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Prophet Lamb

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  1. Syynx
    • premium
    • 81 kudos
    Here's an update to support 2.01: Dropbox Link
    1. NexusNeon
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Not 2.1 compatible

      Edit to add: Appreciate the update all things considered
    2. MZ3RO
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      Correct. Displays an error message when applied. Forgive me NexusNeon, but too many mod users are fairly ignorant when it comes to what, how, and why a mod works or doesn't work. Had to see for myself. 
    3. Fishbone426
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      To anyone who sees this looking for a fix: This update can be made to work on patch 2.12a (hotfix patch released on March 20, 2024. The most recent as of my comment). I've done very little testing for stability (still working on it), but the main features function correctly so far, with the exception of the hover text in the cyberware menu (the listed recovery-rate and text on picture 3 of this mod page). For clarity, the passive regen over time DOES work exactly as expected, it just doesn't show up anywhere in the cyberware menu. That all said, let's get to it: (A little disclaimer: I know precisely fuckall about the coding side of altering mods. I'll report back ASAP if I found out that I borked something, but please understand that this advice is coming from someone (me) who loves this mod and looked through every file and log, but has no real education about actual coding.)

      • Download the mod from the dropbox link, unzip it, then navigate to "WannabeEdgerunnerRecovery-2.01\r6\scripts\WannabeEdgerunnerRecovery\ext". There should be 7 files in the "ext" folder. Remove the "ripperdoc.reds" (or just "ripperdoc" if you don't have file extensions shown in Windows) file from that folder and keep it somewhere else on your hard drive as a backup if you want.

      • A quick optional suggestion to revert erroneous mod settings changes made by the dropbox link:
        navigate to "r6\scripts\WannabeEdgerunnerRecovery". There you'll find a file named "config.reds". Open it in a text editor (I used "Notepad++") and change the value on line 47 from "0.0" to "0.1" and on line 49 from "0.0" to "2.0". This re-enables the slider for the "unconscious exponent" in the mod settings menu in game to align with the original recovery mod (which the dropbox version altered for reasons beyond me). Code lines for reference to change:
        Old:  @runtimeProperty("ModSettings.mod", "Edgerunner")
          @runtimeProperty("ModSettings.category", "Mod-Edg-Reward")
          @runtimeProperty("ModSettings.displayName", "Mod-Edg-Unconscious-Exponent")
          @runtimeProperty("ModSettings.description", "Mod-Edg-Unconscious-Exponent-Desc")
          @runtimeProperty("ModSettings.step", "0.0")
          @runtimeProperty("ModSettings.min", "0.0")
          @runtimeProperty("ModSettings.max", "0.0")
          let enemyUnconsciousExp: Float = 0.0;
        New (the "step" and "max" are adjusted under "Mod-Edg-Unconscious-Exponent-Desc"): @runtimeProperty("ModSettings.mod", "Edgerunner")
        @runtimeProperty("ModSettings.category", "Mod-Edg-Reward")
        @runtimeProperty("ModSettings.displayName", "Mod-Edg-Unconscious-Exponent")
        @runtimeProperty("ModSettings.description", "Mod-Edg-Unconscious-Exponent-Desc")
        @runtimeProperty("ModSettings.step", "0.1")
        @runtimeProperty("ModSettings.min", "0.0")
        @runtimeProperty("ModSettings.max", "2.0")
        let enemyUnconsciousExp: Float = 0.5;

      • You can then install the mod as normal either manually or via a mod manager of your choice (if installing with a mod manager, you may need to pack it back into a zip file. I can't remember what vortex likes and doesn't like).
    4. lwilson890
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      @fishbone426 thanks for workaround! 
  2. BlackBeans1324
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey Inky, I love the recovery settings and the Edgerunner mod doesn't feel ccomplete without this part of it. Any idea if you plan on updating this and making it 2.02 compatible? 
    1. ntraxx1
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      InkyBusiness seems no more to be active here. It's a pity, because i liked this mod too.
    2. MZ3RO
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      They were last active 3 days ago. There's hope, chooms!
    3. higgledypiggledy
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Please, please update the mod.  :(     Thanks!
  3. QueenMoonfish
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    It seems the main mod, Wannabe Edgerunner, includes this functionality by default now. Meaning this mod is no longer needed.
    1. Battousai124
      • supporter
      • 74 kudos
      only the donating and the petting, neither the recover by time or knocking people out are part of them main mod.
  4. Arcelux
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Someone mentioned a workaround already: cybercmd is not needed as long as you have Red4Ext since it does the same thing. The mod works if you get rid of cybercmd!
  5. shangdgod
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I've messed around with Github for a while and end up pulling a request for merging my Chinese translation, please check it if you have time.
    Please tell me if this is the wrong way to provide a translation. This is the first time i use Github and i'm pretty much confused.

    Edit: I've built it for my self and tested that the translation should work as intended.
  6. highrup
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    dropping in to see this wasnt the updated file, started getting a crash and thought it was mod setting but this is likely outdated still
  7. pixonin
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    works with version 1.63 without any problems
    1. TH15GUYY
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      but it doesn't though
    2. KngZawd
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      Doesn't even load...
  8. SanketVaria29
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Please add support for latest version 1.63. The mod no longer compiles.
    1. pixonin
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      does cyberpsychosis mod work for you?
  9. AboowAboow
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    broken it seems, no compile because of mod settings
  10. ImKanye
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    The mod does not work with 1.62
    1. DMCreborn
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      yup, let`s wait for an update...
    2. Th3Sa1n7
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      The mod author djkovrik, of "Wannabe Edgerunner - A simple Cyberpsychosis mod" has updated their mod so it works with this current version of humanity recovery. I'm using it now and can confirm it works with 1.62.
    3. SanketVaria29
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      it does not work for me. maybe because I have version 1.63