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  1. djkovrik
    • premium
    • 1,279 kudos
    Frequently Asked Questions

    I installed the mod but it does not work or I have redscript compilation errors
    > I get corrupted script files error or the mod does not work
    1. A few things you must check before any troubleshoting:
    1.1. Make sure that you have red4ext 1.17.0 and redscript 0.5.16 at least, this is critical
    1.2. Make sure that new logs are being created in Cyberpunk 2077\r6\logs each time when you run the game
    1.3. If you have red4ext, redscript and cybercmd installed then remove cybercmd. You must have red4ext or cybercmd, not both at the same time.
    1.4. Check that your Cyberpunk 2077\r6\cache\modded folder is empty, if you don't have that folder - create it (and leave empty)
    1.5. Validate your game files integrity
    1.6. Run your game from Cyberpunk2077.exe directly, with no launchers, mod managers or redmod involved. It is recommended to enable redmod only when you get to the point where your redscript mods work with no issues.
    2. Then first and most important rule - read the logs.
    2.1. Check your Cyberpunk 2077\red4ext\logs\red4ext.log file to make sure that you don't have outdated red4ext plugins, if you see any warning started with "Could not load plugin" it means that related mod is outdated so remove/update it.
    2.2. Check your Cyberpunk 2077\r6\logs\redscript_rCURRENT.log file, lines starting with ERROR usually can highlight the broken mod. If you see "Symbol with this name is already defined" error it means that you have either broken base scripts files (validating the game files integrity should fix that) or some mod installed twice (so browse through your log and check if you have installed some other copies of that file which throws an error to the log).
    3. If you are using Vortex then make sure that you have REDMod Autoconversion feature disabled before installing any mods.
    4. Try to delete everything inside Cyberpunk 2077\r6\cache\modded folder if you have it and verify your game files integrity one more time
    5. If you have any issues running redscript based mods then also check your game installation path, if it contains any non-english characters your mods might not work properly.

    To get help with other issues join #mod-troubleshooting channel in Cyberpunk 2077 Modding Discord

    What is Browser Extension?
    It's a custom framework to provide new sites for ingame internet. If you have it installed then you can install Virtual Car Dealer - Browser Extension file from this mod Optional files downloads section as well to replace Car Dealer tab with a new internet site

    I installed the mod but no offers at this moment message displayed
    > You must install vehicle packs as well

    How to enable all variations purchasing
    > Open r6\scripts\VirtualCarDealer\Config.reds file and replace true with false

  2. djkovrik
    • premium
    • 1,279 kudos
    Use "Sell" feature for vanilla cars if you are absolutely sure that you don't need that particular vehicle, you won't be able to get it back.
  3. djkovrik
    • premium
    • 1,279 kudos
    How to ask for troubleshooting help

    1. Your game version?
    2. Are your using redmod?
    3. Describe the issue
    4. Link to your redscript log (upload Cyberpunk 2077\r6\logs\redscript_rCURRENT.log to and copy the link here)
    5. Link to your red4ext log (open Cyberpunk 2077\red4ext\logs\ and upload to pastebin the newest file which starts with red4ext-2024-*)

    If your red4ext log shows this line:
    [info] File version:
    it means that your game version is 2.12, not 2.12a (also known as 2.12 hotfix1) so none of the mods will work 
  4. porodox
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello. Its not work. It say \Codeware and \TweakXL is not installed. But its installed already. Game version 2.1

    [2024-07-26 13:53:19.120] [RED4ext] [info] RED4ext (v1.25.0) is initializing...
    [2024-07-26 13:53:19.120] [RED4ext] [info] Product version: 2.10
    [2024-07-26 13:53:19.120] [RED4ext] [info] File version:
    [2024-07-26 13:53:19.120] [RED4ext] [error] To use this version of RED4ext, ensure your game is updated to patch 2.12 or newer
    [2024-07-26 13:54:12.174] [RED4ext] [info] RED4ext is terminating...
    [2024-07-26 13:54:12.219] [RED4ext] [info] RED4ext has been terminated

    Think need update the game)
    1. djkovrik
      • premium
      • 1,279 kudos
      Game version 2.1
      You should not expect that core mods will work on outdated game versions so update your game or play without mods
  5. IsambardKingdomBrunel1
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    If I know the Cyberpunk modding community, this post will get deleted by tomorrow. But I feel I should put my two cents here.

    THIS MOD WORKS FINE FOR ME. I get it on my PC in game, just says 'no offers right now'. So it's fine, right? 

    The aggravating thing about this mod is that 'Summon police car mod'  was closed because of this one existing, but I've yet to find any way of spawning police cars using this mod or ANYBODY willing to indicate where or how to get such vehicle mods. I've looked everywhere; can't even find vehicle mods compatible with this, let alone police vehicle ones. I've asked twice on other vehicle mods why this is incompatible and didn't get a straight answer. Author doesn't link any back to any vehicle mods here. I just don't get where we're meant to be finding these vehicle mods which suposedly work with this one? Am I just missing something that's staring me in the face or something? 

