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  1. dingo1983
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Should be a standard option.
  2. DeathWrench
    • premium
    • 98 kudos
    add this
      $(this).text().toLowerCase().includes("translation") ||above
    this will remove translation mods
                 $(this).text().toLowerCase().includes("radioext") ||
    add this to remove radio mods
  3. dingo1983
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Not all heroes wear capes.
  4. MemedealerNick
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Based as fuck. We need the old filters back.
  5. sneakykatze82
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    Omg, thank you!  I was scared of this at first because it looked too complicated for me to use with the browser extension but TM is actually very easy to understand and works right along with the Brave browser!  Thanks again so much!  
  6. whodatninja117
    • supporter
    • 5 kudos
    how do i add Armour and Clothing to the script? 90% of all mods now is just annoying lazy clothing swaps. f***ing enough already. Like who gives a s***, you cant see your character anyway!!
    1. edvin76
      • premium
      • 21 kudos
      just add this line where a bunch of other similar lines are and there somewhere in the middle (anywhere just not as a first or last line among them)

      $(this).text().toLowerCase().includes("armor and clothing") ||
    2. whodatninja117
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      so among all this, where should i put it?
      // @name         sanitizeNexus
      // @icon         https://www.nexusmods.com/favicon.ico
      // @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
      // @version      1.0
      // @description  Removes unwanted trash from nexus mods
      // @author       kannalo
      // @match        https://www.nexusmods.com/*
      // @grant        none
      // @run-at       document-end
      // ==/UserScript==
      var badCat = ["Characters"]
      var badWords = ["reshade","shader","savegame","save game","savegames","save games","preset","presets","savefile","savefiles","save file","saved file","save files","starting save","starting saves","starter save","starter saves","fresh start","mode plus","save location"];

      (function() {
        let modList = document.getElementById("mod-list");
        if (modList){
           (new MutationObserver(checkCategories)).observe(document, {childList: true, subtree: true});
      function checkCategories(){
        let tiles = document.querySelectorAll("ul.tiles > li.mod-tile");
          if (tiles){
              tiles.forEach( tile => {
                  badCat.forEach( bad => {
                      if (tile.querySelector("div.category").innerHTML.includes(bad)){
      function checkWords(){
        let tiles = document.querySelectorAll("ul.tiles > li.mod-tile");
          if (tiles){
              tiles.forEach( tile => {
                  badWords.forEach( bad => {
                      if (tile.querySelector("div.tile-content > h3 > a").innerHTML.toLowerCase().includes(bad)){
                      } else if (tile.querySelector("p.desc").innerHTML.toLowerCase().includes(bad)){
    3. edvin76
      • premium
      • 21 kudos
      Among the list of badwords. Just the same as the others.
    4. whodatninja117
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      ok so it looks like this:

      var badCat = ["Characters","armor and clothing","armour and clothing"]
      var badWords = ["armor and clothing","armour and clothing","swap","reshade","shader","savegame","save game","savegames","save games","preset","presets","savefile","savefiles","save file","saved file","save files","starting save","starting saves","starter save","starter saves","fresh start","mode plus","save location"];

      but i still see npc swap mods, and the Armour and Clothing category :/
    5. edvin76
      • premium
      • 21 kudos
      Ok then like this:

      var badCat = ["Characters","Armour and Clothing"]
  7. negisensei
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Thank you!!! 
    1. umbrellacorp53
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      (Replying here for visibility) JUST USE THE BUILT IN SITE FILTERS. HERE'S HOW:

      When you go to the main mod page "https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/" just below the page number there is a box that says "Refine results". To the far right there is a yellow arrow, click the arrow and where it says "Tags must not include" simply type "ReShade", "Saved Games", "Character Presets", or anything else you want to filter out. Type these one at a time and you'll see suggested tags. Click the suggestions. Click Apply. All better.

    2. edvin76
      • premium
      • 21 kudos
      And I post here for visibility that sometimes I want to see everything hence to turn all filters on or off again with one button instead of diving into the settings and save them then again the whole process to restore. Also there is not as many tags as possible keywords and not every tag is used correctly or used at all.
    3. Brandoman
      • premium
      • 453 kudos
      We shouldn't have to go through that.  People are now uploading them under different categories.  Hell some people are uploading a new one every day of the week.
    4. squaresphere
      • supporter
      • 14 kudos
      lol it got so bad that Nexus community managers had to make an announcement/post asking people to use the correct tags or to simply upload their images to the community image sharing area with the preset options in the text box ... tsk, tsk. Of course, most of them probably didn't even bother to read it.

      I've always filtered tags for mods I don't want to see (translations, ENBs/ReShade presets, body presets, etc.), but a good number still skirt around all that by using the wrong tags or being vague in the titles, so having a script as another layer is handy. Even if it just hides one, that's one less I don't have to see.
    5. bamm750
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      This is awesome. One button and I can turn off/on the content I don't want to see. Thanks for this! Easy enough to add to the script, too. A real content filter at last.
    6. whodatninja117
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      The site filter does nothing when idiots dont tag their mods properly, OR TAG THEM AT ALL.
  8. Cryptiiiic
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    wasn't expecting such a meta post lmao
  9. franebleu
    • premium
    • 13 kudos
    Thanks, working great !
  10. kkthebeast
    • premium
    • 131 kudos
    Thanks for this. Appreciate you taking the time to put this together. Also great to learn from :)