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  1. deceptious
    • premium
    • 1,924 kudos
    River Romanced Enhanced REDmod

    • Added a REDmod version of the mod, see description for installation instructions
    • This is exactly the same as the normal/old mod and is purely to support those users that would prefer to use the REDmod method
    • I will be supporting both install types for as long as CDPR does and as long as I don't need any REDmod only features

    River Romance Enhanced now updated to 1.2!

    • This update makes the mod compatible with patch 1.6's Wardrobe feature (found in River's bedroom)
    • Joss has been tweaked to move her leaning spot slightly so she actually does lean against something...

    • Bed sleep time selection is NOT working in this version still, updating that will take more time to get it done safely, but you can still sleep like normal and this didn't feel as important as the wardrobe feature - sleep time selection will be fixed in a later updat
      • premium
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      Is there a way to make this gayer? Like I want male on male romance without breaking my save
    2. bobqun
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      yes plz i wish to romance this guy as male V
  2. khamseen
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    This is another awesome mod to make him feel less 'blank'. Though, is there anyway to make him not look like a ken doll when nude? It warns it's not compatible with other body replacements for him so I don't think I can use standalone options. 
    1. ConanTheFratbarian
      • member
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      The dude is native american lol!  Not a lotta body hair on natives bro - so the 'ken doll' look is lore friendly! haha
  3. alyssaald
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    so i downloaded this and river and the kids are all just.. standing outside? river's clipping through the stairs of the porch and no matter what i do it doesn't change that but he also has a punching bag inside my apartments that he uses during hangouts?
    1. SaraVakarian
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      • 0 kudos
      I have the same problem, but if you install the mod Romance Replay and watch the scene again River should be unstuck when you visit him at home. At least thats what fixed it for me. 
    2. tms1979
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      The Romance Replay mod worked for me to fix this also
    3. MightyOzTheGreat
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      Yep can confirm try this, fixed it for me with River stuck looking like he was in a daydream on the steps in the trailer park. Got the northside apartment, ran the replay (already had the mod installed but never used it), and back at the trailer park River was about and moving all unstuck. Thanks!
    4. jazireael
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      romance replay worked for me as well!
  4. johnhaloooo
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    insane how huge this game is, no wonder it's full of bugs. i have ~1000 hrs of playtime, but never realized i could visit his place... and he'd actually be there to hang out with and stuff. bruh. i may be dense, but some kind of indication besides marking available apartments on the map would be cool (eg. people inviting v over, not just the other way around)

    thank you for this mod. river's storyline always felt kinda off, like an afterthought compared to the other 3 :(
  5. KrzakzCzarnobyla
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    I'm currently considering installing this modification. I'm still at the beginning of the game, just met Silverhand. I have the latest version of the game - 2.11. If I install this modification, should it work without major issues? Or is it better to wait for an update?
    Oh, and should I install it with mod loader or manually?
    1. turquoiserose45
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Works seamlessly with mod 2.11. I also recommend downloading with Mod Manager.
  6. M4ddM4xx
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    This causes River to be invisible for me during the Romance hangouts. When I remove this mod he is visible.
    (I am using several mods so it may just be a conflict)
    1. NightCityNomad
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Yes, it is a conflict with another mod.
      I didn't find out with which mod it conflicts. I have 400+ mods installed and it happens to me too when I install this one.
      It doesn't however happen if I install just this mod on an otherwise vanilla game so it must be a conflict.

      Anyone here got any idea which mod might cause this behavior?
    2. vormir
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      This is technically a conflict with AMM, or more specifically either an old version of AMM that includes changes to River or the "River PP" standalone addon file. At some point the main AMM download removed the custom River file, but I did not delete it when I updated AMM so I had it remaining in my files which caused this problem.

