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  1. matthewmattb
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    armadillo mod has been removed wonder if an update in the future of this mod can re-add it to the game
  2. alexmstein
    • premium
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    Is there one for Lizzies weapon? Either that or the crafting one?

    I have one on Vs wall I was just hoping to have one for my player and not have to remove it off the wall etc.
    1. CMoth
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Use either the save game duplication glitch or the sell item glitch. Tons of tutorials on YouTube.
  3. Zer0lll
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Does anybody know the codes for all the clothes that the vendor is selling in "The Ballad of Buck Ravers"
    Which you can buy only 1 time in game. This is the place where you can buy legendary Samurai T-Shirt as well.
  4. RayC730
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Not working for me. Tried every loaction for the recip.lua and every command in this comment section.
  5. aquilegia
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Is there any good way to find the in-game name for these items (other than trying each one out)?
  6. sondash300
    • premium
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    anyone know the legendary or epic crafting recipe for the shigure smg? love using it and have never found the ID for either the recipe or the gun itself
    1. tonysuns
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      That's what some of us in here have been trying to figure out. The normal console command for the Shigure only gives common to rare quality. I found two locations of the EPIC shigure though in game, so we know EPIC versions exist. Don't konw about Legendary version or it's crafting spec. Still looking for Ozob's grenade's console command too.
  7. Tomczyslaw5
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    Anyone found the recipe ID for quickhacks?
  8. Sushin
    • premium
    • 571 kudos
    Super helpful. Have a bug in my game where epic and legendary crafting recipes don't show up in stores anymore.

    I really hope there are more options than this though in the actual game because there are way more clothes and skins than this. If you want to craft a legendary set with these you end up looking like some kind of confused larper.
  9. tonysuns
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    Has anyone found the console command for the recipe for Ozob's Nose? Or the grenade itself? Thanks.
    1. Renuka
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      You get the recipe after finishing the quest with him, The quest only takes like 5 minutes. 
    2. tonysuns
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      Yes I understand that, and I got it already, but it's just one of those things that we like to figure out. We got the ITEM ID for it [Items] 138x <TDBID:BCFB0A12:16> but that doesn't translate into the console command. So would be appreciated it if someone could figure that out.
    3. ylyg123v
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      This is the save editor, working in progress. Dear sir, is it possible for you to figure out how to add that recipe via save editor? There are options to modify inventory in this editor, and I feel you could do it. Thanks!
  10. Andromedusss
    • member
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    Thank you for this script. does anyone know Johnny's Gun item code?  will it crash if u import?