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  1. Rydmir
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Probably silly question, but do you need to have Volumetric Fog Quality/Resolution on ultra to see the benefit of this mod?
  2. Kiro9200
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Honestly the screenshots vastly undersell how much of a visual impact this has to the game. I really like the effect, but it's unfortunately too intense for good HDR. On my QD-OLED the blown out sky is trying to be represented with super high nits, which messes with the rest of the image. If it could be toned down or the HDR brightness of the sky capped, I'd use this mod without a second thought
  3. Jmolinares03
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    could you make a version with vanilla bloom?
  4. estk111111
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    How did you leave the sky like this, I would like to leave mine in this style, but I don't know how to do it - I saw people using the same way in videos, could you help me?
    1. xection9
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      use this GITS Legacy from GITS 3.X and set weather to Heavy Clouds using Weathermancer
    2. sammilucia
      • supporter
      • 260 kudos
      yep it's GITS legacy or EDGE LUT 😊
  5. sakmakokk
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Works with non RT?
    1. sammilucia
      • supporter
      • 260 kudos
      yep! 😊
  6. GANZEL13
    • member
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    Is GITS 3.X compatible with Ultra Fog?
    1. sammilucia
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      • 260 kudos
      yes! you will have to decide which one to load first though

      - if you let the GITS env load first, you will get all the GITS effects, lighting, and bloom, but no Ultra Fog bloom or blown out sky (which is what makes the fog look so nice). you will still get all the particle FX of Ultra Fog though
      - if you let Ultra Fog load first, you will get the blown out sky and nicer bloom
  7. phinix
    • premium
    • 242 kudos
    Thanks for all your work on Ultra Plus, including the recommended mod list!

    I just wanted to ask before trying this one, does anyone know a mod that fixes the pixelated smoke/steam you see when light rays pass through it? This was driving me nuts and even Ultra Plus Cinematic doesn't seem to fix it.
    1. birdy62
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      If you have pixelated smoke, you can try this :

      Create a new ini file (you can name it as you want : for example Userb.ini) at the location ...\Cyberpunk 2077\engine\config\platform\pc and add these lines in it :

      Enable = false

      Save and reload your game.

      If you are not happy with the result, delete the file.
  8. Bokstavsbarn
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Can I ask what the file "cp2077_master_env_v006.env" governs, and if it could conflict with any weather or lighting mods? I haven't seen another weather mod edit this file before.
  9. sato8hs
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    dose it work with gits 3.x reshade? By the ways thanks for the mod it work really well I'm on at 4070 and with frame generation it work perfectly, with the quality one for pt. ps i don't know how though hahaha. Thanks in advance.
  10. guf616
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Reposting my comment from Cyberpunk Ultra Plus: 

    Randomly (almost like after a set amount of times), whenever I transition between gameplay & any menu (inventory, map, photo mode, etc), I get a crash.

    I'm wondering if this is in any way tied to DLSS Frame Generation. I set my Max FPS to 30, which means I only get 30 FPS in the menus but that doubles to 60 during gameplay--is that causing issues in the transition? 

    I'm using PT 2.1 v1.8 UltraPlus-High with Path Tracing, on a 4070 12 GB card. I am using the upgraded DLSS DLLs as well as DLSS Tweaks. Also installed Vanilla Plus VE - No Green Tint as well as Ultra Fog Steam and Bloom v2.2. 

    After extensive testing (disabling certain mods, and repeatedly opening and closing menus till I crashed), I was able to narrow it down to Ultra Fog Steam and Bloom. Could be a mod incompatibility (I do have an extensive modlist) but in the meantime, I'll have to go without it. I'll miss the gorgeous fog though! Just wanted to leave this here in case anyone else was noticing a similar crash.
    1. Nyssakora
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Could it be an issue of using the updated DLSS DLLs? I know on the mod page for Ultra Plus, and in the file for both PT 20&21 that it is not recommended to update the DLLs as they already are up to date if you are using Cyberpunk 2.1 version of the game.

      From another post, using this mod with PT 20 or 21 caused crashes in braindances (They were using 21, I am using 20, and had the same issue)
      So there could be just some weird conflicts with this mod on certain modlists.
    2. ChimeraLight
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I have experienced the same thing using this mod, gpu crashing when exiting menus. I also seem to crash randomly even when not exiting menus using this mod, but not as often.

      Using the most updated version on a 4090, doesn't seem to matter what mods it is combined / used with.
    3. guf616
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Yep! Exactly, I think I saw one random crash during gameplay. However, I could consistently 100% guarantee a crash by standing still, doing nothing other than switching back and forth between inventory/map/photo mode and gameplay. Once I removed this mod, it was no longer an issue and haven't crashed once in the 10-15 hours of gameplay I've played since. 
    4. qwijbo
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      I also was encountering random crashing with the most recent version of this mod. The previous fast version did not have crashing as far as I remember.
    5. clifton3012
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Yes, this mod causes me to crash after 30mins of gameplay especially after navigating menus. After removing the mod I haven't been crashing at all.
    6. sammilucia
      • supporter
      • 260 kudos
      the only thing I can think of is there was an archive packing error of wolvenkit around the original release of this mod. it's long since been repacked.

      ultra fog doesn't edit anything weird or use any extra memory etc... not saying it didn't have a problem at some point because of the above, but the current version is completely stable. it's a pretty simple mod 😊