First Encounter

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Idiot Elf had a couple of years in the Elder Scrolls Online, and managed to make many new friends.
Astonishingly, at one point she was even a Guild Master (despite my warnings).
For Script to translate, see the first comment below. 

LAST PART –  001 - Idiot Elf goes Online
NEXT PART – 003 - First Boss
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  1. eluuene
    • supporter
    • 26 kudos
    omg XD genial XD so short but full of meaning XD
  2. Reimar67
    • premium
    • 249 kudos
    LOL - TI with only 8. Better savour this moment cos am pretty sure it won't last.
    1. Fireandflame
      • supporter
      • 18 kudos
      And I was there with only 2 or 3 ;-) That was creepy! I savoured the moment - and left the image section for a while until it would be more alive here.
      And I thought it would save me from my daily job in Skyrim - endorsing your pics - better should have seen it (HER) coming like Er-Jaseen ... lol
  3. jefthereaper
    • supporter
    • 35 kudos
    Lol, so considering ESO is 1000ds of years before Skyrim or anything of Elder scrolls up to now, does that mean that the idiot elf was born around some years before the events of ESO and SOMEHOW managed to survive the events of ESO then managed to survive over a 1000 years, and skipped (inocently in ignorance) by the events of Arena, Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion and then eventually ended up becoming the Dragonborn in Skyrim?

    well at least we know one thing, Wisdom came with the years! (she learned the best sweet role shops are in SKyrim) XD
    1. matherz4
      • supporter
      • 21 kudos
      or a dragon break occured and sent her forward in time or she went into past from skyrim game and lol reimar looking forward to more
    2. jefthereaper
      • supporter
      • 35 kudos
      also possible, tough I find the normal way possible too (being a elf and all, outrageous long lifetimes, its a lifetime hack XD)
  4. Reimar67
    • premium
    • 249 kudos
    Script for Translation...
    Image =First Encounter
    Title = Idiot Elf encounters her first NPC in the new world…
    IdiotElf = Can you give me directions to the nearest Sweet Roll shop please?
    Er-Jaseen= By the Gods no! It’s you. They warned me you’d be coming. I think I should kill my hatchling now and save them the suffering to come.