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  1. LaryIsland
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    v1.5: The Save our Skins update
    Fixed the bug that caused items to sometimes be reverted or deleted whilst using the Sanity Saver mod. (Big thanks to apple1417 and ZetaDæmon)

    Weapon materials (textures/skins) are now salvageable, meaning you can choose skins for your weapons.

    Please notify me if you still experience any issues.
  2. Curie69
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Amazing work.
  3. Mavielor
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This is exactly what I was looking for. I love how the big thicc bandit shotguns look and i hate that I have to change it to some futuristic hyperion ugly weapon bs when I find a better weapon. I hope BL4 have this kind of customization, change the grip, barrel, and sight appearances. Endorsed for sure.

    EDIT: hope you make something like this for BL1 and BL3

    EDIT2: something ive noticed and I hope theres a way to fix it is that when you change a weapon's body, the reload animation wont match the manufracter. For example, if I loot a Jakobs pistol which has that cool reload animation, but change the body to a Vladof pistol body, the character will still do the Jakobs reload animation even tho its a Vladof pistol body and the weapon's model will not interact with the animation. Also some elements like fire aint working on Torgue weapons, it deals explosion damage even if you change to a different element
  4. zombycow
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Sorry for bothering you, but does this work in multiplayer?
    1. Hesias
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      yes it does
  5. pociko01
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Levels as parts?(Please?)
    1. HeavenCareTaker
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      This cannot be done through parts system. Like, it would require a lot more coding than just parts definition since no part is tied to a gun's level. It is only possible through save editor since it takes items as a whole.
    2. pociko01
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Is there really no work around to let me level up legendaries and uniques without having to quit the game?
    3. pociko01
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      How about weapon conversions take the legendary or unique effect and give it to a higher level gear?
  6. kuroilost
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi there!
    First of all omg i love this mod so much, incredible work!
    I have a question - can you please explain how to salvage weapon skins?
    Am i blind or there is no options for that at all?
    Im understanding this right? You can choose texture for a gun somehow right?
    Im sorry, i just didn't get any info how to do that, and skins are not on the list of spare parts, if it should be there.
    1. kuroilost
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I got it now, its has to be set in settings.json as "Insane" for that.
  7. LocalImp
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey! This is some wizardry you've done with the game here, and that has to be commended, thrilled to mess with this on and off

    Though before I do, I had a curious question, I saw the "BL2 Hybrids" mod by Aaron0000 before seeing this one, which if I read right, does some similarly arcane magic in moving some weapon stats to the texture to allow the creation of hybrid weapons. Do you think it's possible Spare Parts is able to leverage something like that to be able to make custom hybrids? Or am I completely off base here

    Even if not, this would be too fun to not do a playthrough with, and I thank you for making this a thing
    1. LaryIsland
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      I haven't had the most in depth look but it seems like Aaron0000's approach is more hard-coded and I'm not sure if it would be possible to do in the same way that spare parts works, I could be very wrong though.
    2. HeavenCareTaker
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Azurelands2 mod uses Hybrids, and this mod is fully compatible with creating not only pre-made hybrids but also some new insane ones (I've been able to make an SMG that combined features from 5 different uniques, since most of the guns rely on barrel in terms of uniqueness, some of them feature not only body compartments but also weapon element, body, accesory or some other part but that's very rare). It seems that to make this into the base game it needs to be modded that uniqueness could be transfered on some other parts of the gun besides barrel.1
  8. TheCuteE
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is this compatible with the community patch?
    1. LaryIsland
      • member
      • 4 kudos
  9. Redcom1988
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is the 'insane mode' of the mod incompatible with Exodus? Exodus seems to have a different sanity saver that works differently from the sanity saver mod and it forbids me from activating the sanity saver mod.
    1. LaryIsland
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Its compatible, the sanity saver mod is just one way to disabling the sanity check, any method works.
    2. Redcom1988
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Seems to delete the weapons I changed parts of every time I save quit though. I'll try just enabling exodus and sparepart (and its prerequisites) with nothing else
    3. blub4455
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      yeah same thing is happening for me to
    4. LaryIsland
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Upon closer inspection it seems that the Exodus mod implements its own save system, I'll have a look in a couple days to see if I can make a compatibility patch
    5. Redcom1988
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Seems like you can circumvent the issue by hex editing the game using hex multitool to turn off sanity checks
    6. LaryIsland
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      If that is compatible with Exodus, then it should be the way to go to disable the sanity check
    7. blub4455
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      yeah it seems to work with no problems like that ty, love this mod!
  10. Talion56
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Hi, excellent update   the weapon deletion bug seems to be gone with the newest version.

