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  1. KingEnoshima
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Is this a possible AIO solution to have all CET Plugins into one window? I hope so. Otherwise it looks good!
    1. TheManualEnhancer
      • premium
      • 293 kudos
      No, just a tool to build a basic mod window with... I don't really expect people to only use this to make their window, mostly just to give the mod author a functional working base to build off of, and to setup their window colors and everything without having to code it all...

      What you're wanting is more along the lines of what my CET Window Hider Tool mod is intended to do... But sadly, no other mod authors have added support for it in their mods... Any mods made using this will support it, though (as long as the author doesn't remove it from the code for some reason)...
  2. ElinaModz
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    Not sure where else to ask so I'll ask here but was wondering what happened to NoMoreChildrenInNC, Almost Pure White HUD and Adaptive Autosaving? Are they getting updated?
    1. TheManualEnhancer
      • premium
      • 293 kudos
      NoMoreChildrenInNC broke in 2.0 and I wasn't able to figure out why... May look into it again now that someone's asked about it,

      Almost Pure White HUD was just taking up too much of my time to try to get looking good while still keeping everything readable (along with my other HUD recolors), so killed it completely... You can use the pure white theme in my Theme Selection Unlocker mod, though, which is similar)... I may rerelease the full recolor at some point, but

      And, as for Adaptive Autosaving, I just figured that was kind of useless now that I found a way to actually disable autosaves entirely (using my No More Autosaves mod)... I could bring that one back, just really didn't see a point in it anymore, personally...
    2. ElinaModz
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      Ah ok makes sense, I just noticed all vortex gave me errors for those when checking for updates so was wondering. I liked the no children mod because of the performance boost and because kids look like immersion breaking mini-adults in this game. As for the Pure White HUD I'm just wondering if I can keep using that on 2.11 without severe bugs & I wasn't aware of the other mod, appreciate the heads up!
    3. TheManualEnhancer
      • premium
      • 293 kudos
      Yeah, you should be able to keep using it, I think... The theme in the other mod is fairly close to the same, but not exactly, so if you prefer the way the old mod looks, I'd just keep using it unless you notice issues with the HUD/UI...
  3. OceanSmith
    • supporter
    • 13 kudos
    Great resource! Thank you for making it!
    1. TheManualEnhancer
      • premium
      • 293 kudos
      You're very welcome :)
  4. clownfetsh
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Awesome work man! Didn't know this was even possible... can "Mod Settings" and "Mods" entries update like this real-time?
    1. TheManualEnhancer
      • premium
      • 293 kudos
      Thanks :)

      And as for NativeUI/Mod Settings, I've kinda been considering making one for NativeUI menus, but would really just be a blank template more than a functional thing if I did, so really not much better than just a good sample script, sadly...

      Went ahead and made one for NativeUI anyway... It at least gives a good base, but nowhere near as flexible as this mod (and does not have a real-time preview)... You can find it here: CET NativeUI Menu Builder Tool