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  1. miraluna11
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    Apologies if I'm really dumb, but is there a way to get back deleted files? Basically, I didn't have enough space for the backup and didn't realize until too late, so half of my archive files aren't in the backup. Please let there be a way to get them back, I know this is all my fault but I'm really panicking. I'd prefer not to have to reinstall each mod one by one because I don't know where to even start. Can you let me know if there's a better way? Thanks either way.
  2. ReinertDiogo
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello! How are u?

    First, thanks for this tool! 

    2nd, Im running into crashes issues. Let me explain. I had almost 400 mods, the game was running fine, but after I installed many cloathes and ateliers mods, my game started to have some stuttering, and after some days random crashes, but nothing that bother to much, it wasn't frequent. I then used your mod to clear up my game, followed all the steps, and then begin to mod. I chose just few mods, like 30 - 40. Skin, body, vehicle, weapons, cloathes (without their respective ateliers), and Continuous Dash mod. After this my game started to crash a lot, like unplayable. I reinstalled the full game (clean install) and just copied the old mod backup generated by your tool to the main game root, because I thought "it was working better before". But no success. Game keeps crashing a lot.
    And since I was running only 30 - 40 mods in the first atempt to solve the stuttering and the game started to crash everytime after some minutes, I thought it may be the core mods, because lot of ppl are complaining about it.

    So, my question is: may my save file be corrupted? Or is it caused by new core mods updates? Do you have any advice? 

    Sorry for the long text and thanks and advance.
    1. manavortex
      • premium
      • 277 kudos
      I'm good, how're you? :)

      No, it's definitely not the save file being corrupted. It's a mod doing this, and you caught it in the first set.
      Check the guide linked in the mod description about how to re-mod :)
    2. ReinertDiogo
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I'm good too, thanks! :)

      Thanks for the help. I've been testing since yesterday and now everything seems to be working fine. Idk what was going on because there was a specific location (from a gig from Dakota) where the game crashed all the time, and also a model weapon that I made using Enhanced Craft and Upgrade Weapon Unlocked that everytime I used any weapon of that model the game crashed too, even without any mods on. After some tries I was able to finish the gig and then started to remod the game, taking time to test how the game behaved after each installed mod to go to the next one. Now it seems to be working fine, but some really weird s#*! happened there and I am not able to figure it out haha. Maybe it was some issue caused by recent core mods updates, idk, but it's weird that I wasn't using any mods, playing on a fresh game install and still getting crashes on specific situations. I followed the suggestion from Furansurui where they listed stable versions of the core mods, which I'll link bellow, just in case someone needs it: 

      "Tweak 1.9.1,
      Codeware 1.10.0
      redscript 0.5.24
      Archive 1.14.6
      and RED4ex 1.25.0".

      And about the stuttering, I think it is caused by some heavy clothing mods that fill up my graphic card's memory. Once I restart the game or disable the Ray Tracing the game runs normally.

      Anyway, thanks so much for your mod and all the support you give to the community! :D
    3. manavortex
      • premium
      • 277 kudos
      Don't need to mind performance if you only wear the clothes in photo mode ;)
      Have a good game! Glad you fixed it
  3. BeanutPhudda
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I uninstalled all my mods and followed the steps as directed then accidentally forgot to validate game files before installing 240+ mods, if I validate game files now am I at risk of messing anything up?
    1. manavortex
      • premium
      • 277 kudos
      Not really, no :)
  4. ratstick
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Is there a way to change the path the _MOD_REMOVER_BACKUPS folder is created? I get the error of not having enough space because I don't have enough space on the drive the game is on to store those copies lol if possible, I'd like to point it to a certain subfolder on my D:/ drive instead of my C:/ drive.
    1. manavortex
      • premium
      • 277 kudos
      Sure, you can change the script. It might be easier to use a symbolic link, though.
    2. ratstick
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Good to know, thank you! I tried using a junction when I was modding BG3 for the same reason (game was on D drive but the modded files have to be in the local folders) but didn't get to work (user error I just never dug into it further lol) so I'll try doing that again sometime.
    3. manavortex
      • premium
      • 277 kudos
      It's just a .bat script, so it should be able to cope with symbolic links. :)
  5. TheDudeAbides157
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    After running this and verifying that my game works I want to start re-adding my mods to figure out which broke my game, I just need to drop the folders for the individual mods back into whichever directory they came from, right?
    1. manavortex
      • premium
      • 277 kudos
      Brief answer: Yes
      Less brief answer: Yes, but that might get you right back to where you started. The mod description links to a guide on how to go about it the best way.
  6. Dedulya777
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    It is cool and all that, but how do i avoid file validation? I have the pirated game.
    1. manavortex
      • premium
      • 277 kudos
      You don't :) You can restore the files from the folder, or copy them over from your download. But in general, pirated games don't mod well, since pirates and mods both f*#@ with the executables and you can only have one.
    2. ArcadieCalliope
      • premium
      • 13 kudos
      must... resist... URGE... TO... LECTURE 

      Mostly just jk but yeah mod at your own risk cause most modders don't offer support for known pirated versions, FYI. Removing the morality debate side, there are too many unknown variables.
  7. ilostmyaccount
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Files are quarantined. 
    1. Stormie
      • premium
      • 49 kudos
      Yes, it's automatic with certain file types. They'll be cleared eventually...
    2. ilostmyaccount
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Danke, didn't realize that.

      I feel like with enough people wanting to download it, they should clear it. Along the lines of "Ok if that many people want to nuke their systems, we should let em."

      But I also think kittens should be allowed to gang up and pile on sleeping people...
    3. Stormie
      • premium
      • 49 kudos
      But I also think kittens should be allowed to gang up and pile on sleeping people...

      For anyone that can't wait, the previous version(s) of the mod remover can still be downloaded. They work. (:
  8. Chiobe
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    It seems it dont get all the stuff, like CET license file (maybe the others in the same spot). Probably because its in a uncommon spot.
    1. manavortex
      • premium
      • 277 kudos
      Which spot would that be? It moves the entire plugins folder, I'd be surprised if the license file was outside of it.
      That being said, the file in itself won't do anything, so you can ignore it :)
    2. Chiobe
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      CET puts 3 files inside \Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64 : version.dll - global.ini - LICENSE
      Did not check if the other 2 also got removed, but I know it asked if I wanted to overwrite LICENSE, when putting the mods back in.
    3. manavortex
      • premium
      • 277 kudos
      Ahh - these don't do anything, but you're right, I should probably put them on the list :)
  9. jackrippling
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I tried to use this because the mods button doesn't work in the launcher and the mods executable crashes whenever it tries to load and has a blank log. It ran fine seemingly but my mods button won't work and my mods executable won't work.
    1. manavortex
      • premium
      • 277 kudos
      The wiki in the mod description also has information on how to mod the game :)
    2. jackrippling
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Will that fix the crashing program though?
    3. manavortex
      • premium
      • 277 kudos
      Depends on the cause of your crash. Cyberpunk without mods usually runs perfectly stable. The linked wiki page has information on that as well.
  10. marcusmcdad
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Has anyone had success using the linux version on steamdeck?