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    • premium
    • 180 kudos
    Recent game update broke the mod this mod relies on. Specifically "Legacy Mod" which this mod had bundled. 

    Only way to get this mod to work at this point is to down patch Doom to the previous version. 

    Ill look into remaking this mod in the way my Doom Eternal version is made but Im unsure if thats possible atm. 

    Ive updated the link on the main page to the latest Doom Mod Launcher however with the current version of the game; it wont launch the game automatically. 

    See below note from Modding Discord: 

    **DOOM (2016) has been updated.**
    The good news is, it's a very minor update that shouldn't break any DOOMModLoader-based mods. The bad news is, you can no longer launch the game EXE directly (meaning that **you must manually launch the game through Steam after using DOOMModLoader**), and it breaks DoomLegacyMod (causing the game to instantly close), SnapHak (its *XINPUT1_3.dll* file doesn't work (nor cause problems), but it includes DoomLegacyMod's *d8input.dll* file), and DOOMLauncher (which relied on launching the game EXE directly).

    **If you have installed DoomLegacyMod or SnapHak for DOOM (2016), you must delete *-/steamapps/common/DOOM/dinput8.dll* before you can launch the game!**
    • premium
    • 180 kudos
    How To Down Patch Your Game:

    - winkey + R, then enter: steam://nav/console
    - entered this into the steam console: download_depot 379720 379721 2206249600939156631
    - once it's done, navigate to: Steam\SteamApps\content\app_379720\depot_379721 and copy everything into your games install folder. 

    Yes; I can get all the gibs to remain without legacy mod; but corpses sadly arent possible without it. 
    It relies on on delaying the death fade of corpses.  So far; its only possible with a console command unlocked by legacy mod. 

    Until legacy mod is updated ; this is the only way this mod will work as intended. 
  3. nakurwiacz
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Ur mod interrupting Rune Trial #3 Where u need to kill 30 mobs with Super Shotgun. There is a problem with respawning enemies.After uninstalling all files everything working fine.
    1. twix123456789
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Yup, it screws it up for me too.
    2. DeathWrench
      • premium
      • 98 kudos
      Have the same issue.
      Edit: Reverting candidate.cfg back to the default fixed it. Seems that something in KTD2016.cfg is causing the bug.
    3. Coldblackice
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Ur mod interrupting Rune Trial #3 Where u need to kill 30 mobs with Super Shotgun. There is a problem with respawning enemies.After uninstalling all files everything working fine.
      In Doom Eternal's KTD comment section, creator discusses the variable length of time dead can be kept around. He says if you keep too many dead around for too long, it blocks new spawns from occuring. He says 1-minute is the generally optimal length of dead-decay time, but it's dependent on the player's ability, where skilled players can get spawn-blocked with even just a +10-20 second dead-delay length.

      So given there's an objective contingent on a number of spawn here, I'm betting this mod's dead-decay length variable is breaking the  necessary amount of objective spawns from happening. Try lowering KTD's dead-decay rate variable down to see if this trial becomes beatable.
    4. Neo2266
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Figured it out. The "candidade.cfg" is executing the "KTD2016.cfg"
      In the KTD2016.cfg file, I changed the value of "ai_death_FadeDelay" from 6000 to 1

      As expected, the main corpse (not the gory bits, those seem to operate on different values) disappeared immediately, and the last 4 demons finally spawned.

      This is a quick fix, but I do still wish it was possible, maybe for the rune trials, to change values according to what's required, that'd be neat.
    5. SIGMAKillionaire
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Neo2266 Thanks! that worked for me.
    6. fasjdfjyj
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      very helpful, thank you.
    7. Jervan13
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      You can set "ai_death_FadeDelay" to 30000 and it will still work.
  4. JustFalcoN
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I hope you will update this mod someday, it was great
    1. KNIGHTMARE077
      • premium
      • 180 kudos
      I'm secretly hoping the Legacy Mod it relied on will be updated. 

      It's not looking good ATM as the author of it is radio silent. Not unheard of for him or her but... 

      What I'll do eventually; if I have too, is look into remaking the mod like my doom enteral version was made. 

      In theory it should be possible,  i hope it is as a last resort. it's just a lot of tedious work when a few edited files and some specific console commands did it before beautifully. 
  5. jimmymcduck547
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    since april 11th, it doesnt work :((
    1. KNIGHTMARE077
      • premium
      • 180 kudos
      I was afraid of this since I seen the game update come down the pipe on steam...
  6. huncho1488
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    When i run Doommodloader it says Failed to find latest patch file in base folder! Please help
  7. Springs1987
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    The DoomManager is automatically blocked from downloading as it's tagged as a dangerous file.
  8. Nekoblah
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Virustotal doesn't like the Discord hosted file (
    I have seen false positives before but not as many as with this one. Usually the false positive pings in couple of different places and it's pretty easy to see it's a false positive. Not with this file.

    The official github one (
    Even though this is the same file, same mechanics it's completely clean.

    I would honestly stay away from the Discord hosted file and the mod creator should be reported. Altough the mod itself is not malicious, he is touting a link which seem to contain compromised software.
  9. Etni
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I have just this and no other mods. Gives the following console output. Quick googling suggests it maybe something about regional settings but idk.

    DOOMModLoader 0.2 by infogram -

    Extracting/copying mods into C:\Users\name\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpFAD3.tmp
    Extracting Keep The Dead

    Unhandled Exception: System.ArgumentException: 1 is not a supported code page.
    Parameter name: codepage
       at System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(Int32 codepage)
       at ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipFile.ReadEntries()
       at ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipFile..ctor(FileStream file)
       at DOOMModLoader.Program.ExtractZipFile(String archiveFilenameIn, String password, String outFolder)
       at DOOMModLoader.Program.Main(String[] args)
  10. PizzaCat929
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hmm Updated To Use New DoomModLoader Program. Uh why is it detected as Maltiverza huh?
  11. Acesso33
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    The antivirus is targeting the Doom ModLoader as a "Maltiverza" malware
    1. PizzaCat929
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      yeah. i noticed that too. hmmm. i thought that virus was only for phones tho? idk? im not any sorta IT Guy
  12. Dloveland5
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    I seem to be having trouble getting this to work.. when I try to run DOOMModLoader.exe, it gives an error message saying that there is an unhandled exception, and that it cannot locate the necessary files at systems.diagnostics.*. Do you have an idea of how I might be able to fix this? Thank you for any help.