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  1. Mangaclub
    • premium
    • 847 kudos
    Please join and support us
  2. PrimeConey
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    anybody else getting alot of flickering and popping. Everytime i move my head the even a small amount the light adjusts like crazy creating a flickering look everytime i turn or move my head
    1. guacomanny
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      that's caused by taa and it happens in every game that uses it
  3. EpiceneBlue
    • premium
    • 93 kudos
    Bar none my favorite Reshade. Colors pop but not too much. Blacks feel right. Details are crisp but not oversharpened. The whole vibe and feel are fabulous. Thank you for this. I tried a LOT of them but this one really hit.
  4. HydBtr
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is this reshade compatible with CP2077 V1.6+?   I'm a noob to this so excuse me if it's a dumb question.  I couldn't find any info in the description or anyone else's posts.  Thanks.
    1. SlushiePie
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      This mod runs off of Reshade, and to my knowledge, has nothing to do with the game's version. So yes, it still works however, the latest version of Reshade seems to add an annoying grungy grain effect that you have to manually turn off every time in loads which is driving me insane.
  5. deleted129520403
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    This reshade preset
    + Weather Probability (more rain !)
    + Simple flashlight (because so dark)
    + jazzy music
    = best game
  6. godofcams
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey man, your re shade still works like a charm and is perfect. Exactly what i have been looking for. Thanks man
  7. crazyloco34
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Does anyone know why i cant see the Cyberrunner file to choose it in game ?
    1. Mangaclub
      • premium
      • 847 kudos
      where did you put the ini file?
    2. ninja5648
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I put it in the bin 64x folder but I still don't see it, Also my character is all black with just the eyes showing in the inventory screen, Do you know what setting I could do to to fix this problem?
    3. DarrowLykos
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      I have the .ini file in the right place as well and it does not show up, i have to select it from the drop down menu and it then check marks 4 boxes and puts them at the top of the list. im guessing this works cause it does change the look of the game but it def does not look anything like in the pictures lol. ive noticed any of these .ini ive downloaded that were not in the file structure from the zip they dont show up. why idk
    4. Mangaclub
      • premium
      • 847 kudos
      i suppose reshade changed once more since this release and how it handles the shaders
    5. simonbeni
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Are you sure you intalled reshade correctly? ver 502 to be exact. make sure to reinstall it correctly then put the Cyberrunner.ini in x64 folder.

      If it doesnt work then i dont know what happened, still try uninstalling and reinstalling the reshade completely.
  8. MANgamez
    • premium
    • 199 kudos
    So,I just created a detailed tutorial video on how to install a Reshade. I`ve done this,since many of my downloaders dont know how to do so.
    I experienced that media is easier to consume than reading an instruction,so I thought I might share this video on different Reshades.
    Maybe the Mod creator wants to pin it or add it to video section, for easier access :)
    If you dont like the video, feel free to delete this post :)

  9. ninja5648
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Question How do I fix every character from being blacked out? Like in my inventory screen I only see the color of my characters eyes. And on phone calls it happens to the caller as well.
  10. FromAnotherWorld
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Got this weird glitch where its doing this duplicating lens flare thing, the best way I can describe. Pic

    Turning off lens flare, CA, grain, etc doesn't do anything, nor does adjusting gamma..?

    Edit: Turning off Bloom HDR "fixes" it but I'd rather not lose the bloom ofc
  11. Piyesis
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Watch this video which includes how to install shaders.  Only thing you have to do different is install this mods ini file to the directory in the description after installing the reshader program.  It worked for me and low and behold ... there was the choice for this shader.  Once you start the game you just have to choose the preset that's labeled "cyberpunk" without a space because there's another choice with a space.  Also other shaders you may like.

    The YouTuber shows you how to install shaders.  You can skip ahead in his video near the end where he gives you instructions.  If anything it's a good lesson.
    1. Cameron7127
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      A timestamp woulda helped -_-