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  1. djkovrik
    • premium
    • 1,279 kudos
    All vehicle definitions from my packs located in Cyberpunk 2077\r6\tweaks\VirtualCarDealer folder so you can safely delete everything you don't have plans to use and keep only those which you like.
  2. D3VOR
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi, thanks for this, I love the monster truck. Can we have the console command list ?
  3. IcoJay
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    hey..nice work
    i nedd sound file like v_car_monster_truck
    for thorton_mackinaw_demiurge
    i cant find it anywhere.
  4. USCyberSoldier50
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I REALLY like the Militech Behemoth but got kinda disappointed that theres no actual Militech  skin. I was wondering if you could possibly make one. ? It sure would be much appreciated. !
    1. djkovrik
      • premium
      • 1,279 kudos
      I'm not making any skins or anything, just used what's already in game
    2. USCyberSoldier50
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Wow thanks
  5. Veitara
    • member
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    Downloaded this for the lulz; quickly discovered that the Kaukaz Zeya U420 is unironically the greatest vehicle in the game when combined with Car Modification Shop and Better Vehicle First Person. Amazing handling, even more amazing visibility and reasonably quick when upgraded. Also works great offroad and can ram through basically any traffic jam. The best vehicle in the game; hands down.
    1. Bioautomaton
      • supporter
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      Likewise the Bratsk is great with that combination once tuned and fun to drive in first person! I got it originally because "ha ha funny dumptruck" but then quickly realized the thing is an absolute beast. Nothing stops it, the only downside is the occasional police pursuit from accidental driver crushing.
  6. nindrana
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    here an ideal or challange can someone make RV that has a bed into sleep in
  7. Skarphediinn
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    Any way to add in the Centurion 1000?
  8. BlLLthecat
    • supporter
    • 69 kudos
    Loving the trucks! I enjoy plowing thru everything. Even getting stuck under a bridge was amusing lol. 
    And thanks to a previous post, (thanks DvalinRas93!) I obtained your 'BMF" by getting the Demiurge with the shortened version of the FF:06:B5 Mystery.

    Fun stuff. Thanks for your mods djkovrik!!
  9. SteamCraft
    • member
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    Had a super weird interaction happen of the store and monster truck worked fine, but Virtual Atelier was busted when I installed this or some level of the Vehicle Shop. I went and removed everything, then tried the vehicle store without browser extension and it all worked fine. Added this mod in to get ahold of the Monster Truck, and I lost complete access to interacting with ANYTHING lol. Having to do a fresh install because removing anything from the vehicle store mods and this and so on didn't work lol
    1. DvalinRas93
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      The BMF was finished and implemented by CDPR now as of 2.0 with full functions now (Animations, Stash, etc), it is called the "Demiurge" and it's unlocked from a secret unmarked questline associated with the FF:06:B5 Mystery. Or you can use CET and give it to yourself, if you don't wanna do the whole thing. I did the unmarked quest and it's kind of a pain in the ass, I wouldn't recommend doing it if you just want the MT and aren't interested in the mystery.
  10. DvalinRas93
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    I fully believe the Thorton Mackinaw BMF was CDPR's inspiration for the secret Thorton Mackinaw Demiurge added in 2.0 and nobody can convince me otherwise, they both look damn near exactly the same. Like... they look suspiciously similar, nearly a carbon copy. If this mod was up-to-date, I would've been really curious to put these two vehicles side.
    EDIT: Nah I'm just a sucker for theories apparently, lol. I read further down, apparently Kovrik found the BMF unfinished in the game files. That makes sense and explains why it and the Demiurge look exactly the same.

    I also believe the same for Virtual Car Dealer being the inspiration for Autofixer.
  11. Spooke714
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    y0 DJ, I appreciate your work and I know you're absolutely busy but if you ever decide to revisit this mod could you please entertain?:

    - Making the Thorton Mackinaw BMF all flat black (murdered out) similar to this Apollo?:
    - Adding the best vehicle weapons in the game to it. 

    This truck is probably my favorite vehicle in Cyberpunk 2077. I highly enjoy the Mizutani Shion "Coyote" too. I think it's a toss up between your truck and the Coyote. 

    I appreciate your work choom!
    1. djkovrik
      • premium
      • 1,279 kudos
      I'm not taking mod requests rn or I'll never start my new playthrough
    2. Spooke714
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Haha I feel you. We all appreciate you, I hope you know that. Game is DOA without good modders.