Idiot Elf goes Online

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Idiot Elf had a couple of years in the Elder Scrolls Online, and managed to make many new friends.
Astonishingly, at one point she was even a Guild Master (despite my warnings).
For Script to translate, see the first  comment below. 
NEXT PART - 002 - First Encounter
To look at the full collection for ESO Funnies  check out…  IDIOT ELF - ESO COMPENDIUM
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  1. eluuene
    • supporter
    • 26 kudos
    hahaha awesome o.O
  2. Fireandflame
    • supporter
    • 18 kudos
    Hi Reimar - so great to see you and your elf here!

    This means I have to visit this site more frequently now (there were only very few images in the beginning)- since I have missed the documentation of your elf's online adventures for one month now! See you/her - maybe ;-)
  3. jefthereaper
    • supporter
    • 35 kudos
    Kinda expected her to say "I haz big boobs" instead (still low on brainpower XD)
  4. hitmaqn78
    • supporter
    • 61 kudos
    Haha! awesome to see her online too!
    1. Reimar67
      • premium
      • 249 kudos
      Cheers Hitmaqn
  5. Reimar67
    • premium
    • 249 kudos
    Script for Translation...
    Image = Idiot Elf goes Online
    Title = Character Creation... FAIL
    IdiotElf = I can't believe it Reimar. You have made me even uglier in that game! I hope you gave me more brains this time.
    Ugly Idiot Elf = I have bigger boobs than you
    Reimar = Erm.. Sorry.