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  1. guymanguyguy
    • member
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    Hi, I followed everything as instructed and ended up getting all right i believe but, now when i start to boot up dragon age, steam hits me with "error code 51" and says it cannot launch game. Have I done something wrong?? Very confused.
  2. curosch077
    • member
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    Hi there. I downloaded the file and it worked okay the way you explained, but I have a question: Is there a way to make Steam still count the hours played with this file? I know it's probably because it targets the launcher, and Steam doesn't count the game hours after the launcher closes. I tried editing the file to target the game but I didn't work when I started it through Steam, unfortunately.

    Anyways, thank you for this fix.
  3. meiz1223
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    i can't see file ...
    maybe you need use ZIP

    This file has been automatically quarantined and may be unsafe
    1. Hasarda
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Hi I have uploaded the file as .txt you should be able to download now :)
      Please read the changed instructions in the description
      Thanks! And happy gaming
    2. elanor19
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hi, I did all you explained, but if I start playing from steam it says "error ocurred: the executable is missing", if I try to access direcly by ckicking in the .bat file it opens the DAO launcher, but when I click play and starts searching for my pc info stops working. 

      What can I do? 
  4. Whacking
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Firstly, thank you  so much for this mod. Who knew something so 'simple' could be so effective! I was just wondering a couple of things (sorry in advance if they're incredibly noob-y). 

    1. Do I need to start the game each time through the .bat file?
    2. If I DO need to start it through the .bat each time, is there a way of making it so the Console accessible? Since they moved everything over to the new EA launcher, you can only access the Game and Console through launching the game through EA directly. I haven't been able to add the console command to the properties on the dragonage.exe anymore (I hope this makes sense). 

    Thanks in advance for your help!!

    EA Console

    1. Whacking
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      AHHH I FEEL SO NERDY!! I literally just added -enabledeveloperconsole (with a space) at the end of text of your mod (it's still a .bat file), and it seems to have worked!
  5. Shuuya00
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    • 0 kudos
    Happened to start my very first run right after you posted this, my first crash luckily led me to look on here and it hasn't crashed again even in sessions that were several hours long (and with a few other mods). Running perfectly smooth
    So I just wanted to leave a quick Thank you. Probably saved me a lot of time ^^
  6. MsHammer
    • member
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    I'm following the instructions up to getting the .bat to auto start. Steam can't find Dragon Age Ultimate Edition, it is only finding Dragon.
    1. Hasarda
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Hi thanks for downloading. I see its because the file wasn't targeting the launcher could you download the steam version and change the command in Steam to "F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Dragon Age Ultimate Edition\launchaffinity_steam.bat" %command%

      Also place the new file in the root Dragon Age Ultimate Edition directory not in bin_ship
    2. SorryNoName
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      use " at the beginning and end of your path
    3. darkshine07
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Having this same issue but my file is in the correct directory and still can't get the game to launch. 
  7. Sauromat907
    • member
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    Followed the instructions precisely ... When I tried to start the game, I got a virus warning and a comment that my PC successfully prevented a malicious software or something like that from starting ... Thanks! (It was probably just a false alert. But still .... -.- )
    1. Hasarda
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Hey, its just a 1 line command in the .bat file that you can open and view for yourself in a text editor. All it does is set CPU affinity to 8 cores like you would do manually in task manager each time but does so using the command. 

      This is the command "%comspec% /C start /normal /affinity 1ff daorigins.exe" if you google the command (without the .exe) you will see its been used to fix other old games for modern hardware too.

      Nothing malicious there :) happy gaming