      Deleting "basegame_AMM_RiverPP.archive" from Cyberpunk\Archive\PC\mod fixed the problem.
    3. NightCityNomad
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Wow, Thank you! That was the cause of the problem and your solution fixed it!!
  7. tms1979
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Sorry if this has been asked - but is it normal for River to look like a ken doll down below? Any way to fix that?
  8. webravager
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    Do these (Panam, River, Judy) Romance Enhanced mods interfere with the Romance Hangouts function in Game version 2.1? I have these installed as FemV with the Romance Panam as FemV working but after romancing each, Panam, Judy and River none of them are ever sending the text to have them meet me at one of my apartments
  9. Mioch
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    The mod permanently bugged out River in my save file after removing to update game for 2.1.
    He just stands still on the porch unable to interact with, adding the mod again doesn't help either.
    Anyone knows a way to fix this ?
    1. Mijai
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hey! Found any fix?
    2. Mioch
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      No, sadly not.
    3. rev22x20
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I had to delete the mod because of the same thing.
    4. Ankior
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      So I finally managed to fix this bug on my save, I downloaded the Romance Replays mod and watched the replay and that managed to unstuck River for me
    5. Zireael2020
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I can confirm that when the 'home romance hangout date' is active, River just stands there, cannot interact.  The mod worked for me when V visits river after the date officially ended- i tested it.  Not sure how these two are conflicting, but they are.
    6. NinesA
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Oh my god, thank you so much, it just works~~~~~ My River was bugged for so long and when I download “Romance Replays” and use it , River comes back! 
  10. BeanieBoopy
    • member
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    Unfortunately, at this time, I believe the mod does not work as I have no other mods installed and River simply just stands still on the porch eyes closed with V being unable to talk to him. Although I could have goofed the installation process, I did what the description told me to do. Really excited for when this mod works again and if the issue is me and not the mod, could someone please try and walk me through what to do?
    1. Kartvel1
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      This mod works well for me, latest game version, latest requirements updates, maybe there’s another mod that conflicts with this for you, in my case, I only use cosmetic mods with very few gameplay mods, so it seems I’m fine.
    2. BeanieBoopy
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I sadly don't have any other mods installed that could cause conflict. So most likely it seems that I goofed the installation somehow. Ughhh... back to trying to figure it out, how did you install the mod? I tried following the instructions but I think that is where I messed up.
    3. DigitalTesla
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      Little Pro tip, Most of the folders in mods are named the same as the folders you put them into on your game, [rimarily they only utilize Archive > Pc > mod (Last folder listed is within that directory and holds .archive folders and whatever else is with that folder in the mod)
      R6 > Tweaks(the last folder is within R6 and you would put .yaml there for instance for mods that have them)

      Hope it helps
    4. BeanieBoopy
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Oh my gosh, thank you so much! The mod totally works and I was just being a dum dum. First time installing a mod for cyberpunk and instead of naming the folder "mod", I named it "mods". After I changed it to "mod" and made sure it was in the right place, mod started working and I got to walk into the bathroom at River's house with River showering (never been so excited to see someone showering lol). Thank you so much for your help and have a great day/night!
    5. rev22x20
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      That is odd... I have the mod exactly where it should be and both the REDMod and the regular version have River stuck outside, not moving nor talking.
    6. Ankior
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Weird, I have the same bug but in my case the mod is installed correctly and there's no mod conflicts. My save might be messed up somehow
    7. NinesA
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Me too! My River is like a tree....
  11. siempre
    • premium
    • 82 kudos
    Thank you so much for this!! Reaching the end of my first playthrough and was getting really bummed out about how lackluster things were between V and River, when I found this and gave it a shot. I'm on 2.02 and everything seems to be working perfectly - so nice to hear him actually greet my character, be able to hug and kiss him on a whim, and see him move around and have a schedule! As far as I can tell Joss and the kids are unaffected by the mod and still staying in their usual spots.
    1. NinesA
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      OH my god, I feel the same way. I even cried after I got the sun ending. I'm so glad to know that there is someon share the same feeling with me.