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  1. Icedrop21
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This is spectacular! I've used the "no more grave desecration" mod for ages because I have the most awful completionist urges, but I hate destroying the graves like some loon and making the elves upset. I can't wait to play with your "proven" option next!

    I do have a question though, based on something I only found out through the original mod. Once you obtain the whole key, but haven't used it yet (e.g. you just bought the pieces and you're still in the Dalish camp), you can talk to the Keeper and mention that you found it. It makes him super happy (which makes me happy in turn), but then the key is lost to you. If I use the "proven" option of this mod, will that mechanic remain the same, or will you lose the option to bring it up to the Keeper?

    Furthermore, as a question to your skilled modding experience: Do you think it would be possible to create a way where you can use the key to open the Unadin Grotto without losing the key, so you can still go back and give it to the Keeper? I know I'm in no position to make requests, but depending on your opinion I might finally roll up my sleeves and make an attempt at learning how to mod DAI
    1. tklivory
      • supporter
      • 19 kudos
      I'll have to look into this. I'd forgotten that the Keeper had a reaction to the key between last playing the game in full and testing for this mod recently.

      However, from what I did see while testing for the mod, the three pieces of the key don't go into player inventory at all, but are directly slotted in the nebulous 'quest item' inventory for 'Spoils of Desecration'. Based on that, no version of the mod as it currently stands would change that you 'lose' the key once you use it (either to the Keeper or by unlocking the door).

      I'll have to do some experimentation to see if I can wiggle around that somehow in a way that allows you to have your key and use it (twice) too. I should have some time to experiment this weekend. I'll let you know!
    2. literallybyronic
      • premium
      • 138 kudos
      You can indeed talk to the Keeper and give him the key before actually using it and be locked out, I did this accidentally a few days ago.  It would be nice if you could tell him about it but have the key still remain usable, for sure.  I still definitely prefer finding the pieces in another quest location to the other methods, though, it's more immersive.
    3. tklivory
      • supporter
      • 19 kudos
      I've been poking the files trying to figure out a way to allow the key to be used for both purposes, but haven't found a way yet. I can't tell at this point if it's a 'Frosty can't change quests this way' problem or if it's a 'haven't found the right way yet' problem. Essentially, using the key on the door or the Keeper ends the 'Spoils of Desecration' quest, after which the key pieces become unavailable. I even tried loading in both the 'Free' and 'Proven' version of the mod so I could buy the key pieces from the merchant after talking to the Keeper about the key, but that didn't work because the game didn't recognize the key pieces anymore.

      The main issue is that the game doesn't see the key pieces as inventory items but as quest progression steps, which are harder to track. There are several quest progression steps during 'Spoils', and the game is very specific that only the last one can prompt the conversation with the Speaker or open the door. Once that last step is marked as resolved, it locks out the other option. It took me a while to figure out I couldn't simply modify one option to keep the quest open so as to allow for the other option, so my next attempt will be to see if I can get one of the options (Keeper or door) to react to an earlier progression step of the quest without ending the quest, then allow the second option to resolve the quest in full. Hopefully it works.
    4. Icedrop21
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Omg I'm very excited to see you looking into this! By the sound of it, this would be quite above my beginner levels xD
      I'll eagerly await the end conclusion, and in the mean time enjoy my new and more immersive version of no desecretion~ <3
  2. slowmoth
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Hello, I'm curious if the mod completes or deletes the quest "The Spoils of Desecration", or if it remains in your journal.
    1. tklivory
      • supporter
      • 19 kudos
      I didn't modify the quest itself, but the quest will show as completed in your journal with my mod since it only cares about acquiring the three key parts and not how you get them.
  3. firissolas
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Just wanted to say thank you so, so much for this! Especially for adding in the 'Proven' option. I prefer making lore friendly choices and this was perfect ;-;
    1. tklivory
      • supporter
      • 19 kudos
      I'm so glad you like it! I did my best to make an option that didn't make my Dalish Inquisitor feel like a traitor to their people, but also made me as a player feel like I earned it at least a *little*.
  4. K9liberator
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    DAI Mod Manager compatibility please. 
    1. tklivory
      • supporter
      • 19 kudos
      I have added a DAIMOD version for the Proven option. The Free version is already available in the original mod (link in the mod description) and the Paid option is giving me trouble so I'm still working on it.
    2. K9liberator
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      You're awesome! 
  5. dlonska
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    the proven option is the perfect solution! awesome work
  6. MegaGothmog
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    This looks like a nice addition to DAI.

    Will be saving this for later. Thank!