    However,there are a few quirks that were observed when salvaging:-


    1.If I have a low level legendary/seraph/pearl/rainbow weapon and I wanted to convert it to high level version

    e.g.If I have a low level Conference Call or Interfacer and I want to convert it to high level with same accessories,I can do that by salvaging a high level hyperion purple/blue/green shotgun.

    This technique works for all weapons,except for shields,grenades,COMs(require same type of COM) and relics.

    However,upon save quitting,rocket launchers are not retaining the textures and tend to glitch in their appearance.

    2.Some of these converted items appear as unknown items in Gibbed inventory.

    Feature Request:


    Please add Spare Parts to Pre-Sequel too 

    1. LaryIsland
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      1. I've been thinking of putting in some kind of level-related functionality. ZetaDæmon thought of having the level be an average of the two guns, with it leaning more towards whichever you have taken more parts from. If you've got any ideas, I'd be more than happy to hear them.

      2. I don't think there's anything I can do about gibbed not recognising weapons if you really push the part combinations to the limit. Also, with the way Sanity Saver changes how saves work, it probably isn't something I can fix.

      3. I'll have a look at the rocket launcher textures to see if I can find anything.

      4. I will absolutely add TPS support; in fact, the mod actually works right out of the gate. I just need to fix the rarity lock to take into account TPS specific rarities i.e. Glitch.
    2. LaryIsland
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      2. If you want to know more about save editing with the Sanity Saver mod, apple1417 (the mod author) wrote up a guide here

      3. I haven't been able to find any issues with the rocket launcher materials, if others report similar issues I'll probe further

      4. TPS support has been added in version 1.6
    3. Talion56
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Thanks a lot for the TPS update . As for the rocket launchers, I tried converting a low level hive to a higher level one by salvaging a high level maliwan launcher.What I did was first select the maliwan launcher, compared it with the hive, choose salvage and swap out the maliwan rocket launcher parts with the hive and press confirm.It got converted successfully.But upon save exiting the game and coming back, the texture was glitched but was functioning as intended.Tried to convert my low level sham and bee shields by salvaging high level vladof and hyperion shields but it got glitched completely.Had a lot of fun playing with this one and the loot midgets in the locker mod. 😂
  11. ChipsBagIAteOf
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I've found that a lot of the fun attachments are incompatible with the gun I actually want to put them on, forcing me to switch guns anyways. It also gets rid of the previous gun, which doesn't make since you're just swapping parts. I don't think the gun should be removed from your inventory, and I think you should make a version of the mod at least where a gun has every slot available and you can just mix and match as you please (as long as its the same type of gun).

    I.E.: I had a sniper rifle that I liked, it did 307 damage. Found another sniper rifle but it only did 100 damage but it split the bullets into 5 in a straight line, which I thought was neat and wanted to put it on my 307 sniper, but it was "incompatible". This was a trend both me and my husband noticed and just made the mod feel a little lacking. Thank you for making it! :)
    1. LaryIsland
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      You can turn off weapon part incompatibilites in the mod options by setting the sanity check safeguards to 'Insane' do note however that you'll need to also download the Sanity Saver mod to allow the game to properly save your weapons.

      As for not deleting the weapons, I'm not too interested in making a version that does what you said, however you can sort of achieve this partway by deleting lines 371 and 372 from


      This will cause the original weapons to stay in your inventory after salvaging.
    2. Redcom1988
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Could also just add it as an option in the mod settings by adding:self.ConsumeWeapon = Options.Boolean(
      Caption = "Consume weapon mode",
      Description = "Changes the behavior upon salvaging/changing spare parts to consume or not consume the weapon",
      StartingValue = True,
      Choices = ["Off", "On"]
      self.Options = [
      under this,
      def __init__(self) -> none:
      and changing line 371 and 372 to this:
      if self.owner.ConsumeWeapon == True:

      if you prefer a less hard coded solution.