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  1. kinhwilliams
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I just want to say how much I'm enjoying this mod. Doom 2016 is like a staple I often return to when I get burnt out on a game or feeling nostalgic and I feel I'm enjoying doom2016 now as much as the very first time I've played the game, many years ago! Making zombies rush you and aggressive leaping imps is an awesome change! I haven't encounter the other mob changes yet...

    But the best change of all: muting those insanely loud zombies! Yes! I can't believe there wasn't a mod for shortly after the game's release. They are just so obnoxious. Even if it's only one zombie left and even if it's seemingly far away, it's like they're right next to you screaming directly in your ear.  So annoying!  I agree with the comment below. This is a must have now. 

    I just started a Nightmare run using this wonderful mod, Balanced WAD and Tougher Demons and your Immersion Mod... and I'm having an absolute blast! It's a shame they updated the game and wrecked the other mods that use legacymod - I found that out the hard way when my old modified Doom wouldn't launch anymore. 

    Anyway, just wanted to give you my thanks and endorsement. 
    1. ElderMoloch
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Hello! Thank you for kind words and endorsement! This helps a lot! And glad that you like it!

      I also return to Doom 2016 periodically. Liked both 2016 and Eternal, but I played Eternal only once and return to Doom 2016 more often.
      I'm really glad that I was able to make zombies run - this and telecinetic attack from Cacodemon are my favorite. Zombies feel a bit more dangerous and dynamic now. Leaping attack is fun too, even though it's more cool looking, than being effective.

      And yeah  - loud zombies were annoying. It's a shame that I wasn't able to make auidable laugh for Cacodemon, though.

      Again, glad that you are enjoying it. It would be cool, if someday you will check Grand Overhaul or at least Rebalance Mod.

      I downgraded my D16 version to use LegacyMod, since I need it. If you miss LegacyMod or mods related to it - you can do it too.
    2. kinhwilliams
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I def will check out your other mods like Grand Overhaul. I had just already had it in my mind to try a playthrough with the Balanced WAD before implementing your addition. 🙂

      And thanks for the tip about rolling back the game's revision.  I wonder why they even updated such an old game... & what the update was for. 🤔 
    3. ElderMoloch
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Thank you! Also, if you would be interested, I'm currently working on map update for Overhaul and I will need testers soon for my 1st level.

      I heard they wanted to improve stability or something. But it was very minor update overall and thankfully it didn't break mods in general.
    4. kinhwilliams
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Yeah, man, I would gladly assist you in testing it. Though my available time to play is sporadic & a bit unpredictable due to my odd work schedule. Sometimes I'll have plenty of free time to enjoy gaming for a good while and other times I'll have hardly touched my gaming PC in weeks! 😓 But if that's OK shoot me a message. I'm about 2/3rd of the way done with my current playthrough of the aforementioned Balanced WAD/Tougher Demons w/ your Immersion and Restored AI. Then I'll check your your Overhaul mod. 🤘

      Edit: Oh and I wanted to mention... I've experienced the Cacodemon telekinetic magnet attack, Baron of Hell 2 fireballs finally - a very pleasant surprise. The telekinetic attack makes fighting a group of them with ledges to fall from a lot more technical, which is great! From what I can tell, you can break the telekinetic-pull by damaging them enough to make them flinch.  And the double fireball from the Barons comes out quick with very little warning... and it hurts bad! Which is good! They needed a bit of a buff in my opinion as I never really found them much more of a threat than hell knights, previously. 
    5. ElderMoloch
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Cool! If you can test it here is a link:
      1st level - UAC/Intro. Testing notes are in 7z archive. If you start new game you need to finish UAC on default layer first to be able play new version of UAC from mission select. Please test without any other mods.
      I understand and that's totally fine. You can test whenever you want and can.

      Glad that you were able to encounter them and you like it! Yes, you can break telekinetic attack by attacking Cacodemon and dealing some damage to it. Yeah, I also liked that Barons became a bit more dangerous, since I found them somehow underwhelming in terms of combat in vanilla.
  2. teconasado
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Great mod. A must have in my opinion
    1. ElderMoloch
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Hello! Thank you! Glad that you liked it.
    2. Godslayer40000
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I second this. we both endorsed you (atleast i think he did, I know I did.)
    3. ElderMoloch
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Hello! Glad that you like it too!
      And thank you both for thumbs up: it cheers me up and helps others to see, if people liked this mod.