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Dank Rafft and capncoolio2

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  1. capncoolio2
    • member
    • 23 kudos
    SimpleMenu posting guidelines

    Hi all. DankRafft and I have decided to re-enable the Posts section, however, as this is a very popular mod and attracts a lot of posts, we wanted to make clear our expectations of the commentary being made here.

    1. Consider whether you should be making a Bug Report, rather than a comment.
    We prefer to avoid the posts section being cluttered up with random, non-specific commentary about bugs, with no clear information as to what's expected of us, or how to replicate the issue. Please have a look at the "How do I report a bug?" section in our FAQ article, gather the requisite information, and create a bug report - that way we don't have to spend a bunch of time following up, and you'll probably have your issue looked at much faster!

    2. Don't be rude.
    Self-explanatory really, but just in case anyone needs it explained: if you come in here mouthing off, being aggressive towards us (or anyone else), or just being plain insulting, expect to be ignored at best, and summarily dealt with at worst. We put a lot of time and effort into our work, and while we absolutely do not wish for you to grovel, we do expect you to show a modicum of appreciation by acting in good faith.

    3. Read the stickied posts.
    We will post information that is highly relevant/important in stickied comments at the top of the posts page - there's a good chance whatever issue you're having (if it's a common one) will be addressed in one of those. Generally, we expect that you will take a minute or two to try and find an answer yourself, before making the 50th comment on the same problem.

    4. Feature Requests should go in the dedicated thread.
    See the Feature Requests thread for more information.

    5. Help each other!
    I (or Dank) will not always be here - sometimes for extended periods of time. Take a moment to help others out if you can; kindness makes the world go 'round, after all 🙂

    That's it, honestly. We welcome all commentary, feedback and chatter, as long as it remains civil. Take a moment to review the Forum and Commenting Guidelines if you're unsure about something you want to post.
  2. MizzyBro
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I've downloaded the mod previously but I tried using it on a new fresh Cyberpunk game. Problem is that it never gave me a hotkey option so idk how to access it and I dont know how to find out what its been set as
  3. TwentyOneCharacters
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hope you add No cooldown on Quake ability, thx for this mod <3
  4. mrnahgooyen
    • premium
    • 7 kudos
    god mode disables aerial takedowns
  5. demonek550182
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    It maybe a stupid queston but what is a deafult button to turn on this mod?
    1. wrss13
      • member
      • 0 kudos
  6. dmiitryx
    • member
    • 16 kudos
    Hi, please tell me how i can turn off/visually hide this boot\loading strip.
    I often reboot the game creating mods, and this strip loads every time, maybe there is an option to hide it? 
    Which file I can edit for this.
    For personal use.


    1. Speeten
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      On page 2 of this post section, there is an answer to this. It states that this can be turned off within the settings. The mod is not working for me currently, however make sure to take a good look. Let me know how it goes
    2. dmiitryx
      • member
      • 16 kudos
      Thank you, I found the answer on one of the forum pages
    3. Kharpool
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Thanks for this. I was wondering that as well. 
  7. Kharpool
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Downloaded and installed manually. Works fine with version 2.12. Thanks for the mod!
  8. hydra696969
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    my game is v2.1 but whenever I am installing simple menu, the game crashes upon startup and when I remove it from the cyber engine folder game works perfectly fine , I don't know which version to install as I tried to install 50.2 but same thing happened PLS HELP
    1. FarpNerps
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Same here! Did you manage to solve it?
  9. haohongsheng
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    • member
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      • member
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      Simple Menu 51   和   Cyber Engine Tweaks      我都正确安装没有反应游戏也是最新版
  11. VincentDelBoule
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    I've been going through the recent comments but haven't been able to find any information about the feature to skip Act 1 in the latest version of this mod compared to the latest version of the game. The instructions mention enabling a flag in a new game, saving, and then reloading, but it doesn't seem to work for me. I also checked the FAQ, but there's no mention of this issue. I'm wondering if I'm missing any important steps or if I've overlooked something.