was solved by going back to v2.95. I'm on old-gen 1.10.163.
  4. Raff876
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I love this mod, and have a great time avoiding or ambushing travelling enemies.  I even have a fond memory of running away from this particularly tough spawn group and spamming the stimpack.

    Unfortunately, it was only later that I discover that one of those travelling enemies eventually destroy Covenant before I get the chance to visit, preventing me from ever completing that particular quest. This is before I discover the ignore settlement function. 

    So, those looking to download this, remember to go to the holotape, and set the ignore settlement, currently only Diamond City is on by default. 

    Please do not delete/scrap this mod's NPC (dead body) by the function of other mods.

    Question, what happen if I used the console command markfordelete?

    Also, how does the Ignore Settlement thing work? Is it by disabling their nearby spawn point or does the hostile enemy literally avoided them in the first place?

    And is it possible to set the ignore settlement function to smaller area, like say, Drumlin Diner? 
    1. win2009
      • member
      • 248 kudos
      It seems that markfordelete makes it impossible to trade. Do not do it.
      When an enemy enters an area, it warps to another location.
      I could add a Drumlin Diner, but I'm not too keen on that.
    2. Raff876
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Thks for the quick answer
    3. win2009
      • member
      • 248 kudos
      Covenant location will be enabled by default in the next version (does not affect saved games). Thank you very much.
    4. Raff876
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Additional question, is it possible to make hostile travelling NPC be neutral towards other NPC, or at least those by the base game?

      Cuz I just remembered that one of them killed one of the NPC at Drumlin Diner in my previous playing session, which also locked me out of a fairly minor quest, and it got me paranoid that one of them would kill the wandering Bunker Hill merchant, or the occasionally hilarious random encounter NPC like the sandwich one. 

    5. win2009
      • member
      • 248 kudos
      I do not think such changes should be done.
      Patrick, Simone, Trudy and Wolfgang in the Drumlin Diner are all “protected”.
    6. bearmord
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Covenant added to exceptions in version 2.9.7!
  5. bearmord
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thank you for adding the Covenant (v2.9.7) to the respawn exceptions! Raiders appeared right on his territory!Of all the mods, this is by far the best! Patrols looks natural! Without huge crowds and a lot of meat! Thank you.
  6. vimesUK
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    Sorry if this is a silly question but....

    I do have the tidy settlement bot installed and running in my game at one point, so enabled the holotape setting as advised. BUT, I have deleted the bot, still the mod supporting it is used, as it is no longer needed to tidy anything. In that case do I still need to keep the compatibility mode enabled OR is that only when the bot is being used in the game..?

    1. win2009
      • member
      • 248 kudos
      It only adds keywords, so there is no problem leaving it enabled or disabling it.
    2. vimesUK
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      ah, many thanks for your help. I wasn't sure what it did or how it did it.

      Good to know.
  7. MaxDrechsler
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Whats about optional faction vertibirds?
  8. vimesUK
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    Seems to work after I used...

    Backported Archive2 Support System at Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods and community (

    ...since downgrading to the OG build of the game (build 163).

    Prior to that it would not show, nor would the holotape, not Craftable either.

    Installing that other mod the holotape is Craftable in the chem lab.

  9. SgtMent0515
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is the latest version of NPC travel only available for the NG? It says installed in my game but I can't find the holotape nor craft it in my workstation. I'm currently running version 1.10.163
    1. win2009
      • member
      • 248 kudos
      I don't think so, but I don't know much about it. ba2 is the problem? Then why not use the NT297 source file? Or use 295.
  10. baliant5972
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    トラブルです今レベル40ぐらい80時間ぐらいのデータで今まで何ともなかったのにグリーンフィドラーズ周辺で突然FPSが1になって10秒ぐらいカクカクになって動くという現象が頻発この周辺にMODの影響で思いつかなかったけど屋内に行ったら戻ったので放置しばらく3時間ぐらい問題なく遊んだら次はカウンティー周辺でも発生して今度はFPS1を30秒ぐらいで発生したのち落ちます確定でMOD全部外したら治ったので一つずつ戻したらNPCs Travelが原因でしたNPCがスポ-ンした時にこの現象になるっぽい?内部セル行くと発生はしない屋外のみ愛用してるし外したくないんですが原因と対策とかないでしょうか?い
    1. win2009
      • member
      • 248 kudos
      最近の更新のIgnore Locationかな?と思いましたがグリーンフィドラーズ周辺だと場所によりますが関係はないのかもしれません。あとは、逆にこのmodだけで起こるか試してほしいのと、クラッシュログが出るmodを試してみるとか。また、最新のバージョン(1.10.984.0)じゃなかったら対応できないのですみません。私は150時間以上問題なく遊べてたので何か決定的なものがあれば修正もできますのでできればお願いします。
  11. drevviken
    • premium
    • 37 kudos
    Is the current version for NG...? I don't see any information on it.
    1. nexhex
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      I think most any mod will work with NG unless it requires F4SE, and the mod in question hasn't been updated to the NG version of F4SE (that's what I keep hearing everyone saying when this question comes up anyway).
  12. rauf531
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Version 2.9.6 does not work on game version due to ba2. If ba2 unpacked, then the mod runs. But will the mod in this case will work normally?
    1. JordanCR44
      • member
      • 0 kudos
    2. Sinapus
      • premium
      • 59 kudos
      Does the archive2.exe from the earlier Creation Kit work for .ba2 files from the NexGen? I've used that mod that prevents updating to NexGen for FO4 and the Creation Kit. It's (archive2.exe) what I use to make and extract .ba2 files. So if it works on the latest updates, I can probably extract them and then make a new .ba2 file with the oldgen archive maker.  

      (The one mentioned here has some issue with the Buffout fix for .ba2 file number, so I'm not using it until it lists a fix.)