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  1. Tromador
    • premium
    • 7 kudos
    I've made this work nicely using:

    ReShade 4.9.1
    Standard Effects are always installed.
    For the below click so they have a black square, not a tick, when the dialogue for that selection opens up, uncheck all, then tick only:
    From SweetFX take SMAA and FXAA
    From qUINT take ssr & mxao
    From Fubax take Filmic Anamorphic Sharpen

    ReShade 5+ doesn't correctly activate older RTGI and the latest RTGI definitely won't compile on DX9, so to make this work, you must use the older versions of this software and shaders as I have indicated. 

    Some dead shaders such as AmbientLight and Colourfulness are also part of the preset, but these are awkward to obtain unless you know how to leverage GIT. So to make life easier for future users, I've zipped up the old shaders and put them on Google Drive @ Crosire Reshade Shaders Oct 2021

    You don't need more than that, as no other effects are listed in the preset. You may download more if you wish of course, but it takes long enough to compile just those, so I don't recommend downloading lots of categories unless you are planning on rolling your own version of the preset using additional shaders.

    I've uploaded a demo screenshot half with, half without the reshade preset. Not a brilliant location but enough to see that one side has some reflections and the other doesn't. It does tend to make everything quite reflective (that's the SSR shader, so turn it off if you hate it), but I like it. (screenshot awaiting Vamperius approval)
  2. Tomatokillz
    • premium
    • 297 kudos
    This works well for me, I had to turn off SSR because it was messing up NPCs but that's fine it looks really good! I'm using Reshade 4.9.0 and Ray tracing GI shader for reference. I had the old shaders from a long time ago and haven't downloaded new ones yet,
    1. Advena8
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I had the same issue, npcs were looking very "polygonish" and weird but i've found a solution!
      For anyone in the future, all you gotta do is to change SSRs FOV setting inside reshade menu to the fov you actually using! 90 is default black mesa fov. Doing so also makes all reflections a lot less pesky and mild in general, which imo more pleasant and realistic (seems like the way it should've been).
      Using 0.23_CS rtgi version, but should be the same for earlier versions.
  3. AKMARK5000
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Took me a few hours of frustration, but here's how I got your preset to work correctly according to the Description Tab
    (such as the Effect Category order).

    Install ReShade 4.9.1. (check all the Effect Categories except three groups;  "Depth 3D" & "AstrayFX" & "OtisFX."

    Move the D3D9.DLL as described by the mod author in the Description Tab.

    Use shaders "ReShade_GI_Beta_0.20.1"
  4. ztgamer
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Not paying for a reshade preset 
  5. Gubbtjyv
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey! Im having issues getting this to work. My depth buffer is working, but RTGI is not doing anything when i activate it in Reshade. All of the other shaders are working like a charm. Using 5.0.2 Reshade (latest) and 0.23 RTGI as instructed. Any ideas what might be wrong?
  6. cartmenendes
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Awesome preset, but doesnt work in my case.
    Everytime he failed to compile the RTGI Shader, i use the Version 25.0.
    1. Vamperius
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hmm that's weird. I'm also using version 0.25 of RTGI. I have two version of the RTGI effect loaded, I use the non cs one. Also, I would make sure your depth buffer is configured properly.
    2. jrancans
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Same fore me, RTGi 25, 26, 27 all fail. 
    3. Vamperius
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Correction: I thought I was using version .25 but in fact I am using v .23. I also tried v .24 - .26 and they all fail to load.
    4. Vamperius
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Correction: I thought I was using version .25 but in fact I am using v .23. I also tried v .24 - .26 and they all fail to load.
  7. eduardo4
    • supporter
    • 9 kudos
    I have an older card that does not support ray tracing (amd rx 570). Can I use all but the ray tracing for this reshade? Really love the lighting/colors...
    1. Vamperius
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you! You do not need a card that supports RTX/ray tracing to use this ReShade with the ray tracing plugin. Your card will be able to run this ReShade along with the RT plugin. However, by using the plugin expect your FPS to be affected.