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  1. TiGames128
    • premium
    • 168 kudos
    Install this mod if you eventually have installed Cyberpunk 2077 update 1.63
  2. ThePartisan13
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Im assuming this is working considering its a requirement for Legendary Cyberware Collection to work? The other one was updated recently im just curious why this one hasnt been. 
    1. TiGames128
      • premium
      • 168 kudos
      this mod is no more needed in cyberpunk 2.x.x and the latest 2.0.0 update of Legendary Cyberware Collection needs other requirements. I also updated requirements and description info of Legendary Cyberware Collection.

      Consider to install this mod only if you eventually play cyberpunk 1.63
  3. WhoCaressz
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    please update D:
    1. Willrmatt3
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      please. and thank you.
    2. terrex31
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      its coming theyre already updating all their other smaller mods >:)
  4. neocasineo
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    anyone knows how to get mantis blades work with re-skins from "Arasaka cyberarms"?
  5. Goldbartender
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Any chance of a Legendary Tyger Paw?
  6. vat57
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Этот мод работает с сет 1.22, с последующими модами сет 1.23 и 1.24 работает не корректно, нет урона врагу.
    1. TiGames128
      • premium
      • 168 kudos
      This bug were caused from CET 1.23, now latest CET 1.24.1 fixed that issue
  7. kianov2
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I have all of the requirements, and the atelier store and everything works fine. When when I equip the legendary rounds for the projectile launcher arm, I just get a red flash on my screen and nothing shoots. 
    1. TiGames128
      • premium
      • 168 kudos
      first time i hear this. Idk if u are using the latest CET update, as test try installing CET 1.22.0 and see if projectile works as expected
    2. zachanz0
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I'm getting the same issue. It shoots with no cooldown and you can see the round frozen in the air.
  8. Jwada
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey guys, I'm using sandevistan mk.4 legendary. However, when I buy the legendary heat sink mods off virtual atelier I can only equip one of the three mods. 
    Is there something I am doing wrong? 
  9. GoatGawd
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    For some reason the physical legendary mantis blade mod causes my mantis blades to do 0 damage. I have all the requirements installed and reinstalled them all mutiple times but they just wont do any damage. The blue version of the mod does damage but not the legendary.
    1. TiGames128
      • premium
      • 168 kudos
      you need to downgrade CET to 1.22.0
    2. GoatGawd
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Ah yes, you do say that in the description. I assumed all mods would work with the latest version of CET. Thanks.
    3. TiGames128
      • premium
      • 168 kudos
      Yep i said in description too since i think that 0 damage is an issue from latest CET update.

      I have read some ppl having this kind of issue also without mods, idk how big is this issue atm.
  10. LisbethSAO
    • premium
    • 187 kudos
    Hella awesome work on this, Ti200! (yeah I'm late to the party, lol) Thank you for this! Endorsed!
  11. TheUnKnownRylin
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I use the (Time Dilation Overhaul) mod which changes the Sandevistan. Would anyone happen to know if they would conflict?