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  1. Bonaniki
    • premium
    • 112 kudos
    If you encounter a bug, please fill out the bug report form.
    Make sure you provide all the necessary information for me to reproduce the issue and don't forget to include the log files located here:
    "Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks\mods\AdaptiveGraphics\AdaptiveGraphics.log"
    "Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks\scripting.log"

    Keep in mind, every time the game is updated, it takes a couple of hours for CET to update as well.
  2. Epolbadare
    • supporter
    • 24 kudos
    damn, this mod borked my game, the screen went into reddish or pinkish looking thing, i thought my gpu is about to end. Then i open other games, no problem happened. 
    the only fix is to uninstall the mod, then change the graphic setting.
  3. fanatp0stpanka
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I installed it and the first time i used it it was fine, worked as expected, but any single time after that, the thing does nothing, and if i turn auto switch off whenever i leave the cet console it just crashes my game

  4. bjaurelio
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This mod does not do anything. There's a screenshot with a menu to change settings, but I cannot find it anywhere. The description gives no information about how to use it. It's completely pointless to have a mod supposedly making random changes to settings depending on whether or not you are in combat or photomode without any explanation of those changes or any way to adjust those changes yourself.
    1. Jeoshua
      • premium
      • 112 kudos
      Did you stop to think that maybe you installed it wrong, given the long history of people having no issues using this mod and them talking about how it does, in fact, work?

      The menu is in the CET console. If you say "What's CET" that's your issue.
      It comes fairly well unconfigured, and allows you to use that console to change graphics settings on the fly, or set certain settings to be turned on or off in various situations. Turn down graphics settings when getting into combat. Turn on Path Tracing when wandering but shut it off when in combat. Disable Resolution Scaling when in Photo Mode. That kind of thing. It's not making "random changes". It's making no changes. Probably because you didn't install it properly.
    2. Bonaniki
      • premium
      • 112 kudos
    3. bjaurelio
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      You mean Cyber Engine Tweaks? Yes, I have that mod installed as well since it's a requirement. I still don't have any new menu for changing graphics.
    4. jacksonayech
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Are you absolutely positive that you've installed the mod in the right directory? Or that you don't have an outdated version of CET? Or that you're even running a version of the game that actually supports the mod? Given that the majority of people have had no issues, seek a fix within your own installation.
    5. bjaurelio
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I am certain I have CET installed. I can pull up the CET menu. I'm using Vortex to install AGQ as well, but no menu appears for it.
    6. simonbeni
      • member
      • 2 kudos

      1. Make sure you have Cyber Engine Tweaks installed.
      2. Drop the content of an archive into your cyberpunk directory (where the "bin" folder is).
    7. Tornadokidd1313
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Hi my name is Bj and I like to b&@*$ about free stuff I get that I don't know how to use. 
  5. moistwater1919
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    question will this mod be a problem with this one https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/10490
    1. jacksonayech
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      yes most likely, Ultra+ tweaks the raster, RT, and PT. because there's no configurable load order with CET, one mod will be overriding the other's functions
  6. barfcat
    • supporter
    • 49 kudos
    I'm having a weird issue where it otherwise runs perfectly and smoothly, but I get a stutter when firing my gun. My preset for NORMAL and COMBAT are identical except for ray tracing turned off. I've tried the recommended "turn off all RT settings but not RT itself" but it didn't really make a difference. Does anyone have a recommendation? 

    EDIT: After some tweaking, it seems like if I turn off autoswitch and use the hotkeys to force combat mode, there's no stutter at all. 
    EDIT2: I can keep autoswitch on but turn off these 3 settings and it seems to fix the stutter issue while still allowing me to use autoswitch. 

    1. ReaverMusic
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      Had the same issue. Thanks for sharing the fix!

      Edit: Auto switch still seems to frequently crash the game for me for some reason and I it often keeps going back to being switched on even though I switched it on.
    2. TBoner101
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Yeah but at that point, it essentially renders the mod useless. 
    3. barfcat
      • supporter
      • 49 kudos
    4. iokthemonkey
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      Thank you! I installed the mod and loved it until I had this situation occur. Your suggestion fixed the issue for me and now the mod is working just fine!
  7. amoebae
    • premium
    • 74 kudos
    Finally started using this. Primarily to be able to turn ray reconstruction off for portrait shots (it messes up skin, but looks great for environment shots). One thing I've noticed though is all the billboard ads have become super pixellated now. Is there some setting somewhere that affects lod? 
  8. droidzero
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Works well but I had to turn off autoswitch because it causes crashes when loading certain scenes. For example, in the tutorial when exiting T-Bug's combat demo and going back to the car, the game would CTD each time. Turning off the autoswitch fixed it but without it the mod loses a lot of its value to me =\
  9. gurugeorge
    • premium
    • 14 kudos
    This is causing a CTD just after the initial cyberpunk splash screen for me (I have the latest core mods as of this moment).
  10. Bonesuh
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Any chance this can be updated for 2.11? Doesn't seem to be working after the update :( (yes I updated CET dw)
    1. Bonesuh
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      okay... after a couple of hours, I figured out the problem... sorta. Did a full clean reinstall of RED4ext, redscript, TweakXL, and Radioext (in that order), Loaded up the game, enabled 'skip start menu' in CET console (even though it DIDN'T skip the start menu lol) RESTARTED the game and loaded 'REDprelauncher' as admin-- THEN loaded up the game and loaded a save. Finally back in NC. HOWEVER. If I try to load a different save, game crashes, and I have to do it all again. Whatever. Just glad I finally figured it out. Don't think this is even an issue with CET/AGQ/TXL or any of my mods, since I spent an embarrassing amount of time removing different mods down to a full clean slate and the game was still crashing/acting up each time. 

      CDPR... when I catch you CDPR...
  11. felstalker
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Great mod! Could you please consider making a version where tweaks are able to be turned completely off? I use Ultra Plus and this modifies unexpected items.