    I get that mods are free and we shouldn't expect anything; I'm a modder myself (albeit not for this game) and get how annoying it is when people expect the world for free when it's your free time spent fixing things, but Cyberpunk modding is just ridiculously 'gatekeepy' so far so I don't really expect a helpful response to this beyond the usual 'you're an idiot', and that's if I'm not downright deleted on sight. But this is my two cents regardless and I'll keep looking for vehicle mods which are actually compatible with this....all I wanted was to spawn some cop cars. Painful.
    1. djkovrik
      • premium
      • 1,279 kudos
      I've looked everywhere; can't even find vehicle mods compatible with this, let alone police vehicle ones

       I just don't get where we're meant to be finding these vehicle mods which suposedly work with this one?
    2. IsambardKingdomBrunel1
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      You, sir, just reset my opinion of this playerbase. Thank you. All mods installed, endorsed and working beautifully.
  6. Whyarenonames296112
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is there a way to get the car to spawn other than using the virtual car dealer?

    That mod is uncooperative at best and i really wish i could use this car.
    Since it's listed as optional, is there a good way to get that vehicle in-game?

    Best regards.
    1. djkovrik
      • premium
      • 1,279 kudos
      No idea what car do you mean or why ask here, better post your message to that particular car mod author.
    2. Whyarenonames296112
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      My bad, i was meant to comment on another page, i think there was a bug or something.

  7. Explodead
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Здраствуй! У меня пробл��ма - сайт от мода не открывается

    1) версия последняя - 2.12
    2) РЕДмод не использую
    3) Скачал версию для Browser Extension
    Игра запускается, подхожу к компу, захожу в него, тыкаю на сайт и выскакивает Page not found
    4) вот ссылка на скрин того, как ошибка выглядит
    5) в логе смысла не вижу

    Может быть проблема в самом Browser Ext или в Codeware, от которого он зависит, но я лично ошибки в них не нашел
    1. djkovrik
      • premium
      • 1,279 kudos
      Для начала проверить что archive и xl файлы мода лежат в Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\mod, Vortex может поставить не туда
    2. Explodead
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Спасибо, помогло

      Ник охуенный кстати +реп
  8. Gendozz
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Дружище. Приветствую. А можно твой мод скачать как-то, который в архиве PC Layout Patch?!
    Просто на многих компах такая ситуация появляется.

    Не смог вставить картинку, поэтому только ссылка.
    1. djkovrik
      • premium
      • 1,279 kudos
      Нет, он под 2.0 не обновлен был и не будет, т.к. Browser Extension решает проблему гораздо лучше (ну или вот такой еще есть мод в крайнем случае)
  9. YuHaiyinan
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    When I use this module, I will crash when quickly hacking anything, I use the following modules:
    Appearance Menu Mod
    -Appearance Change Unlocker - Character Preset Manager
    -Browser Extension
    -Cyber Engine Tweaks
    -CyberScript Core Animation Archive
    -Cyberscript Core
    -Deceptious Quest Core
    -Input Loader
    -Material and Texture Override
    -Mod Settings
    -Native Settings UI
    -Virtual Atelier
  10. YatezV2
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    hi im unable to buy the cars from the virtual dealer although i have max street cred and the money. i cant post screenshots to show
    1. djkovrik
      • premium
      • 1,279 kudos
      It happens when you added street cred with save editor so use something other to fix it (like Simple Menu mod)
  11. Prometheus03Region
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    The change color tab is not working, any ideas on how to make it work?
    1. djkovrik
      • premium
      • 1,279 kudos
      It means that the vehicle you are trying to buy does not support color changing because author did not implement it.
  12. cabralcoholica
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    No funciona ya reinstale todo y ni siquiera me deja continuar solo cargando la intro del juego pero no me deja presionar ninguna tecla para continuar al juego
  13. NeedForMead98
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I've been trying to get this mod to work for the past week, literally hours every day trying to get my game working with all the mods I want. I just cant get this or stealth runner to work to save my life, I'm playing on Steam Deck and don't have the best understanding of how mods work. I have tried just about every fix I could find online:

    Deleting cache and verifying placing modded folder
    disabling redscript and using cybercmd 
    couple more I cant think of

    Any help would be much appreciated!
    1. djkovrik
      • premium
      • 1,279 kudos
      Check the logs mentioned here -> How to ask for troubleshooting help
      I'm not really familiar with SteamDeck modding so mb better ask in discord if logs are ok
    2. NeedForMead98
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      thank you for the reply, how do i check the logs? with CET?
    3. djkovrik
      • premium
      • 1,279 kudos
      Open this file in any text editor and search for error lines
      4. Link to your redscript log (upload Cyberpunk 2077\r6\logs\redscript_rCURRENT.log to and copy the link here)
      5. Link to your red4ext log (open Cyberpunk 2077\red4ext\logs\ and upload to pastebin the newest file which starts with red4ext-2024-*)